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2003 Calendar
ダークエンジェル 第12-1話(120)
ジェネティック Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 出会って1年のお祝いをすることになったが、発情期に入ってしまったマックスはローガンとの約束を守れず、落ち込む羽目に。ライデッカーはインプラントを頼りにマックスを探し始める。そんな中、ザックがティンガの居所を突き止め。。。
クイズ 「峠は越したみたい。」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

(on the phone and webcam)
SEBASTIAN : The processor you're looking for is also used to control the robotic arms in nuclear reactors.
LOGAN : And how am I supposed to get a hold of one of those?
MAX : Knock, knock.
SEBASTIAN : Could always ask your in-house cat burglar.
MAX : Logan!
LOGAN : (to Max) Yeah, I'll be right there! (to Sebastian) She's not in the loop on this little project and I want to keep it that way.
SEBASTIAN : No reason she needs to know what the chip's for.
LOGAN : That's sneaky. I like it. Got to go.
MAX : What happened to that Chinese urn that was there? Don't tell me you sold it.
LOGAN : Got to do what you got to do. We've got an "Eyes Only" situation that needs your immediate attention.
MAX : Got anything to eat?
LOGAN : Max, this is a red alert for what remains of western civilization if Pierpont Lempkin fences one of these to the Taliban militia.
MAX : Pierpont Lempkin's in bed with the Taliban?
LOGAN : I'm afraid so. And they're looking to get their hands on a chip just like this one programmed with the sequenced activation code for the star wars missile defense system launched back in '05.
MAX : So? That stuff's just a bunch of space junk.
LOGAN : The government's trying to keep it under wraps, but some of the warheads are still alive. I got word that the chip that we're looking for is in the servo-controller of a robotic arm in the Orcas nuclear facility.
MAX : Are you sure about all this? Pierpont Lempkin and the Taliban after some star wars widget and a robotic arm somewhere? Next thing you're going to tell me aliens are involved.
LOGAN : I wouldn't rule it out.
in bed withこちらのサイトを参考にしました。

MAX : I think I might be coming down with something.
LOGAN : Really? I hope not. 'Cause you know it was a year ago Thursday that you broke in here, tried to rob my place.
MAX : Is that right?
LOGAN : It's an anniversary of sorts and I was thinking we should celebrate.
MAX : I could use a little mirth in my life.
LOGAN : Yeah. Can't be easy knowing they have Tinga.
MAX : Zack found out they didn't take her back to Manticore. Hope he can turn something up on where they've got her.
LOGAN : Then we'll get her out. Thursday night there will be an abundance of mirth and maybe a little surprise.
MAX : What?
LOGAN : Then it wouldn't be a surprise.

CINDY : You're joking, right?
MAX : I wish. It's yet another of the frightening biological facts of my rotten, miserable life.
CINDY : So how often does this estrus cycle bitch happen?
MAX : Two, maybe three times a year. It's awful. I get this uncontrollable craving.

MADAME X : The boys upstairs are on the warpath about that x5 female who escaped last week--Tinga, is it?
LYDECKER : You're responsible for her escape and you damn well know it.
MADAME X : Committee doesn't see it that way. They see it as another example of operational mishandling on your part.
LYDECKER : You've always been a genius at covering your ass.
MADAME X : I went to bat for you and I think that I managed to fend off a full procedural review, so say "thank you."

CINDY : (to Max) You got an itch, go scratch. It ain't got to be all complicated either. The male mind understands the difference between love and sex. (to Sketchy) Sketchy, come here!
SKETCHY : Hello, ladies.
CINDY : I want to get busy with you.
SKETCHY : Outstanding.
CINDY : But I want you to forget about it as soon as it's over.
SKETCHY : Yeah, no problem.
CINDY : Don't be following me around all moo-eyed and "Baby, I love you."
SKETCHY : Yeah, whatever you say.
CINDY : (to Max) See? No complications.
SKETCHY : So when are we going to do this?
CINDY : (to Sketchy) Get away from me, fool 'fore I put you in a world of hurt.
SKETCHY : I knew it!
MAX : I'm not going to just hit it with some guy. That's how I hooked up with Leo and Darren and Eric, almost total disasters that never would have happened if I wasn't a teenage Frankenstein created by people at Manticore.
CINDY : Fine, so you don't want to be 'bout it with just anybody. What about Logan? Somebody you're into.
MAX : It's not what I want to happen with us. We're not even like that.
CINDY : Whatever you say.
moo-eyedは辞書になかったのですが、一応こちらのサイトで似たような感じで使われていました。あとmooだけだと辞書に「 [女性への親しい呼びかけ] おまえ」という意味が載っていました。
put〜in a world of hurtという表現は辞書にはなかったのですが、webでたくさんヒットしました。

LYDECKER : According to your debriefing regarding Tinga's escape, "x5-656 somehow managed to slip out of her shackles and overpower the soldier detailed to her guard."
BRIN : Yes, sir.
LYDECKER : You were unaware of the struggle going on right behind where you were sitting?
BRIN : It happened very fast, sir. Before I knew it, she had punched through the partition and grabbed the driver from behind.
LYDECKER : And you couldn't stop her?
BRIN : I was trying to keep control of the vehicle, sir.
LYDECKER : I'd made a deal to secure Tinga in exchange for sparing her son's life. Yet you tried to capture the boy and x5-452, as well.
BRIN : Yes, sir. The scope of the mission was changed during the briefing.
LYDECKER : That wasn't my mission briefing.
BRIN : I assumed you were in the loop, sir, since Agent Sandoval was...
LYDECKER : Agent Sandoval?
BRIN : Yes, Sir.
LYDECKER : Thank you. You've been very helpful, x5-734. Dismissed.

