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Someone Like You



監督 : Tony Goldwyn
JaneAshley Juddトーク番組のゲストのブッキング担当
RayGreg Kinnearトーク番組のプロデューサー。Janeの一目ぼれの相手
EddieHugh JackmanJaneの同僚。プレーボーイ
LizMarisa TomeiJaneの親友。雑誌社に勤務
DianeEllen Barkinトーク番組の司会
AliceCatherine DentJaneの姉

あらすじ 幸せ絶頂時に恋人から別れ話を持ち出され、訳が分からず打ちのめされてしまう。その理由を追求していくうちにある突飛な恋愛論にたどり着き、雑誌に掲載したところ、大反響になるのだが。。。
サイト 公式サイト(英語)
クイズ 「何考えることがあるっていうの?」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Diane : (on air) We're back with Mary Lou Corkle, outspoken conservative activist, who's here to talk about her new book, The Nest Crisis. One of your central arguments, Mary Lou, is to blame society's problems on working mothers.
Jane : (voiceover) Diane was determined to strike ペイダー with her audience by appealing to both their understmulated intelligence and their overstimulated appetite for tabloid television.
Corkle : Ambition's blinded these women to their responsibilities to their family. Diane : And so by your standards, doing what I do makes me unfit for motherhood.
Corkle : Well, we make our own beds, don't we?
Diane : That is true. Just out of curiosity, Mary Lou, who's been making your kids' beds while you've been out selling your book these past three months?
"Diane wanted to reach her audience"になっていて、音声では「ペイダー/pader?」って聞こえるのですが、何か分かりませんでした。

分からなかった聞き取りの箇所をKawaiさまに教えていただきました。ありがとうございます。m( _ _ )m ('04/03/08)
Dian was determined to strike pay dirt with her audienceです。
訳すと「ダイアンはたしたこと無い知能で高等なことを求める観客向けなテレビ番組 を作ることに決心していた」 のような感じでしょうか。

strike pay dirtで「'やま' をあてる, 成功する」という熟語があるようです。

Eddie : Forget Castro. Come on! I mean what you want is more creative angle.
Jane : Such as?
Eddie : Elena de la Goya.
Jane : Who?
Eddie : One of the women the CIA hired to try and kill him back in the '60s.
Guy : Excuse me. I believe this is a smoke-free building.
Eddie : Blow me! Apparently the CIA cooked up this "scent of death" oil that could pass as perfume. The idea was she'd rub it on, Castro kissing her, licking her…
Jane : Don't editorialize.
Eddie : Sorry. Anyway, he was supposed to croak right after…
Jane : (voiceover) Eddie could find the sex factor in just about any subject. He of course considered this a gift.
Eddie : (to Nina) Nina, You left these earrings in my bathroom.
Jane : You don't waste any time, do you?
Eddie : Cynic!
Jane : Slut!

Jane : Jane Coodale.
Ray : I know. Interesting name. People must confuse you with the scientist.
Jane : Yeah. They always ask me if I'm into chimps.
Ray : Are you?
Jane : Not really. I mean maybe Curious George when I was 5.
Ray : Ah, Curious George was a monkey, not a chimp.
Jane : He knows his primates.
Ray : Yes, I do. See you around.

Jane : What else do I need to know about you? Apart from your addiction to processed foods much to the chagrin of your girlfriend…?
Ray : D
Jane : Whom you've been dating now for...?
Ray : Three years.
Jane : Three years. She made three years. Wow. That's more serious than I would have guessed, you know, off the cuff.

Diane : Who saw ABC's 4 a.m. newscast?
Ray : I think a lot of us missed that, Diane.
Diane : Big story on how single media outlets aren't cutting it anymore.

Girl 1 : Joy : the emotion evoked by the prospect of possessing one's desires.
Girl 2 : Rapture: the experience of being carried away by an overwhelming emotion or passion.
Jane : Ecstasy : a state of being beyond reason and self-control.

Liz : Wow! Mazel tov. I can't believe this! You're getting asked to play house by some guy, and I'm still on blind-date circuit from hell.

TV : Throughout the animal kingdom, prey species have developed a wide variety of escape behaviors. Freezing is a common response to predator alarm. Sensing danger, many animals will assume a rigid, statue-like position. Fleeing is another popular method. Some species will simply try to outrun their captors while others take an erratic zigzag course in the hopes that direction shifts will eventually tire the predator causing her to give up the chase. Smell the bacon, Jane?
Jane : I'm wondering what's happening here. I mean we haven't been alone together in a week and we lost the great apartment because your lawyer supposedly didn't get an act together, which is ok, I understand. But as of Saturday, I don't have a place to live. What the hell is going on?
Ray : I don't think I can do this.
Jane : Do what?
Ray : This. Us.

