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2003 Calendar
ダーク・エンジェル 第3話(107)
Cold Comfort
ブリン Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 連れ去られたブリンを救出すべくライデッカーを拉致するが、中国に売り渡そうとする別の計画が動いていた。
クイズ 「往診はしてますか?」ってどう言う?  答えはリスト内にあるよ。

NORMAL : Yeah, well, I'd like to take off every June 12, but I don't.
HERBAL: What's June 12?
NORMAL: June 12 is the birthday of my personal hero and perhaps the nation's greatest visionary George Herbert Walker Bush. Born 1924, in what used to be called Milton, Massachusetts before the Pulse.

NORMAL : Put this on.
SKETCHY: What is it?
NORMAL: It's the shape of things to come , my friend. This is the prototype for the new Jam Pony safety jerkin which each of you will soon be required to wear at all times.

NORMAL : Ah It(=jerkin) will make our riders more visible to other vehicles and lend a more uniform appearance to the generally scruffy look of you bums.
SKETCHY: Even though people are hungry out there, they will throw food at us if we wear something this bogus.
NORMAL: You'll wear it and you'll like it. You can also say good-bye to the graffiti in this place and hello to a nice fresh coat of institutional beige, as well as digital locators so I can keep tabs on you deadbeats at all times.

MAX : Where's the money come from to pay for this fascist, wet dream of yours, Normal?
NORMAL: From our soon-to-be new owner, Mr. Gurmook Sivapathasundaram, who's on his way from Bangalore, India, as we speak.
ORIGINAL CINDY: He's buying this place?
NORMAL: Yes, as an investment, and he's empowered me to institute a wide range of reforms to get Jam Pony running more efficiently.
MAX: Maybe you should start with fixing the can in the Ladies room.
NORMAL: Well, in due course. First order of business, I want all unauthorized signage graffito and the like, removed from your lockers. I don't want Mr. Sivapathasundaram walking in here and finding a great big, fat mess.

MAN : Familiar with the Vatican situation?
LYDECKER: Only what I read in the paper.
MAN: New Pope's come out against our friends in the Italian parliament. He's popular. Keeps at it, he's going to bring down the whole Mediterranean coalition.
LYDECKER: Consider it done.

LYDECKER : Maybe you can do something for me. See if you can get the committee to come up with more funds so I can bring Manticore to stage three.
MAN: I'm behind you on this. You know it, Deck But with these people it always comes down to the same thing-x5. I need to be able to tell them that you're making progress.
LYDECKER: What do you think I'm in Seattle for, the weather? I'm closing in on one right here in the city.

MAX : So, we're just going to let Lydecker have her?
ZACK: You want us to go after her and give him a shot at a hat trick?
MAX: We can't just do nothing.
ZACK: We're not going to breach op-sec for some half-assed rescue attempt. You need to accept what happened and move on. Is that clear?

SKETCHY : If he's allowed to go unchecked , we are a heartbeat away from compulsory urine testing at Jam Pony.
HERBAL : What would he be testing for?
ORIGINAL CINDY: Knowing Normal, probably flavor.
SKETCHY: If this deal with this Indian dude goes through, Normal gets more power, control and the money to back it up, we better start looking for new jobs.
HERBAL: Only there aren't any.
ORIGINAL CINDY: Everything was chill until this Sivapatha-Cinderella decided to make Jam Pony part of his business empire.
SKETCHY: Maybe he'll change his mind when he sees the place.
ORGINAL CINDY: Or maybe we can help him.
flavorってmarijuana flavorってことなのかと思うのですが辞書等確認できませんでした。ご存知の方は教えてください。よろしくお願いします。こちらまで→

LOGAN : Our friend Lydecker's a first-rate spook. Whatever operation he's got going here, he's covering it up pretty good.
ZACK: Did you look in the yellow pages under "black helicopter operations"?
LOGAN: Oh, another Manticore wit.
MAX: Okay, so we can't find his crew. Maybe we can find his crib or where he hangs. Maybe he's part of a bowling league or something.

LOGAN : Here are his D.O.D. Records. Donald Michael Lydecker. Born 1968. Enlisted in the army right out of high school. Married his hometown sweetheart.
MAX: Oh, touching.
LOGAN: Accepted to O.C.S. Graduated top of his class. Assigned to third ranger battalion. Saw action in Panama, Kuwait, Somalia. Made captain. Assigned to delta force. Legion of merit, Purple Heart.
MAX: Yeah, yeah, we get the point.
LOGAN: Looks like he was on the fast track until '95. Wife was murdered. Killer was never found.
ZACK: Probably did it himself.
LOGAN: His behavior became erratic. Half a dozen disciplinary infractions: Insubordination, disorderly conduct. D.U.I. Bought himself a dishonorable discharge and last but not least, an ADAP(=Alcohol and drug abuse program-rehab for military personnel) admissions form from 1996.

