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ダークエンジェル 第4話(108)
Blah Blah, Woof Woof

Full Transcript

あらすじ モンタージュをもとに殺人犯として指名手配をされるマックス。完全に追い詰められ国外に逃げる手はずを整えるが、ローガンの容態が悪化し。。。
クイズ 「お前には期待してたのに」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

MAX : Finally.
LOGAN: She beats a retreat in the face of the Sicilian galleon.
MAX: Check. ...Hmm-mm.
LOGAN: That's not checkmate. Can't be...

LOGAN : Isn't it against the superhuman code to use your powers to take advantage of we mere mortals?
MAX: Yeah and I'm not done taking advantage, either. There's a stunt contest at Crash tonight. Thinking about pulling a Linda Blair , riding my bike up on the ceiling or something. Want to come?
LOGAN: No, thanks.
MAX: Oh, I forgot. No fun for Logan Cale. World’s coming to an end. Fight the power. Protect the downtrodden. Blah, blah, woof, woof. See ya.

LYDECKER : Raise the forehead a little bit and thin out the eyebrows. Make the cheekbones a little rounder...not so defined. And the lips fuller.
LYDECKER: You heard me. Perfect.
fullで表すのか。じゃあ、胸が大きいのも、髪がふさふさなのも、唇がふっくらなのもfull。でも二日酔いで顔が腫れてる、とか泣いた後とかで目が腫れてるのはpuffed upとかpuffyを使うみたいですね。

LYDECKER : Mr. Vogelsang was a valued operative. We'll do everything we can to find his killer.
POLICE CAPT. DALE: And what if the girl goes to ground ?
LYDECKER: Don't think she will.
POLICE CAPT. DALE: She'll run, if she's smart. She'll try and get the hell out of the city.
LYDECKER: Well, she'll have to get through our checkpoints. This is where my men are.

POLICE CAPT. DALE : With this kind of money involved, every nutcase in this town is going to be more than happy to turn in his nearest and his dearest, just for his cut.
POLICE CAPT. DALE: Besides which, this is going to take a lot of extra manpower but, you know...with the financial straits that the city's in...
LYDECKER: The agency appreciates your predicament.

LYDECKER : You trying to elicit a bribe from a federal agent?
LYDECKER: Good, 'cause sometimes when you grease the palm, it makes the fingers slippery.

ORIGINAL CINDY : That was one badass endo you spiked last night. How much you win, anyway?
MAX: 75 bucks.
ORIGINAL CINDY: Damn, girl, next time, my paper's on you.
日比野さんから、下記のように教わりました。ありがとうございます。m( _ _ )m('04/07/03)
endoについて。ここでは“ジャックナイフ”を意味してると思います。ジャックナイフって自転車とかバイクのフロントタイヤで やるウィリーみたいなものです。ノーズウィリーとも言います。
なので、--- badass endo you spiked ---は--- ヤバいくらいのジャックナイフをキメた ---くらいの意味ではないでしょうか?

NORMAL : Hey, take it outside.
MAX: What did I say was going to happen if I caught you peeping again?
GUY: I can't help it, Max. You're so the bomb.
MAX: Kaboom !
NORMAL: No roughhousing on the premises. We're not insured for it.
MAX: South market street?
NORMAL: Yeah, I hope you're packing.

ORIGINAL CINDY : I know my gurl. She's a badass, straight up, but she's not a killer.
SKETCHY: I'm not saying she killed anybody. Just that...I see a resemblance.
ORIGINAL CINDY: No, no, what you think you're seeing is the 50 large reward in your pocket. But you better get your eyes right and double-quick, too. Otherwise, what you're going to be seein' is Original Cindy puttin' the smack down. NORMAL: Hey, let's go, people. Lots of lonely packages out here crying out for a home. Move. Where the fire truck is Max? She should have been here an hour ago.
SKETCHY: I ain't seen her. Probably wouldn't recognize her if i did.

DR. SAM CARR : You remember after the shooting, that we decided not to remove one of the bullet fragments because it was lodged so close to your spine?
LOGAN: It would have been too risky.
DR. SAM CARR: Right. Unfortunately, the fragment has migrated. That's what's causing the spasms. It's actually impacting on your spinal cord and if we don't get it out of there it could keep moving and cause more damage.
LOGAN: Worst case scenario?
DR. SAM CARR: You could end up quadriplegic. Maybe even on a respirator.
LOGAN: Looks like I'm going under the knife again.
DR. SAM CARR: Operating in that area, it's inherently risky. You've got three major arteries. They're right there so there's always the chance of bleed out. And removing that fragment could result in nerve damage as well. Though probably not as severe as what we're looking at if we do nothing and further migration occurs. So...
LOGAN: Let's do it.

GUY #1 : Oh, yeah, she's a killer, all right.
GUY #2: Word up , man.
GUY #1: You know what I'm saying?

LYDECKER : All TAC units, this is command. Target is known to be in South Market. Establish airtight perimeter and start site to site search. Box her in, and Box her in fast.

MAN : Yeah, he coughed up the juice. I had to break his thumb first, but hey. Hey, hold on, I got to whiz.