Eddie : Romance, true love, soul mates. It's all bullshit. None of it exists. Trust me, I speak from experience.
Jane : Man, she really did a number on you, didn't she? Don't shit on my broken heart just because you've converted to some warped brand of romantic atheism.
Eddie : Oh, man, whoo. It's called self-preservation.
Jane : Oh, in other words, you narcotize yourself with casual sex.

Jane : (voiceover) I lay awake that night wondering which was worse : Guys like Ray who blinded you with charms and promises. Or the Eddies of the world, who went right for your pants.
Girl : Oh, excuse me.
Jane : (voiceover) And in the end, it didn't matter. The truth was they were all cast from the same mold. But the question remained. Why?

Guy : I told them dumbasses it'd never work. You can't fool a bull. He knows where he's been and he ain't going back. Hell, I got 93 cows. Only one of them got nads. Why? Because one son of a bitch alone can knock up the entire herd. But once he's done, well, the party's over. I gotta go over to Ed Hickey's place down the road and trade him for a new one. Because there ain't a chance in hell he'll ever touch any of them cows again. No, sir.

Jane : The New cow Theory and "I'm tired of banging the same woman every night." Same thing. This is why men can't commit. Sooner or later we all become Old Cows. We're identified as already serviced, so they wanna move on and find less familiar females.
Liz : Ok. The whole novelty thing, you mean?
Jane : Neophilia, to be precise.

Eddie : What are you doing?
Jane : Nothing. Hey! Eddie!
Eddie : What's this? "Amygdala, a.k.a. erotic nose-brain."
Jane : Give it back!
Eddie : "An organ located in the nasal cavity, which connects smells to memories. Banana slugs, actually hermaphrodites, while mating, the males chew each other's penises off."…I worry about you, I really do.

Jane : I want my erotic nose-brain removed.
Doc : I beg your pardon?
Jane : My amygdala, the organ deep inside the nasal cavity, which processes scent which then connects to memory. I'd like it extracted.
Doc : But why would you want to voluntarily make yourself anosmatic?
Jane : Let me see if I can explain this. Um, I had this boyfriend. Ok. And he smelled really, really good. Like soap and fresh laundry and vanilla. And every time I smell any of those smells, I'm reminded of my boyfriend and how happy we were before he dumped me for no good reason. And I get very sad and then I get angry, and before I know it, I'm in the throes of an all-out emotional breakdown!

Liz : God! I'm such an idiot! I merely sensed things were a little off when he got back from L.A. but I just thought he was just jet-lagged or something. Then he tells me that France isn't such a good idea because he's gonna have to work the whole time. Anyway, so still, I figured, OK, that's no big deal. So Friday he gets on a plane and goes over there alone. Right? Wrong. An hour ago, I called his hotel room to say good night. Guess who answered the phone, 1:00 a.m., Paris time? Penelope Pope.
Jane : Who's Penelope Pope?
Liz : I have no idea but that's what she said when I said all that "Who the fuck is this?!"
Jane : God, Liz, I'm sorry.
Liz : I don't get it! I mean why feed me all that romantic crap if he's just gonna cheat on me?
Jane : Two words: copulatory imperative.
Liz : Excuse me?
Jane : It's the biological urge to spread their seed. Truth is less than 5% of all male animals are monogamous. The other 95% are…
Liz : Plugging Penelope Pope.
Liz : The point is I think you should write it.
Jane : Are you crazy?
Liz : Well, why not?
Jane : A: I'm not a writer. B: I'm not a psychologist.
Liz : So? We don't need a psychologist. We need someone with experience.
Jane : Liz, I don't know what I'm talking about. All I have are a bunch of notebooks filled with ridiculous little factoid. I mean, this is not a full-time job. This is a hobby. A sick, twisted, pathetic little hobby.
Liz : So, You get paid to write about something you're obsessed with. If you want anonymity, we'll give you a pen name. I personally think it'd be cathartic for you and you'd be doing your dear, sweet, wonderful friend a huge favor.

Jane : Who is she?
Liz : The recently deceased Harriet Gould. No surviving relatives.
Jane : She's perfect. She even has a bun.
Liz : That's her.
Jane : Dr. Marie Charles.