LOGAN : Notwithstanding what I told G.I. Joe, here, you do realize that you're going after a man who's spent the last ten years trying to hunt you down.
MAX: I've spent the last ten years looking for him. And Brin and the others. It's what's kept me going.
LOGAN: Just make sure it's not what gets you killed.

ORIGINAL CINDY : Is there any special dress code for tomorrow?
NORMAL: No, as long as you look businesslike.
ORIGINAL CINDY: Maybe I should lose the afro puffs . I don't want to come across too ethnic.
NORMAL: You'll have to use your own judgement on that.
ORIGINAL CINDY: I know that India can be a really conservative place when it comes to the role of women and sexuality and so forth, but when Mr. Sivapath...
NORMAL: Sundaram.
ORIGINAL CINDY: When he looks at me, he's going to see a hardworking employee, not some diesel dom, trolling for flat-tailed obedient, white-bottomed girl to be my love toy. You got Original Cindy's word on that.
afro puffsの髪型してる女の子の写真(画面のOriginal Cindyのはもうちょっと大きいpuffだけど)

diesel domという単語は辞書等で見つけられなかったのですが、diesel=diesel dyke(レズの男役)というのは載ってて、domが女の人を表すみたいなので、diesel domも「レズの男役」と思っていても、いいかなぁなんて。。ちょっと保留。

LYDECKER : I'm an alcoholic. My name is Don.
LYDECKER: I'm new in town. I have some business here and I've been coming to this meeting for the last couple weeks. I've listened to a few of you stand up and tell your stories and tonight, I'd like to take my turn. Drinking damn near destroyed my life. I woke up one morning, took a look around・I was lying on the floor. I decided never to touch another drop. I've been sober ever since. I hear a lot of you talk about taking things one day at a time. As far as I'm concerned, that's a cop-out . You make a decision and you take charge of your life. You don't need a higher power to help you. You don't need a sponsor. What you need is strength of mind, willpower and character. Alcoholism is not a disease. It's a failing. You've turned it into a church. You worship at the altar of self-pity. I come to these rooms for one reason to remember what I don't want to become : helpless, impotent and weak. Thank you. As you were.
As you were.は辞書に「《号令》 元へ!」「すみません言い間違いました」という意味が載ってたのですが、この状況でちょっと合わないかなと思って、前にBoy Meets Wordsでカップルに向かっていったセリフの日本語訳の方が合うように思ったので、こちらを採用してみました。

SKETCHY : Over here is the nerve center of Jam Pony, our dispatch desk.
ORIGINAL CINDY : Hot run to consolidated bacterial research. Careful with that.
SKETCHY : We are bonded to transport live viral and bacterial agents as well as organ-transplant material. I myself delivered a human brain to a waiting recipient just last week. It was very gratifying.

MAX : : A group of men in black SUVs kidnapped a girl yesterday on Waverly Avenue-your men. We want to know where they took her.

LYDECKER : You're still angry. You haven't changed much have you, Zack?
MAX: We'll play " pin the name on the barcode" later. Answer the question.
LYDECKER: And who might you be? Jondy, maybe? Tinga? Max? Listen up. I don't want to see Brin fall into enemy hands any more than you do.

MAX : What do you think?
ZACK: We should kill him right now and take the win.
MAX: I think he's telling the truth. He doesn't have her.
ZACK: You're not seriously buying into that crap?
MAX: It's plausible. We should check it out. Logan has contacts with the military. Maybe he can shake something loose.
ZACK: Go, I'll stay here and work on Lydecker.
MAX: I think something tragic might happen while I'm gone. You should take point with Logan.
shake something looseという表現、辞書には載っていなかったのですが、web上では結構使われていました。ですが、今一共通点が見つけられず、よく分かりません。想像では、(揺さぶりをかけたり、調べたりすると)人山・沢山の物の中から突然(犯人・情報・動きが)「抜き出てくる」ということではないかと思うのですが、ご意見をお願いします。ちなみに、日本語訳では「怪しい動きはつかめるわ」となっています。こちらまで→

SKETCHY : No. A disaster of this magnitude, I got to believe help is on the way. Then again, with the Seattle economy in ruins and resources stretched so thin it could be awhile. I just kind of depends.
MAN : Your attention, please. This is sergeant Peterson of the Seattle Police department.
MAN: We have been advised by the center for disease control that this building is under full quarantine. Anyone attempting to leave the building will be shot on sight. Thank you for your cooperation.

LOGAN : Okay, the Chinese military has been trying to procure bio- synth technology on the black market for the last few months. Word is the order's been filled. A deal's in the works. ZACK: So, Lydecker was on the level. LOGAN: Looks like it. Operation's being run by a Major Jake Sanders. Works out of Fort Xavier, abandoned base just outside of town. Guy's gone rogue, runs his outfit like his own private fiefdom.

