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ダーク・エンジェル 第1話(106)
ジュード Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 遺伝子治療の研究結果が学会で発表されるという話を聞きつけ、偽の身分証で忍び込むマックス。そこにはライデッカーの姿も。。
クイズ 「ありがとう」って言われて「こちらこそ」ってどう言う?  答えはリスト内にあるよ。

KENDRA : Actually, it's kind of dope. This doc-- his name is Tanaka-- took this crack baby born three months premature. The kid had the I.Q. of broccoli. Doc goes to work on him. Six years later, he's a boy genius. Isn't he a cutie pie?
MAX: So, they fixed him by futzing with his genes after he was born?
KENDRA: I guess.
MAX: Can I take a look at this?
KENDRA: Long as you don't make me late for the conference.
MAX: Got you covered.

MAX : There's a conference at the Steinlitz hotel. A scientist, Dr. Tanaka, is presenting a paper on genetic research.
LOGAN: Yeah, I think I heard something about that.
MAX: I want to check it out.
LOGAN: You have my blessing .

LOGAN : Think he can help you with your seizures?
MAX: Worth looking into. You know, you ought to come down there with me. Dr. Tanaka talks about how by using the body's genetic blueprints it can re-engineer itself. If the man's on the level you'd be walking around in no time.
LOGAN: You know what, Max. I'm having a hard enough time dealing with the here and now. You want to go listen to whatever pie in the sky Dr. Feelgood's hustling. Be my guest. Just leave me out of it, okay?
MAX: Okay. I was just...
LOGAN: Just don't. I'll call you if I can swing the conference thing.
swingって0話でも出て来ましたね。At least he didn't swing with your ride.「彼女は最高」でもHow did you swing that one?と出てきてたけど、よく使う単語なんですかねぇ。ちなみに意味は「手に入れる・盗む」

SKETCHY : How was everybody's weekend?
HERBAL: Good, good.
CINDY: Speak for yourself. Had a tragic Saturday night. Finally got to kick it with my lickety-boo, k.
MAX: Chrisette?
CINDY: Check it. We have a couple beers, shoot some pool, sister girl drop she go both ways.

CINDY : I can live with bisexual. It ain't perfect, but at least she halfway there. But then sugar tells me that she has this big one love affair with one of the other lickety chicks which ended badly, so her heart is broken. So now she is celibate .

HERBA : Yes, but it's all good.
CINDY: It is not all good. All good would be her and me chillin' .

MAX : I'm clammy and achy with chills. I got a fever. I'm burning up. Feel my forehead.
NORMAL: No, thank you. Get a note from your doctor.

LOGAN : Sorry for getting pissy before.
MAX: No big dealio.

MAX : I'm curious. You know how when you try to resequence nucleotides you always end up with one stray intron? Have you ever considered using plasmids to transfect the new base-pair vectors directly into the codon sequence so that that won't happen? I mean, one bad intron can mess up everything.
TANAKA: Interesting. I never considered that.

TANAKA : This is Jude Thatcher at birth. He weighed just 31/2 pounds. He needed oxygen because his lungs were underdeveloped . He had no swallowing reflex, so had to be fed intravenously. He was addicted to crack cocaine. His mother, incarcerated for drug abuse and prostitution could not afford the most basic health care. Jude was heading for an early and unlamented grave until our foundation stepped in and took over the health management of the child. We began an intensive course of surgical, pharmacological and genetic intervention. The results were encouraging. This is Jude at two years, six months. This is Jude at four years. And this is Jude today, living proof that there are no limits to what the human body can achieve with the right training and environment.

MAX : At Manticore, Lydecker used to tell us the same thing-- "there are no limits. "What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve... With the right training." Only we could still get shot and killed like Eva starve to death... Or drown. I've often wondered why we didn't just turn on him. We were stronger, faster. Any one of us could have snapped his neck before he knew what hit him, but we were too scared and he knew it.

KENDRA : You gotta watch out for the older ones-- less testosterone and more charm, but it's... Still all about banging the gong. You bailing?
MAX: Not a chance.
cf) ・flaunt the testosterone.
・Oozing testosterone?
・A testosterone injury?

LYDECKER : Tanaka's recombinant technology is groundbreaking . It's why I'm here. The children I work with, their genetic anomalies make them gifted and they also make them flawed.

