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Alias 2004 Calendar
エイリアス 第6話(106)
母の死の秘密 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 敵対する犯罪組織の暗号機を入手。情報を手に入れるのに必要なDNAの場所をつかむため精神病院に潜入したが。。。
クイズ 「私に隠れてこそこそしていた。」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

SYDNEY : You worked late.
FRANCIE : Bar association dinner. One of the lawyers wanted to sue me because his chicken was undercooked. Can you believe that, an obnoxious lawyer?

CHARLIE : I want to be a singer.
FRANCIE : A singer.
CHARLIE : I wasn't going to say anything until I had everything set up. That woman, Rachel, she plays piano. When you saw us that night, we were rehearsing. We have our first gig this Friday night.
FRANCIE : A singer?
CHARLIE : Sweetheart, I'm sorry I wasn't up-front about this before, but being a lawyer, it's been my goal, my family's goal, forever, and the thought of me doing something else... I've been wanting to do something else. Fran, I've been to afraid to admit that.

MR. BRISTOW : I would have told you about the realignment, but you were in Badenweiler. I heard about what happened. It's tragic.
SYDNEY : I know about you! That you were hunted by the F.B.I.! And I know that mom died because they went after you.
MR. BRISTOW : Sydney...
SYDNEY : Every time I think I know just how awful you are, I learn something worse. But this time, I'm going to make sure you pay.

SYDNEY : After we get the code machine, they'll scan for listening devices.
VAUGHN : Technology on this thing is totally passive. The guys at Langley actually cribbed the design from a Russian device they pulled from the American embassy. The thing only works when we hit it with a microwave beam off an orbital satellite. Then it acts as a microphone. It's completely undetectable.
SYDNEY : And if they find it, they'll just think it's a bug.
VAUGHN : Exactly.

DIXON : I'm tempted, but I don't know.
SMYTHE : Sir, I've already offered to come down ten per cent.
DIXON : Ten per cent is not twenty per cent.
SMYTHE : I'll eat the tax, but that is it.

MR. BRISTOW : You don't have clearance.
SYDNEY : Clearance?
SYDNEY : To be told how my mother died.
MR. BRISTOW : There are rules, Sydney.
SYDNEY : Then you break them!
MR. BRISTOW : Just think about what you're saying. Acting cavalier about breaking the rules. Think about the last time you did something like that. I'm not a perfect man, I know that. But I am smart enough not to draw simple conclusions and then act upon them. I would think if anyone had learned that lesson, it would have been you.

FISHER : Miss Dicamila is bipolar. We were doing some, uh, relief work up in the north when she suffered a psychotic break. She's suffering from auditory hallucinations. She thinks that her government wants to kill her.

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