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ダークエンジェル 第8話(112)
インプラント Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ マックスをおびき出すためにレッドに捕らわれたシンディを助けるため、マックスは自らインプラントを埋め込むが。。。
クイズ 「世の中いろんな人がいる」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

DR. CARR : I looked at the results of your blood work last night and I did find something... Well, unusual. You have pluripotents circulating in your blood stream.
LOGAN: What are pluripotents?
DR. CARR: They're undifferentiated stem cells. It's what an embryo develops from. They can become any type of cell in the body. Usually we only see them in the first few weeks after conception but for some unknown reason your blood is coursing with them.
LOGAN: So, maybe these cells are regenerating what's been damaged.
DR. CARR: I don't want to speculate about something I can't even pretend to understand.
LOGAN: Yeah, but isn't it possible...
DR. CARR: Anything is possible. Look, I'm not... I'm not telling you not to have hope. But as your doctor I have a responsibility to give you the medical facts.
LOGAN: I'm getting out of that chair, Sam.
DR. CARR: I'm going to hold a good thought for you on that. In the meantime, we'll run some more tests and we'll see what we're dealing with here.
have a good thoughtですが、web上での他の使用例を見ると、forで続くとfor以下の人の「幸運を祈る」で、that節で続くとthat以下になるように「祈る」という意味かなぁと思ったのですが、アドバイス等をしてHave a goot thought.と一文で使われているものも結構あり、この場合「前向きに考えなさい」か「いいふうに考えなさい」かなぁなどと思い、結局なんなのかよく分かりませんでした。ちなみに訳は「私だってそれを願ってる」です。ご意見をお願いします。こちらまで→
LOGAN : Ow! Only my doctor tells me I'm imagining that it hurts.
MAX: He's the one with the medical degree, but you think he's wrong?
LOGAN: He can shove his medical degree. I know he's wrong. You did this, Max, when you transfused me. Your revved-up Manticore blood's the only explanation.

RED MAN : He only lasted six months.
JOHANNESSEN: He knew the risk when he took the implant. You all did.
RED MAN: You said we'd have a year.
JOHANNESSEN: I said you'd be paid for a year whether you lasted that long or not. Look, if you want to live, you find the Manticore girl. We retrofit you with her DNA and you can tolerate the implant for years... Serve out your contracts and retire rich men. They got a partial number off her pager, they're working on getting the rest.
RED MAN: What's taking so long?
JOHANNESSEN: Its memory was wiped when it was damaged.
JOHANNESSEN: The only way to retrieve the data is to run a quantum scan so they can reconstruct the LCD readout. It's time consuming.

ORIGINAL CINDY : Forget to put water in the bong, boo? You talking strange.
HERBAL: I am practicing speaking more clearly.
SKETCHY: Well, what's wrong with the way you talk when you don't sound ridiculous?
HERBAL: My woman tells me that it's difficult for some people... many people... to understand me.
SKETCHY: Now, who doesn't overstand you besides Normal, who's an idiot?
HERBAL: Many people... most people...my woman.
ORIGINAL CINDY: Don't be losing your flavor 'cause fools ain't got ears to hear.
SKETCHY: It's going to be a sad day in Babylon when you start sounding like some haircut in a suit.

haircut in a suitは最初なぜmanとかではなくhaircutって言っているんだろうと思ったのですが、どうやらhaircut in a suitという表現があるみたいです。web上にあった他の例はこちらです。↓
If not, don't squander the best years of your life trying to make some clueless haircut in a suit rich.
Your fate gets decided by some Haircut-In-A-Suit who wowed 'em in Iowa and New Hampshire.
ORIGINAL CINDY : I'm going to be doing telemarketing. Selling insurance.
MAX: For?
ORIGINAL CINDY: Death and dismemberment.
SKETCHY: As long as there's misery in the world might as well be an upside for somebody.
ORIGINAL CINDY: Kind of how I saw it.
MAX: Way to go.
SKETCHY: Yeah, and when you get your foot in the door maybe you could use your influence to get us out of this hell hole .
ORIGINAL CINDY: You have got Original Cindy's word on that.