Jane : Every bull begins a relationship with certain cards up his sleeve: aces. Tools of seduction by which he lures a New Cow. One of the most notorious examples is the Current Cow Sob Story. Allow me to deconstruct the essential elements:
Ray : You're so easy to talk to. Not like my Current Cow.
Jane : This is key to understanding the Myth of Male Shyness. Although you think he's flattering you, he's actually flattering himself, showing how open and sensitive and honest he is.

Jane : Enter : case in point. (to Eddie) Hey!
Eddie : Hey.
Jane : I thought you were with what's-her-name?
Eddie : Didn't work out.
Jane : Get a little saddle sore on the white horse of yours? Ok. So, what happened?
Eddie : Just lost interest.
Jane : What do you mean you lost interest? How exactly?
Eddie : Christ, Jane. Do we really have to have another postmortem?

Jane : Ok. You're in the kitchen, she's hungry again, inexplicably. Then what?
Eddie : So, she takes out a pint of Haagen-Dazs. A pint. All right? Then starts eating it, standing there, right out of the container. There was something about it turned me off.
Jane : Was the refrigerator door open?
Eddie : Why?
Jane : Answer the question. Open or closed?
Eddie : It was open, I think.
Jane : Would it have made a difference if it were shut? Would that have made the act of a nonfat woman eating ice cream a little less revolting to you? What if she not had dinner? What if she were legitimately hungry before she shoved her face into a trough of Haagen-Dazs? Would it have repulsed you less if she used a dish?
Eddie : Good night, you psycho!
Jane : Good night, you neophiliac!

Liz : Are you sitting down? Oprah read the article on her show today. The audience's been so crazy for it. She called us personally begging for Dr. Charles to be her guest!
Jane : What?
Liz : I told everyone in PR department a different story. She's vacationing in Hong Kong, she's in a conference in Tangiers…
Jane : This is bad.
Liz : No, No, No, this is all good. Ok? Trust me. I've got it all under control. This won't come anywhere near you.
The Oprah Winfrey Showこちら参照。

Diane : (reading Jane's article) "And so while the male may seem shy with all his Uriah Heep hand-wringing and 'Aw, shucks' toe-kicking, he is actually a narcissist because this apparent shyness belies the more deeply rooted feelings of unworthiness and fear of rejection. And this is what compels him to constantly seek attention from New Cow after New Cow, ad nauseam, ad infinitum." This is such great stuff. It obliterates any sentimentality we might have about what noble creatures men are. You see, this right here's what we've been looking for.

Liz : You can't stop now. We'll do it together. You're syndicated in over 300 newspapers. Talk radio's having a field day with it. Clearly the world's one giant Used Cow lot.
Jane : Look, I just want to think about it, ok?
Liz : What's to think about? You don't want to be a postfeminist icon?
Jane : I'm sorry, Diane. I don't know where that came from.
Diane : Well, I do. I know exactly where it came from.
Jane : You do?
Diane : Some guy crushed you under his boot heel and you lashed out at poor Ray as being representative of the prick did that to you. I'm right, aren't I?
Jane : More or less.

Diane : I used to feel that if I kept my heart to myself, if I never let him know how much I needed him he would never leave me. Well, guess what? He did. And I lived in a private, pathetic puddle until I couldn't stand it any more. So, you know what I did? I showed up at his doorstep with two corned beef sandwiches on rye, lightly toasted. And I told him that I was lost without him.

Jane : Well, I'm relieved. I mean, for a second I ..I thought maybe you thought last night was…you know, or that you would…think…
Ediie : That would've blown your Dr. Charles out of the water, huh?
Jane : Temporarily, maybe. But you'd show your spots eventually.

Alice : Last weekend, he woke up in a panic. He said he had to go shopping for the baby. You know how anal he is, I thought he'd come back with thermometers and baby blankets and safety gates. But when he walked in the door, all he had was a little tiny bag. Inside was this perfect little baseball mitt. He got it in his head that it was gonna be a boy. Jane.

Diane : (on air) Hello, Dr. Charles. Are you there? Hello, Dr. Charles, can you hear me? (to Ray) I'm not getting anything.
Ray : (to a staff1) Where the hell is she?
Diane : (on air) Excuse me. We seem to be having some technical difficulties. If you just bear with us, I'm sure we'll get it worked out.
Ray : (to a staff2) Patch it through on another line.
Staff2 : We only have one dedicated line.

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