TANAKA : Thank you. Thank you so much. Jude is an extraordinary boy. A singular creation, whose very life is the culmination of decades of genetic research. Jude is also a messenger bringing good news to each and every one of us.
singularって副詞の形で第0話で使ってましたね。singularly beautiful faceって。ちなみに意味は「並外れて」

LYDECKER : Well, I'm no ophthalmologist but I think it has to do with the hardening of the crystalline lens which doesn't contract the way it used to.
TANAKA: That's right. Now, what if i told you that what you refer to as aging is already written in the genetic code and that, if I ... snipped here ... grafted here and used some of your own RNA to seal the graft, you could throw away your glasses?
LYDECKER: You would be my hero.
TANAKA: Thank you. You may sit down. Thank you. This same technique also allows us to treat and cure far more distressing conditions such as congenital blindness, deafness even severe neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's Parkinson's, epilepsy. All these can be remedied by manipulation of their genetic code-- a minor rewriting...

CINDY : What you eatin' on?
SKETCHY: Tomato with endive and watercress.

MAX : What are you gonna do with him?
DARIUS: Give him a home, a family, where he can live like a real human being.
LYDECKER: And grow up to spout slogans and shoot people.

CINDY : She's hot, but what's Original Cindy supposed to do? Wait around and see if this celibate thing is just a phase?
HERBAL: If that's meant to be, it'll be.
CINDY: Listen to Doris Day over here.
Doris Dayさんは'60〜'70にご活躍のアメリカの女優/歌手だそうです。でもなぜ「彼女(歌?)を聴く」で「いつも同じ」というニュアンスになるのかは分かりません。こういう時、文化を知らないとせりふが理解できないんですよねぇ。

Doris Dayさんは「ケ・セラセラ」の歌を歌われてた歌手の方で、この歌の内容が「なるようになるさ。」という内容だったのでHERBALが言ったせりふにCINDYは反応して「なんだ、Doris Dayの歌みたいなこと言うなぁ」と言ったみたいです。「読めて聴ける英語」の龍二さんからまた教わりました。一般常識の勉強になりました。いつもありがとうございます。m( _ _ )m ('02/07/30)

SKETCHY : So, let's check it out. Maybe we'll catch a shoot-out or something.
CINDY: Somebody's gotta make sure he don't get into trouble.
CINDY: See that? Now don't even try telling me that it's all good.
HERBAL: All the time.
CINDY: No, that is evil, straight up .
HERBAL: Yes, it's evil.
CINDY: W-wait, so if it's all good all the time and you acknowledge that what just happened is evil well, aren't you sort of saying evil is good?
HERBAL: Yes, now you understand. You have to forgive evil, all right? But love in spite of evil.
CINDY: You need to put down the spliff because it is clouding your mind.
SKETCHY: Now, I'm going to have to more or less agree with Original Cindy on this one, Herbal. And I ain't no stranger to stoner logic. The guy looked pretty damn dead.

LOGAN : A friend of mine was at this conference.
SUNG: A few folks got out when all this started. What's the name?
LOGAN: Glasser, Rachel Glasser.
SUNG: Still unaccounted-for . I'm sorry.

MILITARY MAN : So, how do you know this clown , Darius?
LOGAN: I interviewed him several times for a story I was doing a few years back, and he's no clown. He's very serious, and, obviously, very dangerous.

LOGAN : Mr. Darius, this is Logan Cale.
DARIUS: Logan Cale. It's been awhile. How'd you get drafted into this?
LOGAN: Oh, that's not important. What is important is the safety of your hostages.
DARIUS: And you have 33 minutes, or there's going to be one less to worry about.
one less to worry aboutってセット的な言い方かも。(Little Mermaidから)"He would have died.""One less human to worry about!"。あと、「〜する必要がある人が一人減る」という状況で別のバーションも。(X-Menから)I think you've got one less person to be afraid of.

DARIUS : Nothing like a good massacre to stir up public opinion against these butchers. People need to know what they've done to this country... The human race... The entire planet.
LOGAN: What century are you living in, Darius? Nobody's ever going to hear about this. The authorities will turn your martyrdom into a nonevent and it will be history that never happened. Is that what you want? Because it doesn't need to be that way. If you can guarantee the hostages' safety I can help you get your message out.
LOGAN: I have contacts who'd be willing to tell your story and no one would be able to stop it. On that, you have my word. But first, I need you to release the hostages

LYDECKER : He's a good little soldier.
MAX: He's a scared kid.
LYDECKER: Fear accomplishes nothing . I hope he learns that now if he hasn't already.
MAX: Is that what you teach those kids of yours? To shake it off and move on, like nothing happened?
LYDECKER: You look like you were around in the days before the pulse. Your parents brought you over to visit your little friends. Carpools to soccer games... Art schools. And do you really think, Miss Glasser, that your childhood prepared you for the life that you have to live now?
MAX: My childhood wasn't quite like that.

LYDECKER : We can't pretend the world runs on love. Survival of the fittest.
MAX: Yeah, it's all about survival.
LYDECKER: I do hope that boy gets out of this in one piece.
MAX: Hope? That's a strange word coming from a man with your take on things.
LYDECKER: Anachronistic ... Language. I wish I could speak digitally. Point is, it'd be a shame to see Tanaka's work go to waste. I'd like to observe the boy... For my own research.

