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Alias a Secret Life:
An Alias Prequel (Alias, 2)
エイリアス 第8話(108)
Time Will Tell
時計の語る謎 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ ランバルディの作品の時計を入手し、黄金の太陽と組み合わせるとあるからくりがあることが分かった。それが指し示す場所に向かったシドニー達が見つけたものは。。
クイズ 「何も見当らないけど。」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

PROFESSOR BLUME : For a journalist, you have quite a remarkable (日英クイズ理解(力);しっかりした把握(答えの例はこちら♪)) of engineering principles. What is your background?
ANA : My family was in demolition.

SLOANE : Will Tippin.
JACK : Yes. He's a friend of Sydney's. He was looking into the name Kate Jones, one of her aliases. I tasked Eloise Kurtz to lead him down a dead end so he'd drop it.
SLOANE : You underestimated Tippin and Agent Kurtz's lack of field experience put us all at risk. What are you doing using a junior agent, Jack?
JACK : Talk to McCullough. I used Eloise Kurtz based on his assessment of her field ability. He gave her his highest rating. In any case, I had contingencies, all of which are now irrelevant.

SYDNEY : This wasn't security section. This wasn't standard procedure. This was a tracker and he has been constant. I have seen him three times in the past two days and I found this under my car. If there is something you want to know about me, then you ask me!
SLOANE : The sanctity of this agency requires the sacrifice of some personal freedoms. SD-6 is stepping up security. McCullough assigned the tracker. That's his province. Now, we have a briefing. Do you think you can focus?

MARSHALL : Um, now, I know we're all a bit hungry for lunch, so I'll try to use the maximum amount of brevity possible… okay, now, as a clock, this piece was far ahead of its time. Margin of error less than one second per decade, but the weirdest part about it is this gear assembly. I mean, part of that doesn't seem to serve any real purpose.

JACK : Two things concern me. While you were in Romania, Marshall noticed some computer abnormalities. I assumed it was just a system error, but it's possible he's realized that the SD-6's network's been compromised.
SYDNEY : Could Sloane trace it to C.I.A.?
JACK : I don't know. The second thing, Carl Dreyer is coming in from op comm to upgrade the biometric scanners. But if Sloane suspects a double agent, Dreyer is the one he'd turn to. If that's the case, the first thing Dreyer would do is give each of us a functional imaging test.

BOSS : You pushed me to let you pursue this.
WILL : I know.
BOSS : And then you convinced me that there was a connection between these two deaths!
WILL : I know, I know! I still think something terrible happened. June, I told you this before, if running this story's going to hurt my friend, I don't want to do it.
BOSS : You still haven't told her you're working on this, have you? Like I said, you either finish this, or I will put another writer on it. You tell her and get the quote. This goes to bed tomorrow, ten o'clock.

WILL : Oh. Oh, I got your message. You're going on another trip? That's, like, what's that? Seven this month? The bank ever going to let up?

SYDNEY : This symbol on the front. What does it mean?
DONATO : The magnific order of Rambaldi. Rambaldi's most loyal followers entrusted with safeguarding his creations. Sadly, like miost things that once were pure, criminals now use this symbol to infiltrate the order.

SYDNEY : Listen to me! Look, I thought it was the sweetest thing -- romantic, a side of him that died when she did. But last night, I discovered codes hidden inside those books! It's obviously how the KGB was sending him messages.
VAUGHN : No, what kind of codes?
SYDNEY : One-time pads. Blocks of cipher-text written in sets of five cyrillic letters.
VAUGHN : Staple of the KGB.
SYDNEY : Yeah.

MARSHALL : Hi. All right, now, who here remembers this?
SYDNEY : The golden sun I got from the church in Malaga.
MARSHALL : That's right, the polymer. If you look at it closely, hundreds of tiny imperfections. Air bubbles. Nothing unusual, right? But what is unusual is this.

VAUGHN : This is a still camera with a digital signal uplinked to a geosynchronous keyhole satellite. So, whatever's in Argentina, we won't have to wait for the pictures.
SYDNEY : Is there a transmission window?
VAUGHN : Uh, no, it's geosynchronous orbit. Just point and click.
SYDNEY : Yeah.
VAUGHN : You seem a little distracted. What, is it the test?
SYDNEY : I'm not sure I passed. And they're still watching me. It took me twenty minutes to (日英クイズ(追跡を)振り切る。答えの例はこちら♪) the guy they had tailing me.
keyhole satelliteザ・ホワイトハウス 第25話参照。

SYDNEY : Six-mile trek and we should be there.
DIXON : There are easier jobs than this.
SYDNEY : God, no kidding!

WILL : So, you're saying it's a bug?
Man : No, no, no, I'm saying it's a tarantula. This thing hops channels so fast, you could never intercept a transmission. My guess is it's encrypted to boot.
WILL : Where can you buy this?
Man : Buy this? You can't. This is government issue.
WILL : Government?
Man : My sister's husband is Secret Service. His transmitter couldn't touch this. If you ask me, I'd say it's intelligence. What's the frequency, Kenneth? Ha ha ha!

SYDNEY : Hey, I think we're almost at our way point. 32.42 by 70.01.
DIXON : What the hell are we doing here?
SYDNEY : I don't know. It feels like a wild goose chase, doesn’t it?
DIXON : Aw, damn it. I can't get a line on sight to the satellite. It's a low earth orbit. We're blocked by the mountains.
SYDNEY : Hey, give me a hand here.

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