NORMAL : Wow, you got a lot of nerve showing your face in here, pal.
ZACK: Where's Max?
NORMAL: Well, she didn't come back from her morning run. Imagine that. I had some high hopes for you, pal but you just turned out to be like all the rest, didn't you? Just a great big, fat goose egg .

LOGAN : What brings you back to Seattle?
ZACK: You think I'd let Max take the rap for something I did?

MAN : Control, this is delta four. No sign of her yet.
LYDECKER: Roger, delta four. Turn the place inside out . Evacuate if you have to. I want her found.

LOGAN : Great. So what's the situation down there?
DET. MATT SUNG: It's a zoo. Every crank in the city's angling for that reward money. Last I heard, they're closing in on the suspect on south market.
LOGAN: Okay, see if you can run interference for me.
DET. MATT SUNG: I'll try, but I'm just one guy.

DET. MATT SUNG : I understand you have some information for us.
NORMAL: Right. Got it. Business at hand. Yes, uh, uh, I'm reaching out to do you guys a solid on this female perp.
DET. MATT SUNG: Excuse me?
NORMAL: The skell who works for me--Jam Pony--her name is Max.
DET. MATT SUNG: Let's not tell the whole world here, okay? Not with 50 large on the line.

DET. MATT SUNG : What if you're wrong? What if she didn't do it?
NORMAL: Well, she walks. No harm, no foul.
DET. MATT SUNG: You know, I'm getting the sense that you are not a man to be taken lightly. Am I right about that, Mr. Ronald? Are you not a man to be taken lightly?
NORMAL: Uh...Mmm... Yeah. I mean, no. Uh... Uh, yeah, I most certainly am...Not

LOGAN : I'll miss you.
MAX: You could always ditch it all and go on the lam with me. Great way to visit exotic places…meet new people.
LOGAN: I'd just slow you down.
MAX: It's okay.

BLING : Miss her, don't you?
LOGAN: It's that obvious, huh?
BLING: Get this surgery behind you maybe you can go raft up with her.
LOGAN: No, it was the right thing to do--let her go. For a thousand different reasons. And I always do the right thing, right?

MAX : I thought you'd want to get moving. Bang over the border into canada before dawn.
ZACK: We've got a secure night's lodgings. Might as well take advantage.

ZACK : I remember the morning of the escape getting into Cheyenne around 7:00 A.M. The streets were just starting to fill with people. Not soldiers or doctors just regular people on their way to work. It scared the hell out of me. As far as I was concerned, they were all the enemy and I was completely outnumbered.
MAX: I know the feeling.
ZACK: I climbed up onto the roof of an office building in downtown to lay low just as the sun was coming up. It was my first morning as a free man. The whole world looked different.
MAX: It was like it was in color all of a sudden.
Not soldiers or doctorsのところ、norにはならないのかなぁと思って試しにwebnot soldiers ornot soldiers norで検索したところ、orの方が多かったです。また、they were all the enemyのところenemiesにならないのかなぁと思いall the enemyall the enemiesで検索したところ、enemyの方が多かったです。ご参考まで。

DET. MATT SUNG : Well, I've got some good news. We've been looking into this suspect and our fears that you were in some danger are unfounded .
NORMAL: Well, better to be safe than sorry. I'll just be running along then.
DET. MATT SUNG: Not so fast. There's another matter we need to discuss, Mr. Ronald.
NORMAL: Another matter?
DET. MATT SUNG: Don't play games with me. You know what I'm talking about. Unpaid speeding tickets from two years ago. They've gone to warrant.
NORMAL: Yeah, there's got to be some mistake because I don't own a car.
DET. MATT SUNG: Well, I don't know what to tell you, Mr. Ronald except that you are under arrest.
NORMAL: Ay-yi... Listen, if you think you can squeeze my shoes like some dirtbag skell you're a hump going sideways into a big-time jackpot. But it's your world, detective.

DR. SAM CARR : He's tachy . What's his pressure?
PARAMEDIC: B.P's 80 and falling.

MAX : I'm going back.
ZACK: No way.
MAX: I need to be there for him.
ZACK: The mission is to get you over the border and into safe territory.
MAX: Yeah, well, I'm changing the mission.
ZACK: Don't be crazy. Lydecker's got the entire city looking for you.
MAX: Out of my way or I go through you. What's it going to be?

ZACK : Go ahead. Get your head in the game, soldier.
MAX: Think I'm not in the game ? Think again.
ZACK: Okay.
Get your head inは辞書にのってなかったのですが、おそらく想像では「本気でかかる」ということではないかと思います。ちなみに訳は「昔を思い出してかかってこい」です。

DR. SAM CARR : He's lost a lot of blood. He won't make it without a transfusion.
MAX: So transfuse him.
DR. SAM CARR: It's not that simple. The blood banks are tapped out . Logan is ab-negative. It's the hardest type to find. I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do.

MAX : Dance with me.
LOGAN: I can't.
MAX: Sure, you can. Mind over matter .

MANTICORE SOLDIER : If he keeps fighting, hog-tie him. Get going. Aircraft waiting.

NORMAL : Well, well, well look who decided to come in today.
MAX: Don't bust my chops , Normal or I might snap and kill again.

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