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ダークエンジェル 第10話(114)
Female Trouble
ジェイス Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 一時歩けるようになっていたローガンだったが、体に異変を感じ、ある医者に治療を求める。ローガンの行動を不審に思い跡をつけるマックス。するとその医者のもとにX5が襲い掛かってくる。
クイズ 「(動くほど妊娠は)進んでいない」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

MAX : No problem. Where's the painting that goes there?
BLING : He sold it.
MAX : Sold it?
BLING : Guess he got tired of it.

DOCTOR : Six months ago a bullet severed your spinal cord below the eighth thoracic vertebra, causing complete loss of mobility in your lower extremities. Last week you suddenly felt sensation in your legs and eventually were able to walk again.
LOGAN : That's right.
DOCTOR : In other words, a miracle.
LOGAN : I guess you could say that.

DOCTOR : The stem cells you got a hold of have been regenerating nerve and muscle tissue, giving you the encouraging results you saw initially. But now you're finding it more difficult to stand, and walking is becoming increasingly painful?
LOGAN : Yeah. That's right. So what's going on?
DOCTOR : Your autoimmune system's kicked in, attacking the stem cells and rejecting the new tissue that's formed.
LOGAN : So there's a chance that, uh, I could end up back in a wheelchair?
DOCTOR : Unless we can get your body's defenses in check, your gross motor function will continue to deteriorate, yes.
LOGAN : Well, then, uh I don't care what it costs, or what you have to do. Just keep me walking.
in checkこちらのサイトを参考にしました。

MAX : He didn't call, didn't leave a message, didn't return my call. He just plain shined me.
CINDY : Never underestimate the thoughtlessness and insensitivity of the three-legged gender.
MAX : I just got a weird feeling something's going on.

MAX : I just hope he's not in any trouble.
CINDY : I'm telling you, girl, he's probably just out being a doggy-dog.
MAX : You make it sound like that's the only thing guys ever think about, which I don't happen to believe is true.
SKETCHY : So she opens the door to sign for the package no bra.
CINDY : I rest my case.

LOGAN : I don't like needles, or heights, or spiders. What's in that?
DOCTOR : An immuno-suppressant.
DOCTOR : We use this in combination with intensive physiotherapy and biochemical management to protect the nerve cells that have regenerated.
LOGAN : As long as it works.
DOCTOR : I've gotten results in the past. The biggest hurdle is reorganizing the synaptic connections and training the undamaged CNS neurons to adapt to different signals.

DOCTOR : Almost forgot. What do you want?
MAX : I'm asking myself why someone sworn to alleviate suffering is packing heat.
DOCTOR : Even doctors have the right to defend themselves.
MAX : Only guns make me nervous. So why did the guy who was just here come to see you?
DOCTOR : I'm not at liberty to discuss his condition.
MAX : What condition?
DOCTOR : You'd have to ask him. You've heard of doctor-patient privilege?
MAX : I don't know what kind of quack sawbones you are or what kind of con you're running, but there's nothing wrong with my friend that he needs to be seeing you about.

LOGAN : Whatever else Dr. Vertes has done, she is probably the only person on the planet who can keep me from landing back in a wheelchair.
MAX : What are you talking about? If you need another blood transfusion, all you gotta do is ask.
LOGAN : That won't help. My body's rejecting your blood cells. The nerves in my spinal cord are unraveling as fast as they were repaired. We'll know in the next forty-eight hours whether the treatment even works if I'll be able to keep walking.
MAX : I didn't know.

MAX : Tell me she's not going to lose the baby.
DOCTOR : They're both okay. Baby's like her mom, tough.
LOGAN : An X5 assassin in a family way.

LOGAN : Look, the doctor may have done some questionable things in the past.
MAX : Try despicable.
LOGAN : But she just saved a baby's life, is nursing her would-be killer back to health, and happens to be the one person I'm depending on to keep me walking.
MAX : So, what? Am I supposed to be nice to her?

(on a phone)
DOCTOR : Hello, Deck.
LYDECKER : Adriana. This is a surprise.
DOCTOR : I imagine so, given what you've been trying to do to me.
LYDECKER : It's nothing personal.
DOCTOR : We used to chat over coffee, Deck. Now I have to go through all this hocus-pocus just to get you on the phone.
LYDECKER : If you called to beg, all the orders have been signed. It's out of my hands.

(still on the phone)
DOCTOR : I called to bargain, Deck, not beg.
LYDECKER : What could you possibly have that I would want?
DOCTOR : What you probably don't know is that the X5 you sent to kill me is AWOL because she's in her first trimester.
LYDECKER : I'm listening.
DOCTOR : What would you say if I gave her back to you, along with one of the X5's who escaped in '09?

MAX : Jace has decided to switch teams.
LOGAN : Just like that?
MAX : Not like she has a lot of options. Getting knocked up's a real career-ender back at Manticore. Plus she wants to keep her baby.
LOGAN : Her maternal instinct notwithstanding, are we sure we can take her at her word?
MAX : You get away from that place, little taste of freedom changes your whole world view. Think you can make arrangements to get her out of the country?
LOGAN : Shouldn't be a problem. And I will certainly breathe easier knowing she and Vertes are in different time zones.

LYDECKER : Good. Now you had something you wanted to say?
JACE : It was never my intention to abandon the objective. As a prisoner of the rogue X5, I gave the appearance of cooperation in order to gain her trust and redeploy.
LYDECKER : You will be debriefed by command about your activities, along with the activities of other individuals who contributed to the unauthorized medical status you have now.
JACE : Yes, sir.

LOGAN : On another matter, you should swing by the clinic and yank my medical records. You've got exposure if Lydecker dumps Vertes files and reads about my transgenic blood donor.
MAX : Right.

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