ORIGINAL CINDY : There's something I've been wanting to say to you ever since the day I first started working here. I quit.
NORMAL: Is that right?
ORIGINAL CINDY: I thought it over for a good 12 seconds and decided it's in my own long-term best interest to get the hell up out of here.
NORMAL: Well, I am so pleased. One less disrespectful, uppity , loudmouth, deadbeat hooligan to ruin my day. The door's that way. Let's get back to work.
ORIGINAL CINDY: The things you learn to put up when you have to. Later, my peeps. I got to clean out my locker... Bomb home... And dress for success.

WOMAN : Uh, here's the schedule of benefits for our policy. It's a good idea to memorize it so you can answer any questions customers might have.
WOMAN: Well, I have to run to the bank for Mr. Petrick. When I get back we'll set you up with some numbers so you can start cold calling , okay?
WOMAN: Okay.
ORIGINAL CINDY: Have you ever worried what might happen to you or your dependents if you were left unable to work due to a disfiguring accident? Well, worry no more.

KENDRA : I am crazy about him.
MAX: But I thought things with this Mr. Multiples guy was getting really serious.
KENDRA: Max, Walter is Mr. Multiples.
WALTER: Seventh floor is vacant and secure. See you later, cupcake. Pearl of a girl here.

ORIGINAL CINDY : So she's hitting it with the po-po and getting kinky with the handcuffs, huh?
MAX: Do you mind? I'm trying to purge that particular image from my memory.
ORIGINAL CINDY: Original Cindy can understand the power of a well-starched uniform. I once had me a girlfriend that was 100% U.S. Marine. Damn, she was fine in her dress blues. Ten-hut!
MAX: He's twice her age.
ORIGINAL CINDY: Original Cindy can understand the allure of maturity. I once had a girlfriend who had a daughter that was older than me. She was fine, too, which got kind of complicated but we won't go into that.
MAX: Will you stop?
ORIGINAL CINDY: All I'm saying is it takes all kinds to make a world. This cop moves Kendra's furniture, who are we to judge?
hit itダークエンジェル第5話参照。

ORIGINAL CINDY : Anyway, the dealio with this job is it's a commission-type situation. I followed the script they gave me straight up.
SKETCHY: And no sale?
ORIGINAL CINDY: Not even a nibble . I even code-switched, pulled way back on the flavor.
MAX: See? That's the problem. You're not being yourself.
ORIGINAL CINDY: I don't know, boo. Sister girl want the scrilla, peeps got to feel what she's putting down.
Oh yeah, for those of you who don't know, Skrilla means money.

peeps got to feel以降の文の意味が分かりませんでした。put downは自分らしさを「抑える」ってことかなぁとも思ったのですが、それにしても「女がお金を欲しいなら、どんなことをを抑えてるか周りの友達が感じ取ってあげなきゃ????」意味不明。助けてください。ちなみに訳は「女が金を稼ぎたきゃ、自分らしさを捨てろってことか」です。ご意見をお待ちしています。こちらまで→
SEBASTIAN : Do you know why they were after you?
MAX: Road rage . I cut them off in traffic.
SEBASTIAN: Has to be because you're a biosynth. My guess is Manticore. Judging from your age... An x5. One of the 12 that escaped.
MAX: How do you know so much about us?
SEBASTIAN: I have a lot of time on my hands to research all the good conspiracy theories.
MAX: How about instead, you clue me in on why these guys are seriously after my ass.
SEBASTIAN: They've been told by their handlers that your genetic code can prolong their life spans. Rumor is they're looking to create a new generation of soldiers that can tolerate the implant longer. My guess is they want you so they can harvest your ova.
MAX: Like being a girl isn't hard enough... They want me to be mommy to a whole army of these guys.
・father of two and a husband of one (フルハウスから)
・ father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife(グラディエーターから)

MAX : The reds are convicts?
SEBASTIAN: Fresh off death row.
LOGAN: A commuted sentence in exchange for becoming one of these soldiers.
MAX: More like a stay of execution until the implant kills them.

