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アリーmyラブ 第5話(105)
One Hundred Tears Away
涙の数だけ Y

あらすじ ちょっとしたいざこざが原因で逮捕された挙句、弁護士免許の停止の危機に。
クイズ 「こんなはずじゃなかったのに」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Mrs. Clarkson : Excuse me, I was taking those.
Ally : You put them back.
Mrs. Clarkson : No, I put them down. I'm still getting them.
Ally : Well, um, I, I don't mean to be difficult, but if you were still getting them why didn't you put them in your cart instead of back on the shelf?
Mrs. Clarkson : Look, people pick items up. They put them down. They pick them up again. It's part of shopping, deciding what to buy, whether to buy. I was still in the throes of deciding whether I wanted those when you just swooped in.
Ally : "Swooped in"?
Mrs. Clarkson : Look, I don't want to be a troublemaker, but these other Pringles are the ridged ones, and I have troubles with ridges.
・in the throes of恋する遺伝子を参照。
・ridgeは靴の裏のぎざぎざとかでも使われます。(Blue Streakから)

Ally : Fine. Fine. Okay, you can have the Pringles. But, but let's just be honest here. You decided not to buy them, and when you saw that I wanted them, you decided that you wanted them back.
Mrs. Clarkson : You pissy little thing. Pushing your cart in your little Calvin Klein outfit. You probably only chose those chips 'cause I left them on the edge and you wouldn't have to pop a pore to reach them.
pop a poreの部分ですが、私は「毛穴を開かす→汗をかく(労力がかかる)」という意味にとって全体で「楽に取れるからでしょ!」って事かと思って聞いていたのですが、吹き替えでも字幕でも「(ピチピチの洋服を着ていて)手を伸ばすとボタンが飛んじゃうから」となっていました。poreにボタンの意味があるのでしょうか???ご存知の方はこちらまで→
Renee : Renee Radick, Deputy D.A. Do we really need the cufflinks?
Officer : We made an arrest.

Ally : This is unbelievable. I, I get all but accosted by this woman, and I'm the one who has to be subjected to this, this this…
Renee : Let's just get home, Ally?
Ally : Where are my things? I, I, do I at least get my belongings back?
Officer : I'm afraid we have another little problem.
Ally : Is she dead?
Officer : No, The woman's alert, meeting with her lawyer.
Renee : What's the problem?
Officer : The store does have video surveillance, and they replayed the tapes at our request. We're going to have to add shoplifting to the charges.
Ally&Renee : What?
Officer : Your contraceptive jelly.

Renee : I'm going to whisk you through arraignment and hopefully dispose of it first thing.
Ally : You're going to be the D.A.?
Renee : I'll try. But you better get yourself a lawyer because…
Ally : I, I'm going to represent myself.
Renee : Oh, no you won't!
Ally : Oh, yes I will.
Renee : We want the judge to kick this thing quickly. Judges don't like it when lawyers represent themselves. I want you to take this phone and get a hold of someone from your office. Now!

Billy : Hello?
Ally : Don't ask questions. Don't pass judgment. Don't even pass go. Just listen and accept the fact that I need help and give it to me.
pass goですが辞書に「(困難[危険]なことを)うまくやりとげる, やり通す」というのが載っていたのですが、この意味なのかよく分かりませんでした。ご意見はこちらまで→
Renee : I think we can dust this one right at the bench, Your Honor. We'd be willing to plead sufficient facts, no finding of guilt, if she's clean for a year, it gets wiped.
Judge Boyle : She mauled a woman over a bag of chips?
Renee : She tripped her. It appears to be minor.
Judge Boyle : Uh, huh. And what about stealing spermicide?
Renee : That appears to be a mistake. She placed the jelly in her pocket because she was embarrassed about being seen with it. Then after the altercation with the woman, she forgot about it.

Judge Boyle : Very well. Continued with no findings for one year. You behave yourself, you little vixen.

Georgia : Can they really suspend her?
Billy : They can, but I bet they just want to look her over, give her a warning.
Richard : Not that she'd take it. To me, Pringles shouldn't be a button-pusher.
Ally : Isn't it rude to talk about somebody like they're not in the room?
Richard : You might be in the same room, Ally, but different planet….Kidding. Bygones. Whatever.

Judge Fulham : Did you submit your dental records in court as mitigating circumstances for last night's attack?
Judge Hawk : Which attack was motivated by your inability to secure the potato chip of your choice.
Judge Pink : Ms. McBeal, we're not about to deny your due process but I'm going to be frank. We're in a time where the Bar and lawyers are increasingly subjected to public scorn. You trip people in supermarkets. You steal spermicidal jelly. You punch people on the street. I personally saw you acting very erratically on an pulpit.

Billy : Evidently that pedestrian followed you after you belted him, found out your name, and then reported you. Then Judge Boyle decided…
Ally : Oh, Billings.
Billy : What?
Ally : I, I, that, that Judge Pink guy…I've seen him before. He's a friend of Jack Billings. And this is payback!

Renee: I don't mean this in an insulting way, but you're not an sexually spontaneous person. You won't even go to bed with a man unless you storyboard it first. This means something. This has an intended. Who is it?

Mrs. Clarkson : It was definitely with malice. What you can't tell from the video is that she locked her ankle. There was no give to it.
Judge Pink : Ma'am, I think the video does speak for what happened. Our interest lies in her mental state leading to the event. Did she seem erratic to you?
Mrs. Clarkson : Well, anyone who would commit mayhem for a potato chip.
Judge Fulham : What we are trying to get at is her demeanor, her emotional state. You don't have to argue the merits of what happened. Did she sound unstable at all?

Richard : Your Honors, I'd like to apologize for Mr. Thomas's hostility, as much as I constantly stress the need for civility, he continues to have these reactions to witch hunts, particularly when they're so blatant.

