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フレンズ 第14話(202)
Bag 'em
ジャンク Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 元の生活へと戻ろうとした矢先に、シグナルを使ってジェネティック達をおびきよせようとしている計画の情報を知る。このままでは仲間がみすみす殺されてしまうと再び救出に向かうのだった。
クイズ 「弾は貫通してる。」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

CINDY : No, boo. I think they sent you to kill Logan 'cause he's Eyes Only.
MAX : Logan? Please.
CINDY : Straight up. Now it all makes sense! You two were always doin' stuff on the DL.
MAX : You've got it all wrong.
CINDY : Sugar, don't front. You been creepin' with Eyes Only! Give me some. MAX : You can't say anything, though.
CINDY : I already forgot. You got Original Cindy's word on that.
MAX : A lot of people want him dead, and I almost got him killed.
CINDY : It's gonna be all right. It's all good.
MAX : It doesn't feel all good. It doesn't even feel a little bit good.
CINDY : Somehow...some way...it's all gonna come correct. 'Cause you and Logan just got it like that. Nothing can keep you two apart. You're home, you're safe, you're strong. You kicked Manticore to the curb for good. They can't hurt you anymore. They can't hurt anyone anymore.
on the DLは「ザック」のオリジナルタイトル「411 on the DL」にもありましたね。辞書にはon the DL sideという形で乗っていました。あとYou and Logan just got it like that. のitの部分って「運命」か何かなのでしょうかね。ちょっとよく分かりませんでした。ちなみにこの部分の訳は「幸せになれる」でした。

MAN : Ever think maybe they were busy defending the facility? Manticore was under attack. By who, we don't know, but obviously command is still in place. Otherwise there wouldn't have been a signal.
WOMAN : But the TACs...they were shooting at us.
MAN : Not at us. They were protecting the perimeter. I mean, sure, we took some friendly fire. That's all. Come on. We've still got ten klicks to cover.

RADIO : Police suspect foul play in a fire that claimed as many as a hundred lives last Friday...(station changes)...a veterans' hospital built in 2007. Authorities are refusing to release information on the fire's origin and any possible loss of life at the facility.
WOMAN : We can't even get music in this damn place.

MAX : So what should I tell everybody?
CINDY : Let a sister handle this. Original Cindy's gonna get out in front of this thing. Hey, everybody! Look who's back from the dead.
SKETCHY : All right! Max! Almost scared me to death. This is a joyous turn of events. Now what happened?
NORMAL : Well, well, well. Look who's here.
MAX : What can I say, Normal? Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
NORMAL : Hot run, Morningside and Everclear.
MAX : It’s got my name on it.
NORMAL : No. No, your name is mud, missy-miss. I've heard some lame excuses for missing work, but faking your own death for a three-month sabbatical is a new low.
MAX : I did not fake my own death. I had a...medical emergency.
NORMAL : Would you care to explicate?
MAX : A heart transplant.
NORMAL : That's good. Did you get a note from your doctor? Prescription for cyclosporine, perhaps? Because I'll need some more proof before I buy that…..That's a nice big, uh...scar you got there.
get out in front ofがよく分からなかったのですが、webでは6,050件も使われていました。「前もって・さっさと取り組む、先手を打つ」ということかなと想像したのですが、自信はありません。ちなみに訳は「ばっちりきっかけ作ってあげる」になっていました。ご意見をお願いします。→
MAX : Me hittin' you back. What's up?
ANCHORWOMAN : The red-hot embers cool and the death toll rises after Monday's tragic blaze at a remote mountainside veteran's hospital.
LOGAN : Are you seeing this on channel three?
MAX : Hey, Sketch, hook me up on three.
ANCHORWOMAN : Channel Three News has now learned that the inferno is the result of arson, traced to rogue terrorist group S1W.
MAX : Manticore.
LOGAN : Only they're saying it's a V.A. hospital and the S1W burned it down.
MAX : Is that a bad thing? And what's the S1W?
LOGAN : It's a progressive group, fighting the good fight. They're into direct action, which is why the government's trying to make them out to be terrorists.
MAX : Better people think some crackpots torched the V.A. than the circus burned down and the freaks got out.
ANCHORWOMAN : In an earlier act of aggression, the S1W held hostages in the V.A. facility last month.
SKETCHY : This is so bogus. Eyes Only said that hospital was just a front for that Manticore place.

WOMAN : You've gotta talk to Eyes Only. Make him get the truth out there.
LOGAN : I can't make him do anything.
WOMAN : They're trying to pin this on us 'cause of the job we pulled at the V.A. office. That was a favor to you. Now I need a favor. Talk to him.

WOMAN : This is so cool. Does it say how much you cost?
ALEC : A lot more than you, sweetheart.
WOMAN : Is it a gang thing?
ALEC : You guessed my secret.
WOMAN : So how come you're not out gang-banging, then?
ALEC : Well, 'cause sometimes a guy can have a lot more fun on his own.
WOMAN : So you're on the lam.
ALEC : Oh, you're so intuitive.

