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フレンズ 第23話(123)
The One With The Birth
ベビー誕生! Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ ロスの赤ちゃんの出産を待つ間に、ジョーイは別の女性の出産に立ち会ったり、レイチェルがハンサムな医者といい雰囲気になったり、ロス・スーザン・フィービーは物置に閉じ込められたり。。
クイズ 「それで僕が何を得るって言うんだ!」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Monica : Has her water broken yet?
Ross : I don't know, but when I spoke to her, she said she had already passed the mucus plug.
Joey : Do we have to know about that?

Dr. Franzblau : All right, he's crowning. Here he comes.
Ross : Let me see, I gotta see, I gotta see. Oh, a head. Oh, it's, it's huge. Carol, how are you doing this?
Carol : Not.... helping!

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