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Red DragonY


監督 : Brett Ratner
Dr. Hannibal LecterAnthony Hopkins連続殺人鬼
Will GrahamEdward NortonFBI捜査官
Francis DolarhydeRalph Fiennes 殺人鬼:Tooth Fairy
Jack CrawfordHarvey Keitel Willの上司
Reba McClaneEmily Watson 盲目の女性
Freddy LoundsPhilip Seymour Hoffman 記者
Lloyd BowmanKen Leung FBI捜査官

あらすじ あるニ家族の惨殺事件の捜査依頼が、殺人鬼ハンニバル・レクター博士を捕らえた元FBI捜査官のもとに。。。
サイト 公式サイト(英語)
クイズ 「スケジュールを空けておくよ」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Hannibal : Think to yourself that everyday is your last, the hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise. As for me, when you want a good laugh, you will find me, in a fine state, fat and sleek, a true hog of Epicurus' herd.
John : And we find you cribbing lines from Horace, as well.
Hannibal : Well done, John.

Will : We've been on the wrong track this whole time, Doctor. You and I. Our whole profile's wrong. Well, we've been looking for someone with a crazy grudge, and some kind of anatomical knowledge, decertified doctors, med school dropouts, laid-off mortuary workers.
Hannibal : From the precision of the cuts, yes, and ah, his choice of souvenirs.
Will : See? That's where we're off-target. He's not collecting body parts.
Hannibal : Then why keep them?
Will : He's not keeping them. He's eating them.

Will : Then suddenly I had a flash of the third victim. Darcy Taylor. She was missing flesh from her back. And then it hit me. Liver, kidney, tongue, thymus. Every single victim lost some body part used in cooking.

Will : I'm starting to be able to think like this one.
Hannibal : Yeah, it's fascinating. You know, I'd always suspected as much. You are an eidetiker.

Crawford : You've got a beautiful setup here, Will.

Crawford : (事件の犯人の話で)And his blood's AB positive.
Will : Somebody hurt him?
Crawford : Nope. We typed him from semen and saliva. He's a secretor.

Will : Small pieces of mirror were inserted in the orbital sockets of the victims. This occurred post-mortem. Why did you put mirors in their eyes?

Will : Hey! Are the Leeds' bodies still at the morgue?
Crawford : Yeah.
Will : Who do we have down here? Who's really good with latent prints?
Crawford : Atlanta P.D. But they've already printed the bodies.
Will : Not the bodies. Tell them to check the eyes. Mrs. Leeds' eyes. Even her corneas.

Guy : (捜査会議で)This is what the subject's teeth look like. The impressions came from bite marks on Mrs. Leeds. This degree of crookedness plus the groove in this central incisor makes his bite signature unique.

Springfield : You asked about the dog. Last night a vet called us. Leeds and his oldest boy brought the dog in the afternoon before they were killed. Had a puncture wound to its abdomen. The vet had to put it down.

Crawford : (電話を受けて)Carl, you're the light of my life. Would it hold up in court? Okay. Great work.(電話を切って)They found a print on Mrs. Leeds' left eye. Partial thumb.

Will : I did what you asked me to do. I'm going home. I don't even have any idea who this guy is. You know? What I just gave them was broad strokes. He's got no face to me.

Chilton : As a research subject, Lecter has proven most disappointing. He's simply impenetrable to psychological testing. Rorschach, thematic apperception. He folds them into origami. As you see. So you can imagine the stir your little visit is causing among my staff, Mr. Graham.

Hannibal : Have you considered the possibility that he is disfigured or that he may believe he is disfigured?
Will : Yeah, the mirrors.
Hannibal : Yes. Notice he smashes all the mirrors in the houses, not just enough to get the pieces he wants. And, of course, those shards in their eyes, so he can see himself there.
Will : That's interesting.
Hannibal : No, it's not interesting. You thought of that before.

Hannibal : So you'll be wanting lots of these little chinwags, I take it.
Will : I might not have time.
Hannibal : I do. I have oodles.

Hannibal : Don't you understand, Will? You caught me because we're very much alike. Without our imaginations, we'd be like all those other poor dullards.

Will : He had a second tool, too. A bolt cutter. He used that to clear his view.
Hannibal : But?
Will : I don't think that's what he brought it for. It's heavy. Too awkward. And he had to carry it a long way.

Hannibal : Imagine what you would do, Will, if you could go back in time.
Will : Put two in your head before you could palm that stiletto.
Hannibal : Very good, Will.

Hannibal : The case file mentioned videos of the Leeds family. I'd like to see those.
Will : No.
Hannibal : Why not?
Will : It would be obscene.
Hannibal : You don't make it easy, do you? Still, one aims to please.

Librarian : "A robin redbreast in a cage puts all heaven in a rage"
Will : Yeah, that's it.
Librarian : William Blake. Auguries of Innocence.

Hannibal : It's right there in the Rolodex, or whatever. I'll dance at your wedding if you read it to me.
Assistant : I don't know. I'm really not supposed to.
Hannibal : Be a darling and flip that old rascal. I won't take up any more of your time. Graham, Will.
Assistant : All right. Just a minute.

Ralph : It's starting to spritz outside. How about I'll give you a lift home?
Reba : You ride a motorcycle. How's that gonna help me with the rain?
Ralph : I thought maybe we'd stop off someplace, have ourselves a little sundowner.
Reba : I've already got a ride.