Renee : Look, if you're going to stay there, you at least have to protect yourself better.
Ally : Like how?
Renee : Well, when I broke up with Willy Boot, remember second year?
Ally : Oh, do I.
Renee : Yeah. Anytime I bumped into him or saw him, I'd imagine his new girlfriend strewn all over him, and it would keep me from getting sucked back in.
Ally : I'm not getting sucked back in. I, I'm fine. Nobody's sucking me anywhere.

Judge Pink : Ms. Vassal, you work directly for Ms. McBeal, correct?
Elaine : Well, I like to think I work with her. Autonomy is a very important ingredient for personal esteem and I've always been conscious to nurture mine. I'm in constant preparation to be a mother.

Judge Pink : Did you ever tell anybody, "She was two thirds of a Rice Krispie.", "She's already snapped and crackled, and she's close to the final pop."? Did you make that representation?
Elaine : Sometimes I just say things to make people think I'm a wordsmith.

Judge Fulham : Since she is your boss, is it possible you feel a little duress to say that today?
Elaine : Let me tell you something. Not only do I like her, but I trust her as a lawyer. I've vested her with getting the patent on my face bra.
Judge Pink : You what?
Elaine : My revolutionary invention to reduce aging. The face bra. Wrinkles can just be a function of gravity. It's a miracle mask. Would you like me to demonstrate?
Judge Hawk : Yes.
Judge Pink : No. I'd like to stick to Ms. McBeal.
Elaine : Oh, take a number.

Ally : I should have known I was dead as soon as you sided with me.
Elaine : Ally, I know on occasion that my motives can be misconstrued, but you have to believe me. I would never mean to undermine you.

Elaine : It wasn't Ronald Cheanie that I told.
Ally : Then who?
Elaine : Judge Cone.
Ally : Whipper?
Elaine : I wanted her to understand how you could be such a buttinski, between her and Richard, and I wanted her to understand that you weren't acting with any malice!

Judge Pink : Since I had the fortuitous luck of being at last week's funeral where you so oddly eulogized the deceased…
Ally : Your Honor, I think Ms. Vassal already filled in some of the blanks there. This was a professor I had an adulterous affair with, something I am not proud of. I was asked to eulogize him by his wife. The, the circumstances were a little extreme, and if I was lacking in poise, I apologize.

Judge Pink : Ms. McBeal, if you have anger, feel free to express it.
Ally : But you would judge me for it, Your Honor. It would be wiser for me to sit here politely and privately pray that you should happen by me doing groceries.

Ally : That woman abused me in that supermarket. Now, yes, I overreacted, but there was a context. And as for all the other evidence against me, that, that, that stuff about me being emotional? Falling in love with men whose bottoms I've smelled. Submitting X-rays to a judge who has a tooth fetish and who sleeps with hookers. Snapping at pedestrians who think that square shoulder can be mitigated by "I am sorry"? I am human! I am temperamental! I am guilty!

Billy : How the hell could you do that? Do you have some professional death wish?
Ally : I wasn't about to just sit there and cow-tow, Billy.
Billy : There is a middle ground between cow-towing and launching grenades, Ally.

Wipper : Wrong chambers again, Happy.
Judge Boyle : Oh, damn. I don't know why I keep walking in a door too soon. One of these days I'm apt to come in and catch you naked.
Wipper : And you'd just ask to see my teeth. Good catching up with you, Happy.
Judge Boyle : I have penile atrophy, you know?
Wipper : Oh, that's nice. Good to see you.

Richard : Uh, good news. My mole says they're still on the fence. If you go in and act civilized, humble, remorseful, you'll probably just get a light censure. Can you do that? I think you can, can you do that?
Ally : Yes.
on the fenceダークエンジェル第6話参照。

Wipper : Just what is she guilty of? You certainly don't drag in every attorney who commits a crime.
Judge Pink : No. But every attorney who appears to be emotionally unstable, or mentally unfit…
Wipper : A man acts passionate, we call him impassioned. A woman…She's emotional.
Judge Hawk : I'm confused. Not only was it another woman asking us to investigate her…It was you!
Wipper : And I was wrong.
Judge Hawk : Yes, well, ding-ding-dong. The bell doesn't unring quite so loudly.
"The bell doesn't unring"ですが、この表現そのままではweb上でも見当たらなく、似た表現で
・You can't unring the bell.
・We cannot unring what has happened

Judge Hawk : Forgive me, Whipper. You're an able judge but as character references go, you don't turn tides, you're a bit of a kook yourself.
Wipper : Hey! I am on this Board.
Judge Pink : But you're not sitting today, nor should you be. Do you really mean to be selling yourself as objective? 20 minutes from now you'll be fondling Mr. Fish on his favorite futon. You don't think we know the scoop on you? Now, go tease your hair and let us conduct our business.

Judge Fulham : Is there anybody else to champion your interests, or might you quit while only slightly behind?
Billy : I'd like to be heard.
Judge Fulham : Splendid.
Billy : First, in the spirit of no surprises, it was my bottom she smelled 20 years ago.

Billy : And whatever virus you think she's got, we should all be so lucky to be infected a little
Judge Pink : I think you all have been.
Billy : Hey!

Elaine : I think my testimony swayed them.
Richard : I agree, but we won anyway. That was real teamwork in there. We even rode the Whip!
Richard : Whip, Elaine, double-team me.
Wipper : You got it.
Elaine : Absolutely.

Ally : Renee, I'm going to, uh, meet you at home. I'm…I'm zonked.
Renee : What?
Georgia : We have to celebrate.
Ally : No…
Renee : And you have that whole tube to use up.
Ally : Shut up.

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