LYDECKER : Can I have some water, please?
MAX: Fresh out . I'd spit on you but, it'd be a waste of good saliva.

LYDECKER : Just get on the horn, corporal and tell him Don Lydecker is here to see him.
GUARD: I'll be right back, Sir. The major's in the mess hall. Sir, he's asked that you join him there.
LYDECKER: Good job, corporal.

MAJOR SANDERS : Holy crap on Tuesday's toast , Don Lydecker. How the hell are you?
LYDECKER: Good to see you, Jake. It's been too long.
ご参考まで:A Sailors Life : TOAST OF THE DAY

LYDECKER : You've got one of my kids, Jake.
MAJOR SANDERS: I don't know what you're talking about.
LYDECKER: You're planning on selling her to the PRC and it kind of worries me.
MAJOR SANDERS: Pat them down. I thought you might have a problem with this. I know how touchy you are about your kids.
LYDECKER: You've got it all wrong, Jake. I'm not here to make trouble. I want in.
MAJOR SANDERS: You never fail to surprise me, Deck.
LYDECKER: Times are tough. We all have to plan for our retirement.
MAJOR SANDERS: The problem is, I already got the merchandise. I just cannot see your leverage here, Deck.
LYDECKER: These kids wouldn't exist without me. Like the two I brought with me to sweeten the pot.

MR. SIVAPATHASUNDARAM : It mustn't end like this. I have yet to make my pilgrimage to the holy city of Benares and bathed in the Ganges.

MAX : What's wrong with her?
LYDECKER: It's a form of progeria similar to Werner's syndrome. It's a spontaneous, rapid mutation of the genome, expresses in the form of highly accelerated aging. Three of the x5 group developed it. She's the fourth. As far as I know. We're going to need to ice her down to bring down her core temperature, slow down her metabolic rate. MAJOR SANDERS: She going to last long enough for me to lay her off to my clients?
LYDECKER: Two or three days, maybe.

MAX : Do you know something, Don? I've always wondered what drove you to hunt us down all these years. I thought maybe you were afraid of your dumbass fed job. Or was it a whacked sense of patriotism? Or professional pride because you felt like such a chump for losing us in the first place? But now I know. You're just a bottom-feeding pimp, peddling flesh for the Benjamins.
LYDECKER: It's a little more complicated than that.

LYDECKER : All right, listen up. Under no circumstances is anyone to interact with the prisoners. Handling them requires special training which you don't have. Do not open their cell. And under no circumstances allow yourself within arm's length of them. Understood?

SOLDIER : I said cut it out!
MAX: Relax, or do you want me to gnaw through your bars? Oh, much better.

LYDECKER : Fifty percent.
LYDECKER: Of all three.
MAJOR SANDERS: Come on. I got the buyers. I got the safe place to make the exchange and I've got your blue-ribbon thoroughbreds locked in my brig. So what is it exactly do you think you've got that's worth half?
LYDECKER: What I've got...Is a lot more where they came from.

LYDECKER : So, have we got a deal?
MAJOR SANDERS: You know, Deck I've known you too long to quibble over percentages.
MAJOR SANDERS: Life's too short.
LYDECKER: That it is.

LYDECKER : This is Lydecker. Over.
SOLDIER #2: Where's the major?!
LYDECKER: He's in the can. What's the sitrep ?
SOLDIER #2: One of the female prisoners hung herself.

LYDECKER : If you take Brin, she'll die. You can't do anything for her. Let my people take care of her. They've done it before...With other x5s.
MAX: Oh, the sweet sound of gunfire. You guys go ahead and duke it out . We've got to split.

NORMAL : Listen, have you heard from Mr. Sivapathasundaram? Is there no way to get a hold of him? Yes, please tell him to call me. (off the phone) Why do I think these people are giving me the runaround ?
ORIGINAL CINDY: Maybe he's just a flake.
NORMAL: Yeah, maybe so. He seemed to check out though.
ORIGINAL CINDY: There's a lot of playa playas out there, Normal. And they just ain't worth hatin' on.

LOGAN : Well... You should cut him some slack. He probably had a rotten childhood.
MAX: Worst part is he swung with Lydecker's ride. Tinted windows, class two armor. I could have fenced it for a fortune. He probably drove it off a bridge into the water somewhere so it couldn't be dusted for prints. He obsesses.
LOGAN: You need to be more careful yourself, you know? 'Cause now Lydecker knows what you look like.

LYDECKER: Recovering nicely. We've repaired the defective genes.
MAN FROM MANTICORE: How long before she's operational?
LYDECKER: She will require reindoctrination . She was outside a long time.

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