Reba : I can hear that you've had some kind of soft palate repair. But I understand you fine because you speak very well. If you don't want to talk to me, that's cool. But I hope that you will, because I know what it's like to have people always thinking that you're different.
Dolarhyde : That's good.

Will : It'd help me if I could see some of their personal effects. Diaries, letters. Do you have those things, Mr. Metcalf?
Mr. Metcalf : I sure do. I mean, other than one or two little keepsakes Niles Jacobi got.
Will : That would be Mr. Jacobi's surviving son by his first wife?
Mr. Metcalf : Yes. Right. As their executor, I keep all that stuff in the office along with some of the smaller valuables, till after probate.

Crawford : A note hidden in Lecter's cell. Sounds like a fan letter. Might've been mailed by the Tooth Fairy. He wants Lecter's approval. He's curious about you. He's asking questions. I've alreadyscrambled a chopper.

Crawford : Listen up! We've got a note coming in on the fly possibly from the Tooth Fairy. Number One Priority. It has to go back to Lecter's cell within the hour unmarked.

Dolarhyde's letter : Investigator Graham interests me. Not your standard gumshoe, is he? More alert. Purposeful looking. You should have taught him not to meddle. Forgive the stationery. I chose it because it'll dissolve very quickly if you should have to swallow it. If I hear from you, next time I might send you something wet. Until then, dear Doctor. I remain your most avid fan.

Will : The Tooth Fairy named the book to use. He specified it in his note, in the part Lecter tore out.
Bowman : It would appear so. What about sweating Lecter? In a mental hospital I would think drugs…
Will : No. They tried sodium amytal on him three years ago, trying to find out where he buried the Princeton student. He gave them a recipe for dip. Besides, if we sweat him, we lose the connection.
Crawford : If the Tooth Fairy picked the book, that is something he knew Lecter would have in his cell.
Bowman : Can we get a list of his books?
Will : From Chilton, maybe. No! Wait! Rankin and Willingham, when they tossed his cell, took Polaroids so they could put everything back in place.

Crawford : I'm leery of letting Lecter's message run without knowing what it says.

Crawford : Atlanta P.D. nailed him(=Lounds). He had a fake Bureau ID and was trying to get the Leeds family autopsy photos. It's a Federal beef, so Atlanta kicked him back to us. Personally I'd like nothing better than to see the dirt sandwich pulling five at Leavenworth. But maybe there's a better way to handle this.
Will : Yeah? What's that?
Crawford : I think we ought to give him a story.
Will : Also, he sexually molests his male victims.
Lounds : While they're alive?
Will : Sorry, I can't go into those details. But we do also speculate that he's the product of an incestuous home. No wonder the creep's such a loser, right? That's a tip we got from Dr. Lecter, by the way.
Lounds : So it's true that Lecter's actually helping with your investigation?
Will : Yes, it's true. The Doctor was offended that a bottom-feeding lowlife like the Tooth Fairy would consider himself in the same league.
Lounds : Okay, tell me about this place you got here. Will, your little Washington hideaway.

Crawford : We'll stake out this apartment, put snipers on the nearby rooftops. Also you'll have a moving box tail, 24/7, in your car, on the street, wherever you go. You'll wear the Kevlar at all times. No exceptions.
moving boxがよく分かりませんでした。想像では「車」なのですが、Web上で他にこの使い方を見つけられませんでした。ご意見はこちらまで→
Lounds : Where am I? What am I doing here?
Dolarhyde : Atoning, Mr. Lounds.

Dolarhyde : I am the Dragon, and you call me insane! You are privy to a great becoming and you recognize nothing. You are an ant in the afterbirth. It is in your nature to do one thing correctly. Before me, you rightly tremble. But fear is not what you owe me, Mr. Lounds. You owe me awe.
ant in the afterbirthが分かりませんでした。「後産の中の蟻」って???「とるに足らないもの」か「クズ」みたいな意味なのかなぁと想像してるのですが、この表現って熟語等の決まった表現なのでしょうか?Web上では一応2つ使用例がありました。(@Buffy,A)ご意見はこちらまで→
Crawford : We can let this tie us up in knots or we can learn from it. Maybe even use it to catch the bastard.
Bowman : He had to have a van or panel truck to move Lounds around in that big old wheelchair.

Crawford : He either lives in the Chicago area or he's within a driving radius of…call it six hours. Find out within this area where the Tattler was available for early distribution Monday night. Start with airports, all-night newsstands. Maybe some newsies remembers an odd customer.

Hannibal : Tell me, Will. Did you enjoy it? Your first murder? Of course you did. Why shouldn't it feel good? It does to God. Why, only last week in Texas, he dropped a whole church roof on the heads of 34 of his worshippers just as they were groveling through a hymn. He wouldn't begrudge you one journalist.
Will : Put me next to him, Doctor.

Will : That's what you want, isn't it? To help him succeed where you failed? Twice? Give him a chance to kill me.
Hannibal : Go on, then. Seduce me with your wares.
Will : Full restoration of your privileges. Plus computer access to the AMA archives. One hour a week under supervision, of course, but this is a one-time offer. It expires the minute I walk out of here.
Hannibal : Bit measly, don't you think?

Hannibal : Look for a military record with combat training. Look for extensive tattooing, and corrective surgery, most likely to the face.
Will : Come on. I'm past that already and you know it.

Reba : Nine steps from the front door to the clock and three more to this room. Sorry. Force of habit.

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