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High Fidelity
ハイ・フィデリティ Y

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監督 : Stephen Frears
RobJohn Cusackレコード店を経営
LauraIben Hjejleロブの現在の彼女。弁護士
DickTodd Louisoレコード店の店員
Barry Jack Black レコード店の店員
CharlieCatherine Zeta-Jonesロブの元の彼女(3番目。大学)
SarahLili Taylorロブの元の彼女(4番目。大学)
Penny Joelle Carterロブの元の彼女(2番目。高校)
Alison Shannon Stilloロブの元の彼女(1番目。中学)
MarieLisa Bonet歌手
IanTim Robbins ローラの新恋人

あらすじ 中古レコード店を経営する30代の独身男性が現在の恋人とうまく行かなくなったことをきっかけに、自身の恋愛遍歴をふりかえり出す。
クイズ 「今、年収はいくら?」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Rob : Can you see your name on that list, Laura? Maybe you'd sneak into the top ten. But there's just no room for you in the top five. Sorry! Those places are reserved for the kind of humiliation and heartbreak you're just not capable of delivering.

Rob's monologue : She(=2番目の彼女) was so nice, in fact, that she wouldn't let me put my hand underneath or even on top of her bra. Attack and defense. Invasion and repulsion. It was as if breasts were little pieces of property that had unlawfully annexed by the opposite sex. They were rightfully ours, and we wanted them back.

Barry : Since when did this store become a fascist regime?
Rob : Since you brought that bullshit tape in.
Barry : Oh, man, that's great. That's the fun thing about working in a record store. You get to play crappy pap you don't even wanna listen to.

Rob's monologue : Some people never got over 'Nam or the night their band opened for Nirvana. l guess I never really got over Charlie. But the thing I learned from the whole Charlie debacle is that you gotta punch your weight. See, Charlie, she's out of my class. She's too pretty, too smart, too witty, too much.

Rob : (Barryの胸倉をつかんで)Shut up! Will you shut up? Will you?
Barry : You're a fuckin' maniac. I swear to God, if you tore this thing, it's vintage, and I would fuckin' sock your nose. You'll pay big.

Laura's Mother : (留守電に)Hello, Laura, this is your mother. Your father's angina is a little rough today. I thought he might like to talk to you. lt's no big deal. I love you two. Bye-bye.

Rob's monologue : John Dillinger was shot dead behind that theatre in a hail of FBI gunfire. You know who tipped 'em off? His fuckin' girlfriend. He just wanted to go to the movies.
a hail of gunfireで決まり文句のようです。

Rob's monologue : You are as abandoned and noisy as any character in a porn film, Laura. You are lan's plaything, responding to his touch with shrieks of orgasmic delight. No woman in the history of the world is having better sex than the sex you are having with lan... in my head. Number five:Jackie Alden. Jackie Alden's breakup had no effect on my life whatsoever. lt was a casual thing, and I was glad when it ended. l just slotted her in to bump Laura out of position. But now, congratulations, Laura. You made it to the top five. Number five with a bullet. Welcome.

Rob's monologue : She(=Laura) lost her lease on her apartment in Lakeview, and she moved in with me. And it stayed that way for years. She didn't make me miserable, or anxious, or ill-at-ease. And you know, it sounds boring, but it wasn't. lt wasn't spectacular, either. lt was just...good. But really good.

Rob's monologue : And number two, this stuff about me half-looking around for someone else? She(=Laura) tricked me into saying it. We were having this State-of-the-Union type conversation and she said, quite matter of factly, that we were pretty unhappy at the moment. And did I agree? And I said yes. And she asked me whether I ever thought about meeting other people. So then I asked her if she ever thought about meeting someone else. She says, "Of course". So I admit that, yes, I daydream about it from time to time. Now I can see what we were really talking about is her and lan and she suckered me into absolving her. lt was a sneaky lawyer's trick and I fell for it. Because she's much smarter than me. All right, then the pregnancy. l didn't know she was pregnant. Of course I didn't. l didn't know because she hadn't told me. She hadn't told me because l had told her that I had sor... Yes, I'd slept with someone else. So I didn't find out she was pregnant till way later. We were going through this good period and I made some crack about having kids and...she just burst into tears. And I said, "Well, what is it," you know. "What..." And I made her tell me, and she did...and I went into this brief and ill-advised bout of self-righteousness, you know...What right do you have? My child too...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That pretty much brings us up to date.

Rob : Um, I was actually her... her first boyfriend in the seventh grade and I was just wondering if you had any way of reaching her or her number or…
Alison Mother : l hate to quibble with you, Rob, but Alison married her first boyfriend.

Rob's monologue : Penny is as beautiful as she was in high school and really grown into herself. She reviews movies for a living, which is unassailably cool, even if she does make these little notes with this little flashlight pen.

Barry : (お客に)You don't have it? That is perverse. Don't tell anybody you don't own fucking Blonde on Blonde.

Rob : (万引きをしてスケートボードを落としていった少年たちに)Okay, fuckos, how much is this deck worth to you, and how much did you steal? Can you do the math?

Rob : Look at this place. Laura, it's a dump. What are you making now? Sixty, seventy a year? And you were living in this shithole. Bet you can't even remember what you were doing here.
Laura : I was here because l wanted to be with you.

Laura : I left because we weren't exactly getting along, and we weren't talking about it. I'm getting to a point where l want to get my shit together and I can't really see that ever happening with you.

Rob's monologue : (Marieと一晩過ごして)"How could this have happened?" you ask. "How does he...How does he do it?" How does a regular guy like me become the number one lover man in his particular postal district? He's grumpy. He's broke. He hangs out with the musical moron twins and yet he gets to go to bed with somebody like Marie De Salle.

Rob's monologue : (Marieとのデートについて)And then we talk about our exes. She's dry and self-deprecating. Great sense of humour about it, and I can really see why her songs are so good.

Barry : And you met this bruiser where exactly? The home for the mentally challenged or the blind or the bus station?
Dick : Um, here. She asked me about the, uh, new Green Day album…

Rob's monologue : Believe me, I mean, l could do a top-five-things about her(=Laura) that drive me crazy...but it's just your garden variety women, you know, schizo stuff...and that's the kind of thinking that got me here.

Rob : I'll put out your record. Any profits we split down the middle after I recoup expenses, okay?
Vince : Recoup expenses? Man, you're gonna recoup a big, fat Mercedes is what you're gonna do.
Rob : We're not there yet, Justin.
Vince : I'm Vince.
Rob : Whatever.

Barry : Hey, top five songs about death. A Laura's dad tribute list. Okay?
Rob : Okay.
Barry : "Leader Of The Pack". The guy fuckin' beefs it on his motorcycle and dies, right?

Laura : (父親の葬式の日)Listen, Rob, would you have sex with me? 'Cause I want to feel something else than this. It's either that, or I go home and put my hand in the fire. Unless you want to stub cigarettes out on my arm.
Rob : No. I only have a few left. I've been saving them for later.
Laura : Right. lt'll have to be sex then.

Rob's monologue : You know, I guess I think I've always been a professional critic, you know, or some sort of professional appreciator or something. And I just wanted to, you know, do something new, put something new out into the world, you know, kind of really put my money where my mouth is. Yeah. Wow. I would... You know, l would love to hear them.

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