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ニキータ 第58話(315)
Hand to Hand
女たちの闘い Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ ターゲットを倒すため、そのつながりのある組織に潜入することになったニキータ。そこではある”余興”を売り物にしていた。ミッションが進行する中、セクションでも長官をはさんでの女の戦いがビシバシ。。
クイズ 「時間をムダにしたくないようですね」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

今回のタイトル : Hand To Hand

Operations : Charles Meyer. Industrialist, philanthropist, supplier of materials to terrorists around the world. He's been able to play both ends against the middle because he's equally useful to both sides. Until now. An airport, a train station, a naval base…all financed by funds ultimately traceable to Meyer.
Michael : He's to be eliminated.
Operations : Yes. And he knows it. As a consequence, he's been very difficult to find, but we do have a lead. A man named Emlen Anagar sometimes is used as an intermediary.
Nikita : Intermediary? For what?
Operations : It'll all be in your profiles. You'll get yours from Madeline. The rest of you, see Birkoff. That's all.

Madeline : Anagar provides a certain type of entertainment, which Meyer is particularly fond of.
Nikita : Entertainment?
Madeline : He runs a talent agency in Kiev. The girls are mostly from Russia or Eastern Europe, trying to escape poverty.
Nikita : So he promises them jobs as models and forces them into prostitution?
Madeline : You'll penetrate the building and tag Meyer. Michael will eliminate him.
Nikita : And the girls?
Madeline : They're not our concern.

Operations : Eastern Europe has absorbed many of our resources lately. I'm becoming concerned about our coverage elsewhere.
Renee : That's one of the things I've been asked to review.
Operations : Good. I'm glad Oversight's on top of things. (They run into Madeline.) Madeline, you remember Renee from last year's peer review?
Madeline : Yes, I remember.
Operations : (to Madeline) George asked for a collateral inter assessment and Renee was available.
Madeline : And who'll be overseeing this work?
Operations : I will.
Madeline : I'll look forward to the results.

Madeline : Yes. Nikita's interview went well?
Birkoff : She's on a plane now.
Madeline : And Michael?
Birkoff : He's meeting with Anagar in a few minutes.
Madeline : I trust his cover is sufficiently thorough.
Birkoff : Swiss bank accounts, European pedigree, American assets. They'll love him.

Anagar : Your references are very strong. But, I hope you won't be offended if I reiterate certain policy details.
Michael : No, I won't.
Anagar : You've made arrangements at work?
Michael : My staff thinks I'm backpacking in the Alps.
Anagar : Good. And your wife?
Michael : We're separated.
Anagar : You've told no one your true destination?
Michael : No one.

Birkoff : Sir, the tracker's been activated. Meyer's at the complex.
Operations : Good. Tell Michael to proceed as planned.

Madeline : I hope I'm not disturbing you.
Operations : Not at all.
Madeline : You're dark.
Operations : So we are. Was there something you wanted to see me about?
Madeline : It can wait, if you're busy.
Renee : I'll run these sims. I'll be back in a few minutes.

Operations : Now, there are ground rules. They have to be obeyed very strictly.
Renee : I'm sure we can manage.
Operations : No public displays of affection. No lead time. When I call, you come. And work supersedes all other arrangements, always.
lead timeの意味の取り方はちょっと自信ないです。辞書に載ってた意味から派生して「自分が呼んだらすぐさま来い」ということかな、と理解しました。

Birkoff : Nikita?
Nikita : (into comm set) Birkoff? Where the hell have you been?
Birkoff : We had an uplink problem.
Nikita : Is Michael on his way?
Birkoff : Yes. You'll get your egress route from him.
Nikita : We're in some kind of basement.
Birkoff : We've profiled your release. Leave it to Michael.
Nikita : All right. Listen, Birkoff, this place is more than just a brothel.
Birkoff : Yeah.
Nikita : You knew?
Birkoff : They told me not to tell you. Sorry.
Nikita : Sorry?

Michael : Birkoff plots an intercept point. I kill Meyer tomorrow.
Nikita : Egress?
Michael : Immediately afterwards.
Nikita : Where do we meet?
Michael : We don't. You're getting out tonight.
Nikita : Um, tonight they'll be suspicious.
Michael : No. You've established yourself as a troublemaker. I'll say you surprised me and escaped.
Nikita : So, they'll send guards to track me, and the show goes on as planned, right?

Operations : I can smooth it over with Renee. I have a good relationship with her. But the question is, what kind of relationship do I have with you? Why don't you admit you were jealous and you still have feelings for me.
Madeline : Of course I do. Respect, admiration, friendship.
Operations : If I thought your feelings went beyond friendship, I'd make this whole thing go away. Otherwise, I'll have to let bureaucracy take its course. And that could be very unpleasant.
Madeline : Don't do this.
Operations : In the tower, tonight, ten o'clock.

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