ORIGINAL CINDY : No, no, don't hang up. Do not hang up this phone. I know you're a busy man, shugga but let me keep it real for y'all. You lose an arm or a leg and Washington Meridian Insurance is gonna drop 20 large on whatever is left of your ass which is better than nothin', aiight? Is that your seed I hear crying his little off? What's his name, boo? And what's little Rogelio and the baby's mamma gonna do if you stone-cold dead? No, daddy, no dolla, dolla. Unless you step to me and plan for that child's future. 'Cause original cindy has got you covered all over like foundation makeup on a drag queen.
keep it real@TAK英語情報局を参考にしました。

MAX : How goes it in the concrete jungle?
ORIGINAL CINDY: You know, you know. I speak my word and the peeps just give me all their money. Listen, boo, there's a new club opening tonight and I got some love with security. Why don't you swing on by here and pick me up and we'll get our drink on?
MAX: Tonight's no good.
got some loveの部分、訳は「つてがある」になっていましたが、辞書等で確認できませんでした。情報をお願いします。こちらまで→
SEBASTIAN : It's like turbo charging a turbo charged engine. If the Reds burn out in months Max might only last a few hours.
LOGAN: How do we disable the damn thing?
SEBASTIAN: By short-circuiting it.
LOGAN: With what?
SEBASTIAN: My defibrillator should do the trick.
LOGAN: You want me to blow 5,000 volts into Max's head?
SEBASTIAN: And the sooner the better.
defibrillatorER IV 第1話参考。

JOHANNESSEN : What the hell is taking so long? She should've been here by now.
ORIGINAL CINDY: I don't know. A girls gotta look good.
JOHANNESSEN: You warned her somehow. Now she's in the wind... And you're dead.
have in the windとかget wind ofで「嗅ぎつける」というのがあるのでここのin the windもこれでShe's onto us.というとこなのかと思ったのですが、訳を聞いてみると「それで逃げたわけだな」になっていました。辞書等で確認できなかったのですが、webでバイカーのサイトでWomen In The Wind(音声注意)というのがあったので「バイクに乗って逃げた」ということなのかな、と思いました。一般的に「逃げている」という時にこの表現を使うのかは分かりません。ご存知の方情報をお願いします。こちらまで→
"She's just gone, she's in the wind."
in the windはただ単にgoneと同じように思っててもいいかもしれません。

MAX : They fought hard. Died for you.
JOHANNESSEN: They were criminals, scum of the earth.
MAX: So what, they're just expendable ?
JOHANNESSEN: You got to expect losses.

LOGAN: She's seizing.
SEBASTIAN: There's no time. If you don't zap that implant it's going to burn out her nervous system.

LOGAN : Okay, I got the end of it.
ORIGINAL CINDY: He says he feels the end of it. We're supposed to leave the knife in and use it as a conductor and zap her with these paddles. One on her forehead, and one on her neck. This is whack.

LOGAN : How's the headache?
MAX: Not bad considering the creepy metal insect stuck in there.
LOGAN: Shrapnel of past wars. Got some myself.

NORMAL : My God, girl, look at your eyes. What have you been drinking, gasoline?
MAX: I had to have radical emergency amateur brain surgery to remove a nano chip from my cerebellum before I stroked out from a neuro-chemical overload.

ORIGINAL CINDY : Hear me out before you call the police. I would like my old job back. If you're happy.
NORMAL: Don't it always seem to go that "you don't know what you got till it's gone"? What happened to greener pastures , huh? What happened to the high horse you rode out of here on?
ORIGINAL CINDY: Maybe Original Cindy needed to learn a lesson.
NORMAL: What, opportunities don't grow on trees? Or maybe you're not the supreme goddess of the universe you thought you were.
ORIGINAL CINDY: I had some soul searching to do about a lot of things. Things I thought I already knew about. So what? Do I have to get down on my knees and beg?
SKETCHY: I really hate to see anybody prostitute themselves like this.

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