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The Gypsy Enchantment
チャームド 第37話(215)
Give Me A Sign
夢追い人 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 以前プルー達を襲った男が魔物に狙われた。運良くその場を逃れるとプルーをさらい、力を貸すように言うのだが。。。
クイズ 「だからこそ余計逃げなきゃ」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Phoebe : You’re thinking of becoming a professional photographer?
Prue: Yeah, why? You don’t think that I should?
Phoebe: No, no I mean, I think it’s great if that’s what you want to do. It’s just...
Prue: It’s just what?
Phoebe: Well, uh... isn’t photography just a really dicey profession money-wise? Ow, ow!!
Phoebe: You know, all I’m saying is that how many women professional photographers do you know?
Prue: I know, and that’s a totally fair question, one that I’ve been wrestling with a lot lately, like ever since I quit my job.

Phoebe : I beseech all powers above, send a sign to free my sister’s heart, one that will lead her to her love.

Piper : Bane Jessup. Why does that name sound familiar?
Phoebe: Because he is the guy our favorite demon hired to 86 us, remember?
Piper: The one we thought Prue liked?
Phoebe: Yes.

Piper : The deliveryman said he got a sign.
Phoebe: Mmm.
Piper: Leonardo’s Boutique and Bodega Bay. Leo, short for Leonardo, Bodega Bay, where Dan is from.
Piper: Don't act blonde . You cast that spell, didn’t you.

Reporter : I’m reporting live from the county jail, where an inmate escaped earlier this morning. A massive manhunt has been launched to find the escapee . A man by the name of Bane Jessup, who was awaiting trial for racketeering, money laundering, and embezzlement.

Detective Morris : Anyway, we believe that Bane's holed up somewhere. Maybe there’s something in there that can tell you where.
Piper: So what the hell is he doing? Oh God I hope he’s not hurting her.

Prue : Besides, it’s probably better just to stay put, you know, I mean now that we’ve been sighted, they’ll expect for us to take off. Speaking of things that need to be taken off your um, pants.
Bane: Excuse me?!
Prue: Well, I need to get to the, um, wound.
Bane: Forget it!
Prue: Okay, you know what? It’s just going to get infected. So you can either take off your pants on your own, or I can always do it by force .

Bane : Prue, why are you still here?
Prue: Because umm, I believe you.
Bane: Well thank you. It’s been a long time since someone believed in me.
Prue: Maybe that’s because you stopped believing in yourself.
Bane: You known, I haven’t always been like this. Wrong side of the law , always looking over my shoulder, I had dreams once. Big dreams.
Prue: It’s not too late to change now.
cf) get on the wrong side of the law 「警察ざたになる」(プログレッシブから)
look over one's shoulderダークエンジェル第0話Part 1参照。

Litvack : Take me to this mortal’s dream house.
Servant: What? They gotta be long gone by now.
Litvack: But their essence remains. I’ll need to tap into it if I expect to reach their minds.
Servant: Reach their minds? To what end?
Litvack: Theirs. The source likes it when I feed them witches. That’s how I got to where I am.
To what endロズウェル第3話参照。

Bane : Listen, do you guys have any peroxide and stuff? I think I should clean this up.
Prue: Uh, yeah. Upstairs bathroom, medicine cabinet.
Bane: Thanks.
cf) with peroxided-blonde hair (If Tomorrow Comes by Sidney Sheldonから)

Prue : Phoebe, I'm going to help him.
Piper: Think about this. How well do you really know him?
Prue: Regardless, Litvack has to be vanquished, whether Bane is on our side or not.
Phoebe: It would be nice to know that ahead of time . Minimize the surprises.
Prue: You really want to minimize them? Help me find Litvack in The Book of Shadows.

Litvack : Hello Bane. It's a telepathic connection. I'm only in your mind.
Bane: How did you find me?
Litvack: The essence. This dream house of yours reeks of it. It's a beautiful place. Too bad you won't live long enough to enjoy it.

Litvack : By the way, your essence isn't the only one I sense here. You bedded a witch.

Piper : Wh... he didn’t freeze. He...he didn’t freeze.
Litvack: I’m immune to the parlor tricks of witches. What’s the matter? Bane didn’t tell you about that power?
Prue: He said he didn’t know.
Litvack: He knew. He just didn’t tell ya. He showed his true colors. His true evil colors.

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