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フレンズ 第4話(104)
The One With George Stephanopoulos
レイチェルの憂鬱 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 昔の友人達に会い、ウェイトレスをしている現状に嫌気がさし憂鬱になるレイチェルだったが仲間と過ごしてるうちに。。。ロスも前妻との記念日でブルーに。
クイズ 「昨日寝てないの」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Rachel : Look-look-look-look-look, my first pay check! Look at the window, there's my name! Hi, me!
Phoebe : I remember the day I got my first pay check. There was a cave-in in one of the mines, and eight people were killed.
Monica : Wow, you worked in a mine?
Phoebe : I worked at a Dairy Queen, why?
Rachel : God, isn't this exciting? I earned this. I wiped tables for it, I steamed milk for it, and it was totally... not worth it. Who's FICA? Why's he getting all my money?
Dairy Queenこちら参照。

Rachel : What are you guys doing here?
Kiki : Well, we were in the city shopping, and your mom said you work here, aaand it's true!
Joanne : Look at you in the apron. You look like you're in a play.
Rachel : (to a pregnant Leslie) Look at you! You are so big! I can't believe it!
Leslie : I know! I know! I'm a duplex.
Rachel : (to Joanne) So what's going on with you?
Joanne : Well, guess who my dad's making partner in his firm? (She points to herself and they all scream again.)
Kiki : And while we're on the subject of news.. (She holds up here finger to show off her engagement ring and they all scream again.)
Phoebe : (to Monica) Look, look, I have elbows! (They scream.)

Chandler : Poulet passes it up to Leetch! (Passes it to Joey.)
Joey : Leetch spots Messier in the crease. Here's the pass! (He kicks it to Ross, but Ross is staring into a shop window.)
Chandler : We'll take a brief time out while Messier stops to look at some women's shoes.

Joanne : When are you coming home?
Rachel : What? Guys, I'm not.
Joanne : C'mon, this is us.
Rachel : I'm not! This is what I'm doing now. I've got this job.
Kiki : Waitressing?
Rachel : Okay, I'm not just waitressing. I'm.. I, um... I write the specials on the specials board, and, uh... and I, uh... I take the uh dead flowers out of the vase... Oh, and, um, sometimes Artelle lets me put the little chocolate blobbies on the cookies.
Leslie : Well. Your mom didn't tell us about the blobbies.

Monica : We thought since Phoebe was staying over tonight we'd have kinda like a slumber party thing. We got some trashy magazines, we got cookie dough, we got Twister…
Phoebe : Ooh! Ooh! And I brought Operation! But, um, I lost the tweezers, so we can't operate. But we can prep the guy!

Phoebe : You are just like Jack.
Rachel : Jack from downstairs?
Phoebe : No, Jack and the Beanstalk.
Monica : Ah, the other Jack.
Phoebe : Yeah, right! See, he gave up something, but then he got those magic beans. And then he woke up, and there was this, this big plant outside his window, full of possibilities and stuff.. And he lived in a village, and you live in the Village..
Rachel : Okay, but Pheebs, Pheebs, Jack gave up a cow, I gave up an orthodontist. Okay, I-I-I know, I know I didn't love him.
Phoebe : Oh, see, Jack did love the cow.
Rachel : But see, it was a plan. Y'know, It was clear. Everything was figured out, and now everything's just kinda like...
Phoebe : Floopy?
Rachel : Yeah.

Rachel : So, what do you think George is like?
Monica : I think he's shy.
Phoebe : Yeah?
Monica : Yeah. I think you have to draw him out. And then...when you do...he's a preppy animal.

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