CINDY : He got the 411 on what's up with you?
MAX : Are you kidding? He's the last person in the world I want to know about this.
CINDY : How are you going to keep from laying out for the boy?
MAX : Going to sit on my hands, try not to look at him, try not to think about...his scruffy beard and those cute little glasses that make him look all sexy and intellectual. Oh, God, I got to take another shower.

lay outのところに「はっきり言う、きちんと説明する」と注釈をつけてたのですが、 タスマニアデビルさんから"lay out"は「(異性と)寝る」、とのご指摘を頂き、考え直してみて、「はっきり言う、きちんと説明する」の意味でなら"laying it out for"になってるかもと思い直して注釈を外しました。タスマニアデビルさん、ありがとうございます。m( _ _ )m ('02/12/21)

lay out forの意味ですが、タスマニアデビルさんのおっしゃるように「(異性と)寝る」ということかもしれませんし、あと「色目を使うorモーションをかける」ぐらいの意味の線もあるかなあと思い、結局よく分かりませんでした。
cf) ダークエンジェル第5話(102)Heatに似た状況で同じ表現が使われています。
You've been laying out for the boys all night long.
LYDECKER : It's good to see you again. What brings you here?
ZAKES : Well, I was hoping we could do business.
LYDECKER : Every few years we talk about business and you go back to Johannesburg disappointed.
ZAKES : I'm a persistent man. We remain interested in pursuing a transgenic program along the lines of Manticore. I'd like to propose a trade.

LOGAN : Did you get it?
MAX : No, I just won a wet t-shirt contest. Course I got it. Yeah, yeah, we foiled Pierpont Lempkin's evil plan and saved the world. Can we get out of here?

CINDY : So, the Lady Max made it home with her virtue intact.
MAX : Very funny. I just got to get through the next 24 hours. And, of course, today had to be the one-year anniversary of the night Logan and I met. And, of course, he had to remember. And, of course, he wants to have dinner.
CINDY : Think you can make it through without jumping his bones?
MAX : I don't even want to think about that. I just need to focus on the task at hand and the task at hand is delivering packages. Where does this go?

MAX : Normal... I need to take a personal day!
NORMAL : Just a minute. Which part of just a minute do you not understand? Got some coffee on my brand new chemise. Maybe I'll get it out before it sets. So hold on one cotton-picking minute there, girlie, girl. No knock.

MADAME X : He's taken you off the search? Something's going on. He's badgering an x5 for information, poking through evidence and now you say he's giving classified information to the South Africans? He's obviously desperate to salvage his reputation with the committee. Who knows how far he's willing to go? Well, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. Lydecker's going to have to be contained.

MAX : I appreciate you staying home with me.
CINDY : No problem. How do you feel? You going to be okay for anniversary shindig with Logan?
MAX : I think so. Feels like the worst of this thing's past.

ZAKES : Any reason you want to start here?
MAN : Target's last known location. We intercepted a call she made a week ago from a pay phone on the corner.
ZAKES : If she's anywhere within two kilometers we should get a hit.
MAN : Two klicks. About covers all of sector five.
ZAKES : Right. Give us a minute to configure the antennae and we'll get started.

CINDY : All right...Original Cindy is going to break it down for you, boo. You can sing the blues all you want to about how what you did was wrong and bad and now you feel cheap and empty. But that's just a bunch of BS. The truth is you love Logan.
MAX : Look, we're not even like that. The fact is, we'd both be better off if we never even met.

MAX : No, but I could have protected him, and I didn't. That's on me, 100%. I'm nothing but trouble. I'm poison. The best thing for me to do is keep my distance before I get him killed.
CINDY : Well, he doesn't seem to be too worried about that--the way he's always looking at you all dreamy-eyed.
MAX : And what do I do...I stand him up on our anniversary and go have sex with a total stranger. That's what I call true love.
CINDY : The only reason you ended up with hot boy is because you were running from the reality of the situation. Now, you gonna have to step to the real about you and Logan sooner or later, or your little head's going to explode. But what do I know? I'm just a big 'ol lesbo.

ZACK : Got some info from a pencil-pusher inside Manticore. Same guy that told me Tinga wasn't there.
LOGAN : Where is she?
ZACK : There's a research facility they've set up inside a converted silo near the municipal border. Pretty sure that's where they got her.

LYDECKER : (to walkie-talkie) Base, we have the subject in pursuit. Rendezvous at three klicks northeast of checkpoint K to form a convoy behind my lead.

ZACK : Take it, Max. We don't know how much muscle they got in there.
MAX : I'm not going to use it.
ZACK : Take it! I'll go up front and you see what you can find on the other side.

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