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洋書:Skin Game
ダークエンジェル 第12-2話(121)
And Jesus Brought A Casserole
ジェネティック2 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ マックスはザックや他のX5、ライデッカー達とマンティコアの壊滅を計画し、DNAラボを破壊するが。。。
クイズ 「彼女を蘇生させろ」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

OFFICER : Sir, you're not supposed to be here. This is a secure installation, level 5 clearance. I'll have to ask you and your men to vacate immediately.
LYDECKER : You heard him, men.
(Lydecker's men leave.)
LYDECKER: Kalins, O'Neill, hang back.
OFFICER : This way, sir.
(Lydecker turns around with a gun in hand. He shoots the officer and the two men with him.)
LYDECKER : I don't know what the hell is going on here, but I'm going to find out. If either of you don't have the stomach for it, now is the time to say so.
TAC OP KALINS : We're with you, sir.
cf) If you don't have the stomach for it, now is the time to let me know.(シンレッドラインから)

SOLDIER : We lost him.
MADAME X : What?
SOLDIER : Colonel Lydecker fled the scene before we could arrest him. He took the x5 with him.
MADAME X : He had a South African tech team looking for the girl. Commandeer their equipment and resume the search.
SOLDIER : Yes, ma'am.

LYDECKER : When they find out that you're killing x5s, the committee's going to have your ass.
MADAME X : Do you really think that the committee's going to listen to you after what you did to Agent Sandoval?
LYDECKER : You got a real set of brass ones.

LYDECKER : I'd rather see Manticore die than let her pervert it. That's all it would take is a few perfect soldiers to bring the whole thing crashing down on her.
MAX : Is this some kind of new torture thing? Lock people up in a cheap motel and babble at them until they crack?
LYDECKER : You'll see. I'm telling the truth. When they bust that door down and blow my head off and drag you back to Manticore for reprogramming...unless she has other plans for you.
MAX : She?
LYDECKER : The bitch that murdered your sister.
MAX : It really wasn't you?
LYDECKER : Let me know when you hear them coming. You'll know before I do and remember--that offer still stands.

MAX : You could let me go.
LYDECKER : What's the point? They've got a bead on that implant in your head. There's no use running.
MAX : I'm light on my feet. What do you say? Give me a chance?

ZACK : Syl, Krit, what do you got?
KRIT : Packs a punch, but I've only got 40 rounds.
ZACK : I'll track some more down. What about you, little sister?
SYL : Russian-made rgn-3s, fragmentation pattern explosion.
ZACK : Nice.

MAX : Take down Manticore.
ZACK : This is crazy, Max. We've made it this far by staying under the radar, blending in.
MAX : Always on the run, constantly looking over your shoulder. You said it yourself. They'll never stop looking for us. They'll hunt us down one by one until we're either dead or in a cage. It's time to bring this war home.
SYL : Maybe you're right. But what about him?
ZACK : And you expect us to believe he's had an epiphany because of what happened to Tinga?
MAX : Maybe. Or one of his bosses want him dead in a big way.
KRIT : Take a number.
MAX : Either way he's going to help us.
LOGAN : Or double-cross you. Again.
LYDECKER : I don't expect you to trust me, but remember what I taught you. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
ZACK : Shut up.
LYDECKER : I know that facility and its defensive capabilities like the back of my hand. I can get us inside.
Take a number.が分かりませんでした。熟語で「まあ待て、慌てるな」という意味が辞書に載っていましたが、この状況だと合わないので、
SYL : Say we can breach the perimeter and get inside the building, how are we going to get in the lab and lay the charges? This thing's a lockbox.
MAX : And I've got to figure when they put out the hit on you, they probably yanked your clearance.
LYDECKER : Which is why I need to see a friend of mine before we go.

MAX : You sure this is the place?
LYDECKER : Yup. He's a creature of habit, slave to his Tuesday night lap dance.
MAX : About last night...
LYDECKER : Don't remind me. I still feel sick.
MAX : Me, too. Got a bad feeling you were going to tell me...you were my...
LYDECKER : Father? I would never presume to pollute the gene pool.
MAX : I can't tell you what a relief that is for me. I mean what a cliche that'd be. Huh?
LYDECKER : I did love somebody once...deeply. In my eyes, she approached perfection. When she was murdered, I kept a small part of her alive... in you.

LYDECKER : We've known each other for years, Jim. Tell me the truth...why is she killing my kids?
JIM : I don't know what you're talking about, Deck. And it's not your kids you need to be concerned with right now. She's looking to put you in the cell.
LYDECKER : I should be so lucky. She's got a target slapped on my back.

MAX : Chow down, my grunts, mess is on.
LOGAN : I don't know how they can eat at a time like this.
LYDECKER : An army marches on its stomach.
LOGAN : You must be pumped about tonight 'cause this is what they were made to do, right?
LYDECKER : It's very gratifying watching kids realize their purpose in life.
LOGAN : You have any idea how twisted that is?

MAX : I know you're not too chill with what's going on tonight and I thank you for keeping your concerns to yourself. It's a bitch psyching yourself up for battle when people are throwing around words like "deathwatch."
LOGAN : Well, I think I know you well enough by now. There's no stopping you if there's something you need to do especially when it comes to your family.

ZACK : The target is primed.
LOGAN : Okay, get out of there.
ZACK : We are on the move.

LYDECKER : We've got an alarm. Withdraw to the perimeter. We've been made. All units withdraw.
KRIT : Roger that.
MAX : Moving out.
LYDECKER : This is not good. Hack into the control panel at corridor seven alpha. We've got to lock down ward c-16.
LOGAN : Why? What's wrong?
LYDECKER : Must've been a last-minute change in deployment--there's still a contingent of x7s in the building.
LOGAN : They're just kids.
LYDECKER : They're stronger, faster and designed with hive minds. We don't want our people tangling with them.
We've been made.が分からないのですが「兵が来る」という訳になっていたので、We've been made welcome.の省略かなにかなのかなぁと思いました。でもよく分かりません。ご意見はこちらまで。→
LOGAN : Syl, Krit, unfriendliness behind you. 25 meters and closing.
LYDECKER : Take them out.

MAX : Which way is she coming?
ZACK : They're onto us. There's no time.
MAX : I'm not gonna let her take one for good ol' Manticore. Which way?

MAX : Do you know who I am? You know what really pisses me off? When a poser bites my stilo.

poserのところに「気取り屋」と注釈をつけていたのですが誤りで、タスマニアデビルさんから正しい訳を教わりました。ありがとうございます。m( _ _ )m ('02/12/21)

KRIT : (to Max) So you broke into his house? (to Logan) And you liked that?
LOGAN : Well, she went for the good stuff. I could tell she had taste.
MAX : The black cat suit didn't hurt, either.

MADAME X : What's her condition?
MALE DOCTOR : The bullet went clean through. Her right ventricle is collapsed. She's gone.
MADAME X : Is there damage to any other organs? Prep her for harvesting.
ZACK : No!
・ventricleER IV 第1話のV-tackの箇所参照。
I'm having my eggs harvested. (You've Got Mailから)

MADAME X : Careful. You'll pull a stitch.
MAX : Where am I?
MADAME X : I think you know.

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