LOGAN : I go in as a good faith gesture, he releases the women.
SUNG: What about the other hostages?
LOGAN: He wants transport to a civilian airstrip before he hands them over.
ARMY MAN: He's not getting that, no way.
LOGAN: Okay, one step at a time. Let me go in there, talk to him, face to face.
ARMY MAN: Now you need to be clear on two things: We don't have to honor any deals you make... And I'm not guaranteeing your safety.
LOGAN: I'm not asking you to.

DARIUS : Because we're fighting for humanity... We're making a gesture of humanity. The women are free to go. You'll be escorted to the lobby. Any games , you'll be shot.
If you try anything if your men come anywhere near this building hostages will die. You got that? あと他に、Don't get any funny ideas.とかTry anything funny and〜。という表現が他の映画でありました。

We're making a gesture of humanity.ってどういう意味でしょう?ご意見はこちらまで→


LOGAN : We meet again.
DARIUS: Accident, or did you stick your nose where it wasn't wanted?
LOGAN: Something like that.
DARIUS: You'd think you would have learned your lesson.
LOGAN: You'd think.
We meet again.って現在形で言うもの?って言ってもネイティブがそう言ってるんだからそうなんだろうけど。。。う〜ん?
You'd think.ってどういう意味・ニュアンスでしょうか?「事故か?それともまた余計なことにでも首をつっこんだのか?」「まあ、そんなところだ」「おまえもそれで懲りたんじゃないのか?」で、You'd think.これって、「おまえだったら懲りるかもしれないけど」っていうこと?それとも「普通だったら(一般的な人のyou)そうかもな」っていうこと?それとも別の意味でしょうか?ご意見お待ちしています。→

のどっちかかなぁと今は思っています。ちなみに、この後のダークエンジェル第10話「Female Trouble」で似た形
("You would’ve thought〜." "You would’ve thought .")の会話が出てきています。
MAX: You would’ve thought Vertes knew Lydecker long enough to figure he can’t be trusted.
LOGAN: You would’ve thought.

LYDECKER : Pretty chivalrous offering yourself in place of the ladies.
LOGAN: I'm old-fashioned.
LYDECKER: Also a little crazy getting yourself mixed-up in this.

MAX : What are you doing here?
LOGAN: I was going to ask you the same question. I went to a lot of trouble to get you released.
MAX: What were you thinking exchanging yourself for us?!
・exchange A for B
・replace A with B

ARMY MAN : He's out of time.
SUNG: What about the hostages?
ARMY MAN: They're expendable . We're going to show these idiots who's in charge.

JUDE : What's going to happen to me now?
MAX: It's okay. You don't have to be brave anymore. Let it all out . It's all right.

LYDECKER : Hey! Hey, what the hell are you men doing?
ARMY MAN: Interrogating the prisoner, sir.
LYDECKER: Under the laws of this country, this individual's entitled to due process. You want him showing up for arraignment looking like this?
ARMY MAN: No, sir.
due processってしかるべきプロセスで一語づつでも意味は通るけど辞書にdue processで「〔米法〕 法の適正手続き」とあったのでセットで覚えてもいいかも。

MAX : Hey.
LOGAN: Hey, yourself. Ordering myself a new wheelchair. Looking for one with the jet thrusters.
MAX: Thanks for bailing the gals out of there today... Myself included.
LOGAN: Right back at you . Taking a header off that building was above and beyond the call.
callってなんでしょう?「短い訪問」→ちょっと立ち寄ったどころじゃない?、「要求・要請」→あそこまでのことをしたかったわけじゃない?。あのビルから頭から飛び降りるのは何をはるかに超えてるんでしょう?callをどう考えていいのか分からないのですが、辞書にgo beyond the call of dutyで義務以上のことをするとあったのですがこれとちょっと形似てるし、意味も通るんだけどなぁ。ご意見をお願いします。→
callは「要求・要請」でいいと思いますよ。 beyond the call = beyond the (call of) need ≒ unnecessary ですね! でも、beyond the needbeyond the call of need はあまり聞きません。 あと、above and beyond beyond の強調だから、 「あのビルから頭から飛び降りるのは“必要性を”はるかに超えてる」
beyond the call of dutyというフレーズで使うのがいちばん一般的なようです!
Googleでのbeyond the call of duty検索
Googleでのbeyond the call検索
とのことです。ありがとうございます!m( _ _ )m ('02/08/11)

MAX : How sick is that? But, for some reason, I couldn't let it happen. I have no idea why.
LOGAN: Life good, murder bad?
MAX: I'm not that high-minded .

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