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Original Television Soundtrack
エイリアス 第9話(109)
Mea Culpa
シドニー暗殺命令 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 武器商人の口座情報を探り出すミッションにシドニーがついている中、モグラ探しの動きも進行する。
クイズ 「彼が私を信じたか声では分からなかった。」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

タイトル : Mea Culpa

SLOANE : You're in a very difficult position, Mr. Dreyer. You've been sent to SD-6 to find a mole. Alliance must be pressure on you to deliver.
DREYER : I'm just doing my job.
SLOANE : We both are. We're both doing our job. And I look at Sydney Bristow's test results, I don't see a single spike. She didn't falter once.
DREYER : She's guilty. She's the one.

JACK : Logan Gerace. He's an accountant. He has one client: Anini Hassan. Gerace's known for his parties at his villa in Tuscany entertains dignitaries, diplomats. He's having an event Friday night. You'll be there. While Dixon's in recovery, you'll go alone. We have no in to the party. You won't be on the guest list.
SYDNEY : Shouldn't be a problem.
SLOANE : Your mission is to retrieve Hassan's offshore account number from Gerace's computer. Dead drop the info at Dinatti Park, which is five miles from the party.
SYDNEY : When do I leave?
SLOANE : Tonight.

WILL : So, this guy I know was killed. Danny Hecht. Nicest guy in the world, killed in his bathroom. And the police say there was no motive, there was no suspects. But then I stumbled upon this: There's a video blackout the night that he was killed.
NEVILLE : Weird.
WILL : That's weird, right? Well, there's more. There's a woman named Kate Jones who was supposed to be traveling with Danny to Singapore that night. So what do I do? I call around. I find this woman. Winds up she's lying to me. Her real name is Eloise Kurtz and somebody paid her to talk to me.
NEVILLE : Weird.

SLOANE : I always knew there was something about you from the first time I saw you.
SYDNEY : A lot can change in seven years.
SLOANE : It's been a lot longer than seven years. I've known your father since 1971. I met him at Langley. I knew your mother. I went to your parents' wedding. Sydney, I've known you since you were a baby. I was out of the country for most of your childhood, various operations, but I kept tabs on you. I checked in on you in my own way. I always thought of you as my daughter, even from the beginning. Well, I just wanted to let you know... before you went away.

AGENT : Okay, team's in place in Dinatti Park. I've got six armed officers stationed and waiting. One by the fountain. Two at the southern entrance. One at the western gate. Our snipers are at the north end, standing by. Awaiting Bristow's arrival. First sighting, I take her to safety.
VAUGHN : All right. Are they still scanning for gunmen?
AGENT : Yes, sir. Scan's complete. No shooters have been 20'd. I've got three operatives surrounding the park on lookout.
cf) Who's got the 20 on the shooter? (Miss Congenialityから)

WILL : Okay, okay, whatever, it sucks, all right? But it's why I wanted to become a reporter. I saw this(=movie "His Girl Friday") when I was a kid and I loved it. And I was just like, I don't know, all the quick...
FRANCIE : Repartee.
WILL : Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it just looked fun. You know, being a reporter looked fun. But it's not. It's not fun. It's a pain in the ass.

FRANCIE : Do you think I will find a good wedding dress?
WILL : Fran, it's not a Magic 8 Ball.
FRANCIE : Hellooooooo...
Magic 8 Ballの説明はこちらのサイトからの転載です。「アリーマイラブ」にも出てくるようです。

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