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ダークエンジェル (103)
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あらすじ 体調が悪くなり皆の家賃用のお金で薬を購入してしまったマックスを心配したシンディ達は、あやしげな薬と勘違いして捨ててしまう。ピンチになったマックスは薬を盗みに病院に忍び込むが捕まってしまい。。
クイズ 「何して(留置所に)入ってるんだ」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

VENDOR : You're in luck.
MAX : Thank God.
VENDOR : Stuff's getting hard to find. One thing I don't get...Tryptophan? It's just a food supplement and you're acting like a junkie who scored a fix.
MAX : Girl needs her amino acids.

LOGAN : Hiya.
MAX : You paged me?
LOGAN : I thought you might want to join me for dinner.
MAX : I don't want to put you to any trouble.
LOGAN : Well, it's nothing fancy. Just one of my run-of-the-mill spur-of-the-moment culinary miracles.
MAX : I'm not real hungry. Feeling kind of punk.
LOGAN : Ah...a glass of pre-pulse Tokay Pinot Gris'll cure what ails you. (Suddenly, the lights go out) Now you have to stay because even you shouldn't be wandering around out there during a brownout.
MAX : I've got a wicked headache as it is.
LOGAN : You know, there was a time when this city actually worked...
MAX : Or so they say. What were you doing when the pulse hit?
LOGAN : On my uncle's yacht motoring into Friday Harbor on Orcas Island with a lady friend.
MAX : Why does that not surprise me?
LOGAN : I knew the end of the world was coming when the Sat-Nav crashed and, uh, we ran aground.

KENDRA : I put the money in an envelope, and I put the envelope in this box, and now it's gone.
WALTER : You know, I could take it out in trade. But I'm a married man.
KENDRA : You're a real pillar of virtue, Walter. Your wife's a lucky woman.

KENDRA : What?
MAX : Spent it.
KENDRA : You spent it?
WALTER : All right, come on, ladies. You're trespassing.
MAX : Hold the phone, Walter. You'll get your payola, okay? Anyway, you're three days early.
WALTER : Times are tough.
MAX : You'll get it in the morning.

MAX : Hey, I need to borrow some money just until tomorrow.
CINDY : I shouldn't even be speaking to you after last night. You stood me up.
MAX : I wasn't feeling well.
CINDY : You could have called instead of leaving me on a solo tip.
MAX : I spaced, so get off my back, okay?
CINDY : What is your dealio today?
MAX : You don't want to know. So, how about that loan?
CINDY : Out of chips, baby girl.

MAX : Come on. It's brand-spanking-new.
MECHANIC : What happens when the gangsters come looking for their ride?
MAX : It'll be in a million pieces by then.
MECHANIC : Like I'm going to end up.

MAX : I needed the money for medicine 'cause i'm not feeling well.
CINDY : Cause you're strung out. Straight up jonesed.

KENDRA : The program works if you work it...believe me, I know.
CINDY : Really? What was your D.O.C.?
KENDRA : Tattoos. I was covered with them. I looked like a human Christmas tree. Couldn't stop myself.

ORDERLY : What were you doing in there?
MAX : Looking for a bathroom.
ORDERLY : Uh-uh. Security's on the way.
MAX : Since when is it against the law for a girl to make sissy?
ORDERLY : Junkie skeeze.
make sissysis(おしっこ)を参考にしました。

GUARD : Hands. Let's go. Come on. Put your hands on the desk, and, uh...feet apart, huh? What do you got here, huh? A set of keys, lip balm...cherry flavor, pack of chewing gum...also cherry flavor, and some small bills totaling...21 dollars.
MAX : Try $75, if you can count.
GUARD : I told you to keep your hands on the desk. See, I bet you're used to this, aren't you? Let me ask you how much does a strung-out little skeeze bag tramp like you go for these days?
BREAK : Ask your wife.

LOGAN : Any idea where she might be? I've been paging her all morning.
CINDY : Maybe she don't want to talk to you.
LOGAN : Sorry?
CINDY : She's off the candy.
LOGAN : Ahh...you're losing me here.
CINDY : Yeah, right. Like I didn't notice that all this stuff started about the time you and her met.
LOGAN : Okay, I'm officially lost.
CINDY : I know all about rich guys like you...turning a girl out. Making her into your strawberry. Original Cindy took the drugs you gave Max and flushed them.

MAX : I'd give my ass and hat for a glass of milk.
BREAK : I could use a vodka tonic, but here we are.
MAX : It has Tryptophan in it.
BREAK : Whatever that is.
MAX : Takes the edge off. So you think I can get some?
BREAK : What, vodka?
MAX : No, milk.
BREAK : Well, let me see what I can rustle up. I have a business arrangement with a guard I met my first time in here. He has a thing for stiletto heels. He made my previous stay more pleasant and when I got out, I reciprocated.

CINDY : Let go of me, you rat-soup-slurpin' rankle-ass pepper-gut no-good stank-lovin' donut-eatin' peep-oppressin' po-po son of a bitch.
GUARD : All right, what's the charge here?
MATT : Solicitation.
CINDY : Try participation. First he buss, then arrests me.
MATT : Had to be sure a criminal violation had in fact occurred, didn't I?
CINDY : Pig.

MAX : Where am I?
MARIA : Warden's house. Don't get your hopes up. You're still inside the wire. What's your name?
MAX : Max.
MARIA : Maria. Heard you tried to escape.
MAX : Yeah. Turns out they frown on that kind of thing.

CINDY : Hey! Where'd you get that?
BREAK : What's it to you?
CINDY : This is Max's.
BREAK : You know her?
CINDY : I'm her homegirl, and if you touched one hair on her head...
BREAK : Take it easy. I'm her homegirl, too. She gave this to me right before she tried to bust out of here.

VOGELSANG : (on a phone) Mr. Lydecker? It's Vogelsang. I got a call from a contact of mine who works as a bull over at Langford. I-I-I put the word out awhile ago that anyone that comes through the system with a bar code tattoo...that he should drop a dime and, well, he did. Well, one of the inmates...uh, a girl...she tried to escape last night. Almost made it. Yeah. See, Mr. Lydecker, I-I told you I'd play ball with you. M-Mr. Lydecker?

BREAK'S FRIEND : I hooked your friend up. Put her on a work detail in the warden's house.
BREAK : Oh. Well, I see a pair of six-inch, black, patent-leather pumps in your future.

KENDRA : Sounds like you all are lucky to be alive.
CINDY : Mmm. Original Cindy looked into the jaws of death and saw her own face.
MAX : Listen to the mama of drama over here. You took a hell of a chance coming in after me, though.
CINDY : You'd do the same for me. Besides, we're the ones who put you in there.
KENDRA : So Max, Original Cindy and I have been talking it over.
CINDY : Mm-hmm. Trouble follows you around like the tail on a dog. We're getting the vibe there's something going on that you don't want us to know about for some reason.
KENDRA : Cause maybe you think we can't handle it?
CINDY : But we can, 'cause we down like that.
MAX : I don't know what you guys are talking about.
mama of dramaという表現が一般的かどうかは不明ですがweb上で使われていたのはダークエンジェル関係のページだけでした。(Jan. 25, 2003現在)

MAX : How do you put this stuff together, Logan? The father runs a dairy farm. The mom's a local schoolteacher. They've always wanted kids, and to top it all off...she gets her own room
LOGAN : And a pony.
MAX : Forget Maria, I'm living with these people.

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