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Recruited: An Alias Prequel (Alias, 1)
エイリアス 第7話(107)
Color Blind
灰色の真実 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 潜入先の病院で敵に拘束されたり、必要な情報収集も難航するが、殺し屋の洗脳が解け始めてきており、かろうじて説得に成功。二人で協力して病院から脱出する。
クイズ 「彼も私と同じSD6の被害者よ。」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

MR. BRISTOW: : Who are you?
VAUGHN : Uh, I'm CIA operations officer Vaughn. I'm Sydney's handler. I cleared this meeting with Devlin. Cretchmer walked me through your S.O.P., we're safe.

VAUGHN : No. We have a problem.
MR. BRISTOW: : Fisher hasn't made contact. I know.
VAUGHN : No, we believe K-Directorate had an agent waiting in the hospital.
MR. BRISTOW: : SD-6 doesn't have confirmation of that.
VAUGHN : C.I.A. does. We have an extraction team waiting on the ready line out of Serbia. I want to pull Sydney out of there.

DR. KRESHNIK : What makes you think I work with K-Directorate?
SYDNEY : Your accent's Georgian. Georgia, former Soviet Union, their main recruiting ground. Shepard thinks I'm a patient. He's more likely to tust me than you.
DR. KRESHNIK : Except he has already attacked you.
SYDNEY : Which I could use to seal his transference by bringing his guilt to the surface and then forgiving him.
DR. KRESHNIK : I suppose you'd like your life in return. If you'll get Shepard to recall the location of Perkashov, you might just live out your life in a Chechnyan internment camp. You have until lockdown tonight.

MARTIN : You're right, I don't want to die in here.
SYDNEY : How did you get out of your room?
MARTIN : Oh, I've got good at it. I pretended...I pretended to swallow my tongue, and I lifted the keys.

MARSHALL : Whoa. Hey, company. Uh, here. I'm totally a mess in here. Sorry. Let me just...I wasn't really expecting anyone! Want to have a seat? I got a minor form of scoliosis, so the air ergonomically hugs me. Oh, you want to stretch out? I can inflate the couch.
SLOANE : I'll stand.

MARTIN : Will... finding where Perkashov is buried help you to take down the people that did this to us?
MARTIN : I left his body in marshland on the Louisana/Texas border off the I-10.

SLOANE : Where is Shepard now?
SYDNEY : He committed suicide. Something went wrong with his programming. He started remembering what he'd done. Snapped. When we were crossing over the border into Bulgaria, he jumped. Threw himself off of the bridge into Lake Scutari. There's no way he could have survived.
SLOANE : Well, if by some miracle, he did survive, I'm sure we'll hear about it sooner or later.

SYDNEY : What's burning?
FRANCIE : It's just a little oven fire.
SYDNEY : Francie, I just moved in here!
FRANCIE : I fricasseed the turkey.

MR. BRISTOW : I'm telling you because I don't want you to think it's my mission in life to keep things from you.
SYDNEY : Then why do you?
MR. BRISTOW : F.B.I. report signed by the deputy director under Carter, clearing me of having any involvment with the KGB. Sydney, you have to understand it was the height of the Cold War. After they caught Boyce and Lee in '77, everybody was under suspicion. I suppose, in a way... your mother's accident was my fault since the F.B.I. was after me. If I could give her back to you, I would. Take it.
SYDNEY : I don't need to. You should stay.

BOSS : In the interest of fairness, I reread your notes last night.
WILL : No, I know. You know what? There wasn't much there anyway.
BOSS : Well, you just need a lot more shoe leather if you want to go with the story you're looking for.
WILL : No, you're right, actually. I think it's better if we drop the whole thing.
BOSS : No, you've got enough, Will, for an initial piece on why the police are not more curious. So, you take it from that angle. We go to press on Tuesday.
shoe leatherのところ訳は「事実でガードをかためないと」となっていました。辞書では見当たらなかったのですが、「(足を使って)もっと調べて事実をつかまないと」っていうことなのでしょうかね?ご意見を→
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