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チャームド 第36話(214)
Pardon My Past
過去の因縁 Y
Full Transcript
あらすじ 突然見えない敵から襲われ始めたフィービー。それは過去の自分と何か関係があるのではないかと。。。
クイズ 「あなたに同情なんかしないわ。」ってどう言う?  答えはリスト内にあるよ。

Piper : Maybe next time we can trim the guest list by one.

Prue : Piper. I had to invite Leo. He was at the club when I went to go pick up the supplies. He knew that we were throwing a party.

Phoebe : arachnophobia , kleptophobia , phallusphobia

以前、このHands down.が分からなく質問事項にしていたのですが、めでたく解決しました!というか「読めて聴ける英語」の中のチャームド表現集ページで教わりました(笑)。私はこれを動詞だと思って「hand down」の項を調べていたのですが、hands down でひきなおしたところ、ちゃんと形容詞や副詞的な用法で辞書に載っていました。お騒がせしました。Special Thanks to 龍二さん!
Leo: My favorite ball player? Joe DiMaggio. Hands down.
Dan: DiMaggio. No. I meant when you were growing up.

Dan : How long have you been out ?

Dan : Well, I was on my way back to the office. You know, crunch some numbers .

Leo : I don’t think it is. I…I think it’s trying to warn you. Give you a chance to do something about it. Maybe it’s because you get premonitions .

Past Piper : Hurry up with that giggle water , Jake. We have thirsty people waiting.

Phoebe : Maybe she can remember what happened.
Prue: Can you say long shot ?

Phoebe : Do you remember when you were a little girl back in 1924? You used to go to a speakeasy that was run by three cousins.

Phoebe : Well, bright side, at least I don’t have to worry about ending up in a place like this in my golden years .

Anton : They’re good witches, my love, which is why I gave you this amulet to wear.

Piper : Phoebe, whatever happened, you can’t blame yourself. It wasn’t really you.
Phoebe: But that’s the thing . It was me, or at least a part of me that I can relate to.

Phoebe : Anton could glamour into looking like anyone he wanted to. That’s how he lured Past Piper. He glamoured into her former lover.

Prue : We probably have a better chance of looking in the Book of Shadows under Anton.

Phoebe : I want you to come with me to the retirement home .

Piper : You’re not getting any sympathy out of me.

Prue : You don’t think that we actually vanquished him?

Phoebe : I don’t want to take any chances. I just hope my future me is somewhere near this book if he ever strikes again.
Prue: Something tells me that we’re always going to be near it. Always have been. Always wll be.
California and water. The two always have been, and always will be, inextricably linked.これをみて「あっ、これチャームドのせりふと似てる!」って思いました。ということは、この表現って別にプルーが作った表現ではなく、こういう表現自体が決まり文句であるのかも?って思いました。とりあえず、メモしときます。ちなみにinextricablyは「分けることが出来ないほど」です。

Prue : It’s not just you, you know. I mean, we all have a little bad in us.

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