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ER IV 第1話
待ち伏せ Y

あらすじ 今日はテレビ取材の日。ERの真の姿に迫ろうと根ほり葉ほり嗅ぎ回るクルー達だが、ERの忙しさは待ってはくれない。
クイズ 「これは葉巻だなんて言えませんよ」ってどう言う?  答えはリスト内にあるよ。

Crew : Can we get this in one night?
Crew: We have to.
Crew: Change up batteries in the Lavaliers.
Crew: He's getting more nine-volts.
Director : Camera mount in trauma is keystoning .
Crew: Hasn't been leveled yet.
Director: All right, guys. Let's get ready to shoot. Everybody on the same page?
Crew: Worried about that iris?
Crew: It's working fine.
Crew: The tapes are numbered.

Crew : We put up some other stationary cameras, one at the main desk and one in that yellow operating room.
Carol : Trauma 1?

Mark : Let's order pre-op labs. CBC, type and screen , left lower extremity film.
Chuny : Ancef?
Mark : One gram IV piggyback and 100 of gentamicin.
Patient : I really broke it, huh?
Doug : You're not gonna play varsity this fall.
Patient : Varsity? I'm 24 years old.
Doug : You're 24?
Mark : Guess I don't need a pediatrician.
Doug : You'll be carded till you're 40.
type and screenの詳しい説明が出ています。興味のある方はどうぞ。

Doug : Dr. Greene, how's that pulse?
Mark : Distal pulses are two plus and equal. No arterial injury.
John : You have pain anywhere besides your leg, Mr. Chan?
Patient : Just I kind of jammed my stomach.
John : Possible surgical belly.
Mark : You're still here?
Peter : Thirty-six hours. We're short of a surgeon. Belly's benign . Call Ortho.

John : That'll cut down on the acidity in your stomach. If you vomit in O.R., you could aspirate your stomach contents into your lungs.

Kerry : They're focusing on Dr. Greene. But their goal is to get a sense of what all of us do in the emergency department...
Doug : Kerry, nice do .
Kerry : ..and portray it in a positive light .
Anna : It says nothing in there about their positive lights. It only talks about their rights to use my name and image in perpetuity.

Doug : In any case, they're here. They're shooting. There's nothing we can do about it except stick up for Mark. That's what I'm doing.
Doug : Don't get used to everybody taking orders from you.
Mark : I was hoping for a sequel.
Doug : Yeah. Some of us are working stiffs . I've got measles in 4.

Jeanie : Mr. Schoenberger's in sinus rhythm . BP's 110/70, pulse is 72, reps are...resps... Sorry. Should I start over?
Camera : Sure.
Jeanie : I started a cardiac work-up , ordered a CBC, Chem-7, cardiac enzymes
Chem-7の詳しい説明がSurfer's Paradiseに出ています。ご参照ください。

Mark : You know where I can get ahold of any Havanas?
Patient : My taste is a little more pedestrian . I'm happy puffing one of these.
Mark : No wonder you're short of breath.
Patient : Seriously? You think it's the cigars?
Mark : Those aren't fit to be called cigars. You should lay off the cheapos for a few days and I think you're gonna feel fine.
Patient : Give up the stogies?
Mark : At least treat yourself something decent.

Director : The nurses are cooking . Turn mike to channel three.

Lily : I got a head lac for Carter. Has anybody seen him?

Director : Stay with them. They're miked .

Paramedic : Neighbor here says he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer six months ago.
Paramedic : He's tachy at 120. Pressure's 130/100. Resps increased to 30. He's got a lot of secretions .
Carol : Pulse ox is 89.
Anna : Should I intubate?
Mark : With this mass, we'd have to crike him. I don't want to use extraordinary measures if he has a DNR.
Mark : Boz, do you want a cricothyrotomy ? I can cut a hole in your neck to help you breathe. Do you want that?

John : If there's anything I can answer, or if there's anything you need….
Patient's Wife : Yeah. I'm on Librium . Can you write me a refill?

Doug : That's not a canine bite.
Patient's Mother : What?
Doug : It's a bite from an immature Homo sapien. That's one who still has his primary incisors .

Carol : Her resting pulse is 120 and she's tremulous .
Mark : You should lay off the crack.

Doug : She's watching you. Trying to get all personal and stuff. You go for that too, the intense, kind of brainy type.
Mark : She's married to the guy with the handy camera.
Doug : The old guy?
Mark : Yeah. They're pair.
Doug : May-Decembers . Never hold up.

Paramedic : We got a 30-year-old victim of a 15-foot-fall. He got pushed over rail onto a concrete surface. Brief loss of consciousness at the scene. Now alert and oriented. Occipital hematoma. BP 60 palp. Flaccid paralysis in all four extremities with loss of sensation.

Doug : Blown left pupil. He's hyperventilating.
Peter : Intracranial hemorrhage.

Patient's Sister : You stay away from him okay?
Chuny : Take it outside!
Patient's Sister : Just stay away!
Gang : Your brother's a ranker .

Karry : At the moment, the gentleman's C-4 nerve, that nerve between the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae , is still functioning. Meaning he can move his diaphragm and shrug his shoulders.
Camera : What was that you were pointing to?
Kerry : Here?
Camera : Yeah.
Kerry : This is a fracture of the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae.

Karry : If you're here about our little altercation , it's all settled. The police subdued the...
Morgenstern : The police?
Kerry : David, You're diaphoretic.

Jeanie : Kerry, he(=Morgenstern)'s throwing multifocal PVCs. Should we give him lidocaine?
Kerry : Cath lab's ready for us. Let's get him up!
PVCに誤った注釈をつけていたのですが、筑庵さんに正しい訳を教わりました。ありがとうございました!m( _ _ )m(2003/7/29)

Elizabeth : Excuse me, nurse. I'm Miss Corday. I was bleeped down for a consult.
Carol : Are you a doctor?
Elizabeth : I'm a surgical lecturer in Orthopedics and Trauma. There was an adolescent who decompensated ?
Carol : Dr. Benton took him up.
Elizabeth : How did the patient look? The boy with the positive lavage ?
Carol : Not good. Blown pupil, deep coma.

Kerry : Then how can you make an accusation about patient treatment just because your camera sees a picture of one man going to the Cath Lab so you assume preferential treatment? Do you know what the ST elevations are? Is there another patient in ER who had V-tach ?
Camera : I don't know.
Karry : How's the ectopy?
Lydia : Under five per minute.
Kerry : What do you wanna know? What can we tell you?
Camera : I'm sorry. I got carried away.
Kelly : You did.

John : Eighty-two-year-old male found down in a nursing home. Shocked twice without success. Shall I defibrillate?
Mark : Be my guest.
John : Charge it to 360.

Patient : I never was much of a Casanova in my day. I didn't go in for all the wild positions and so forth. Ladies need that. You know. All the positions.
John : So I've heard.
Patient : And sweet talk. I never was much for that either. I was mostly meat and potatoes.

Director : So when did you decide to become a surgeon?
Elizabeth : Well, that gets into pleasing my father, rattling my mother and all sorts of boring family secrets.

Mark : What happened?
John : He went into fib. Clear! I shocked him five times. He went into asystole. I've given high-dose epi and atropine. Charge it to 360.
Mark : Why didn't you call me?

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