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フレンズ 第17話(117)
The One With Two Parts (2)
ERドクター登場 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 足を怪我したレイチェルはかっこいい医者に出会うが理由があって本名を名乗れない。。ジョーイはフィービーのふたごに夢中なのだがどうも二人の仲は。。ロスは父親になる自信が持てずにいたが感動的な出来事が起こり。。
クイズ 「現実的で悪かったわね!」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Ross : I had a dream last night where I was playing football with my kid.
Chandler and Joey: That's nice.
Ross: No, no, with him. I'm on this field, and they, they hike me the baby... and I, I know I've gotta do something 'cause the Tampa Bay defence is comin' right at me.
Joey: Tampa Bay's got a terrible team.
Ross: Right, but, it is just me and the baby, so I'm thinkin' they can take us. And so I uh, hah-hah, I just heave it down field.
Chandler: What are you crazy? That's a baby!
Joey: He should take the sack?

Joey : Oh, have either one of you guys ever been to the Rainbow Room? Is it real expensive?
Chandler: Well, only if you order stuff.
Rainbow Roomこちら参照。すごっ!

Chandler : So what're you gonna do?
Joey: What can I do? Look, I don't want to do anything to screw it up with Ursula.
Chandler: And your friend Phoebe?
Joey: Well, if she's my friend, hopefully she'll understand. I mean, wouldn't you guys?
Chandler: Man, if you tried something like that on my birthday, you'd be starin' at the business end of a hissy fit.
you'd be starin' at the business end of a hissy fit.はフレンズ以外でもweb上でいくつか使われていたので一応決まったフレーズのようです。

Dr. Mitchell : ..you add a pinch of saffron, it makes all the difference.

The Whole Party : SURPRISE!!!
Ross: What the hell are you doing? You scared the crap outta me.
Rachel: Was that the cake?
Ross: Yeah, yeah. I got a lemon schmush.
From about zero to six years old it's as if the kid's body belongs to you. You can hold 'em, pick 'em up and carry 'em around, schmush their faces and rub noses and〜
Smear the prebaked turquoise pendant piece with the dark clay; schmush the clay into every crack and crevice〜
"Ginger," is a seemingly innocent word. "Spice" is another. Schmush those nouns together to form "Ginger Spice" and whaddaya get?"
Ross : Dad, dad, dad, I'm talkin' about the whole uh, baby thing. Did you uh, ever get this sort of... panicky, "Oh my god I'm gonna be a father" kind of a thing?
Mr. Geller: No. Your mother really did the work. I was busy with the business. I wasn't around that much. Is that what this is about?
Ross: No, no, Dad, I was just wondering.
Mr. Geller: 'Cause there's time to make up for that. We can do stuff together. You always wanted to go to that Colonial Williamsburg . How 'bout we do that?
Colonial Williamsburgこちら参照。

Rachel : Hi.
Dr. Rosen: Ah here, we brought wine.
Dr. Mitchell: Look at this, it's from the cellars of Ernest and Tova Borgnine, so how could we resist?
Rachel: Oh, that's great. Look at that.
Ernest and Tova Borgnineは俳優ご夫婦。お写真はこちら

Dr. Rosen : So... they still seem normal.
Dr. Mitchell: That's because they are.
Dr. Rosen: Okay, but you have to admit that every time we go out with women we meet at the hospital, it turns into...
Dr. Mitchell: Will you relax? Look around. No pagan altars, no piles of bones in the corners, they're fine.

Dr. Rosen : This is a great place. How long have you lived here?
Rachel: (as Monica) Thanks! I've been here about six years, and Rachel moved in a few months ago.
Monica: (as Rachel) Yeah. See, I was supposed to get married, but, um, I left the guy at the altar.
Dr. Mitchell: Really?
Monica: (as Rachel) Yeah... Yeah, I know it's pretty selfish, but haha, hey, that's me.Why don't you try the hummus ?

Dr. Rosen : This hummus is great.
Dr. Mitchell: God bless the chickpea .
Monica: (as Rachel) Oh, god, I am so spoiled... That's it!

Ursula : Excuse me. Doesn't this come with a side salad ?

Chandler : What's up with the simian ?
Ross: It's just a fur ball.

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