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アリーmyラブ 第4話(104)
The Affair
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あらすじ 恩師が亡くなり弔辞を頼まれるが、以前不倫関係にあったため、とまどう。不倫のことが未亡人に知れ対応に困ったアリーはビリーの部屋に入りびたり。ジョージアとロナルドははそれが気になって仕方がない。
クイズ 「彼の憲法の授業を取ってた」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Richard : You remember Professor Dawson?
Ally : Why? What, what are you saying?
Richard : Well, evidence! You know, crim pro. You know.
Ally : Oh, oh, yeah, oh, yeah. Of course I remember him. Why?
Richard : He, he died Monday.

Richard : Anyway, he was certainly fond of you. Evidently you were his favorite student.
Ally : Me?
Richard : Yeah.
Ally : Really?
Richard : That's what his wife says.
Ally : His wife? His, his, his wife, said, said that?
Richard : Yeah. She asked if you would be willing to be a pallbearer.

Ally : Of course I knew he was married. I, I, I just didn't want to face it. I, I, I couldn't. I didn't. I couldn't think of myself as a home wrecker. And I, I couldn't bear to think of him being in the same bed as...
Billy : So then what?
Ally : I broke it off immediately...about five months later.
Billy : Ally...did he have kids?
Ally : Of course, of course not. He///only two...little ones. It wasn't that bad what I did. I mean, I wasn't in a monogamous relationship. I wasn't betraying anybody.

Ronald : You think she's okay?
Elaine : Oh, sure she's fine. In fact, she's always a little tickled by drama. In time, she'll look back at this day and want to relive it.

Ally : That's good, except that, that the bad part is, is that she asked me to speak at the funeral.
Billy : What?
Ally : Yeah, yeah. As his favorite student. And, and I said, "Yes."
Billy : You're going to get up there in church and eulogize a man...
Ally : Elaine!
Elaine : I pulled some bio stuff on professor Dawson. I thought for the eulogy it might help to be intimate.
Ally : Thank you, Elaine.
Elaine : And you have Ronald cheanie on line three.
Ally : Tell him I'll call him back.
Elaine : His voice is beginning to take on a perturbed quality.
Ally : Elaine, tell him I'll call him back. And could you excuse us, please?
Elaine : Certainly.
Ally : So, um, ha, well, I, I guess if I can be an adulteress, it shouldn't be a stretch for me to get up and, uh...
Billy : Ally, you were close to him as a student. Just talk about that.

Billy : Hey, uh, do you want me to come to this thing?
Ally : Would you?
Billy : I had him for Con Law. I guess I could pay my respects.

Richard : This will be like a class reunion. Instead of a punchbowl, there is a coffin. But remember, reunions are meant to allow the more successful graduates to inform the less successful that, that's what they are. Less than. You and I? We're more than. Uh, especially me. I mean, I've got my own firm. I could possibly be the most. My, my point is life is all about attitude and tonight is a night for you to feel good about yourself. Yeah. That whole speech was a Fishism.

Ronald : Do you want me to go with you?
Ally : No, no, no, no. Billy and, and Richard are going to be there and, and, and I'll be fine. I, I don't need...
Ronald : Me? I, I know the backstory, Ally.
Ally : You do? Who told?
Ronald : You did. You said you and Billy basically grew up together.
Ally : Oh, oh, that, that backstory. Well, yeah, um, Billy, Billy had him as a professor and, and, and I think that he could, I, I, don't know, commiserate, or, and...
Ronald : And even though you're no longer a couple, when you feel like you're about to hit bottom, he's still the best cushion in town?
Ally : Something like that.
cf) commiserateの基本の意味は「同情する」
I can't commiserate with you about breaking up with the loser. (2番目に幸せなことから)

Georgia : I think wakes are so ghoulish.
Ally : Oh, Tell me about it. Oh, God! It's an open casket.
Georgia : Oh, can you imagine? It's a party for everybody to come and look at you dead. And an embalmer does you make-up.

Billy : What's the matter? You libido sometimes goes lockstep with your insecurity. I am not complaining. Par of me would like to keep you insecure forever but only part of me.
Georgia : Have you ever been reading that "Venus" book again?
Billy : Maybe.

Ally : Isn't this fabulous? You, you know, medical studies do show that jogging causes wrinkles and, and, and, imagine, people run to preserve their youth, and it makes them look old. Terrible. And, and, and, and if you treat this mask with a moisturizer, it, it could even be better.
Elaine : I never thought of that. Maybe Retin-A.
Ms. Dawson : Elaine, will you excuse us for a minute?
Elaine : Um, certainly. Retin-A. I wonder if you could time-release that.

Richard : Do you think she'll plug the firm?
Billy : Sorry?
Richard : Ally, in the eulogy. Think she'll plug it?
Billy : Not right off.
Richard : Do you think she likes me? Not as a man but as a human being?
Billy : How could she not?
Richard : Well, sometimes I toss some jewel Fishisms her way. She just stares back with blanks.
Billy : Well, she gets thrown by profundity sometimes.

Georgia : It's just a little odd how Ally keeps going into your office and pouring out whatever it is she's pouring out.
Billy : I know. She just has stuff going on.

Elaine : I stayed late on account of the funeral. I know how things can slip through the cracks during times of wallow.
Ally : You're a Godsend.
I know how things can slip through the cracks during times of wallow.の意味の取り方がこれでいいのか、全く自信がありません。訳は「災難続きみたいだから力になれたらって。」です。ご意見お願いします。こちらまで→
Richard : It's been a hard two days. You lost a professor you were close to. Katherine told me how close, by the way. That gave me a jump.

Ally : You hear all the things that we've heard about James Dawson and, um, they're all true. I mean, sometimes you think you know a person, and then you're not sure, but with, with James, you, you really did know him. And he, he, he is everything that the canned funeral book words say he is.

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