SOLDIER : Tally on the signalling operation. Thirty-eight showed up at the rendezvous point over the course of the day.
WHITE : Not bad. Keep the signal running every night, until they stop coming. MAN : Sir.
WHITE : What the hell is that?
MAN : Looks like something they cooked up to fight in the desert. The skin's designed to retain moisture. Same with the nose. Even has a second eyelid, probably to protect the cornea against sand and grit.
WHITE : Well, I hate to think how many of those rolled off the assembly line.

X6-787 : X6-787, sir.
X6-809 : X6-809, sir.
ALEC : Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. What are you bozos thinking knocking over a Kwik-E-Mart?

ALEC : They're trying to kill us. The signal's bogus. It's a trap.
X6-787 : If I may, sir...That doesn't make any sense. We're valuable military assets, representing billions of dollars in R&D.

ALEC : Okay, what part of "They're trying to kill you" did you not understand? X6-787 : All respect, sir, but officers of rank superior to yours left standing orders to regroup when instructed to do so.
ALEC : Well, far be it from me to violate the chain of command.

X6-787 : Left face. Quick march.

ALEC : Hey, weird kid. Want some hydrogenated imitation pork product? Huh? ...All right. More for me.
FEMALE : Sir, you were right. It was an ambush.
MALE : They shot at us.
ALEC : If you idiots let them follow you...Oh, great.
MALE : It's them?
ALEC : I wish.

WHITE : Help me to understand how a girl on a motorcycle got the drop on you and all of your men.
SOLDIER : It's hard to explain, sir. It all happened so fast we..

MAX : There's been a change in your mission status...extreme and unforeseen. You've been betrayed by your own command. What do you do?
KIDS : Redeploy.
MAX : Correct. How?
MALE : Unknown, ma'am. We have no training with regard to that circumstance.
MAX : Do you know what that means?
KIDS : No, ma'am.
MAX : All your training goes out the window.
KIDS : Yes, ma'am.

MAX : You have to stop thinking of yourselves as soldiers and start thinking of yourselves as people.
MALE : But we are soldiers.
MAX : You mouthing off to me? 'Cause I have zero tolerance for that. Zero! And to commemorate this special moment, that's gonna be your name..Zero. Get out on sentry duty. (To Female)I saw you messing around with that radio there.
FEMALE : I excelled in diagnostics and repair. I was trying to fix it.
MAX : Fixit. That's gonna be your name.

MAX : That yours?
KID : I'm in the bugle corps.
MAX : Bugler it is.
BUGLER : What's my assignment?
MAX : Getting some sleep.
BUGLER : It's not lights-out yet.
MAX : That's okay. Let's find a place for you to bunk down.

MAX : See, you don't have to take orders anymore. Not from anyone.
BUGLER : Even you?
MAX : Especially not from me.
ALEC : Well, when the going gets cute, the tough get going.
MAX : You're really leaving?
ALEC : Afraid so.

MAX : Sorry. I, uh...didn't know somebody else was in here. You don't look so hot. Probably need some sun, huh? Bet they had you all hooked up back at Manticore. Nice, sandy barrack...heat lamps.....Sorry.
hooked upが分かりませんでした。機械につないでいたわけでもないだろうし、なんでしょう。ご意見をお願いします。→
WHITE : I had a chance to peruse the DNA workup done during your most recent stay at Manticore.
MAX : Let me guess. My insurance didn't cover it and you want me to go out-of-pocket.
WHITE : Are you familiar with the term "junk DNA?"
MAX : Layman's terms for base pairs that don't contain viable genetic information. Doesn't do much more than fill space. Kind of like that gray, squishy thing in between your ears.
WHITE : Would you be surprised if I told you that you didn't have any junk DNA? Seems every single base pair is coded for some specific genetic purpose. Now the money question is...what does it mean? What is it that your genes are coded to do?
MAX : Kick ass, mostly. After that, wouldn't know.
money questionがよく分かりませんでした。この場面では「大事な質問、重要な点」くらいの意味かなと想像するのですが、他のサイトでの使用例と共通点が見つかりませんでした。ご意見をお願いします。→
ZERO : Are we ever gonna see you again?
MAX : Promise. Now I'm going to drop a little wisdom on you grunts, so pay attention. First time I got out in the world, I lost track of all the kids I escaped with. Spent the next ten years trying to find them. Don't let that happen to you. Stay together. You're family.
ALEC : Okay, I'm out of here before the waterworks start.
MAX : Hold on. We have one last thing to do...as soldiers.
ALEC : And what's that?
MAX : Pay our respects to those who didn't make it. Attention!

MAX : Thanks for coming through on their papers.
LOGAN : No problem. You did a good thing, Max. Not just for them, but for all of 'em. They'll figure it out.

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