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ニキータ 第56話(312)
Threshold of Pain
苦  悶  Y
Full Transcript

あらすじ 作戦に失敗し、捕らわれたニキータ達。拷問され、支部の情報がもれてしまう。はたして支部を救い、生き残ることができるのか。
クイズ 「感情のはけ口が少ない」ってどう言う? 答えはリスト内にあるよ。

Birkoff: I heard the detonators are pitch and roll sensitive.

Walter: These new sights read a trifle high. Don’t let them throw you.

Walter: Real lovebirds , huh?

Crachek: Caroline, wouldn’t hesitate, she’d know immediately, but then she’s an artist. By comparison , I’m something of a butcher.

Crachek: I have a number of colleagues who would pay very dearly for its precise location.

Caroline: We’re going to be very well acquainted in the next few hours. Let me tell you how it’s going to be. You’re going to be my confidant , my sister, my lover.

Caroline: Her pain thresholdis very high.

Nikita: Shut up! They’ll cancel you.

Nikita: All right. You can save the substation without giving yourself up.

Mark: I was knocked out when I was captured, and after that, I was in and out .

Michael: I need this timer calibrated .

Walter: The mission went south because of the sights. Partly at least.

Mick: New players, lots of splinter groups out of control. Good lot to stay clear of, and uh, I plan to stay clear of them.

Mick: I never could resist a woman in distress . My one weakness, really.

Operations: Bring Nikita to Abeyance .

Madeline: Walter is older than most. Works alone, eighteen hours a day, and has very few outlets .

Operations: I want to let you know how much we, Madeline and I, appreciate your hard work. And so does Oversight. We’ve commended .

Operations: One of these days, you’re going to carrythis cranky old man act a little too far.

Operations: Why did I bother ?

Mark: Whose authority ?

Crachek: You’re here to turn the screws ?

Crachek: You look like a man with a vested interest .

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