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2 侵入/キッズ
ニキータ 第59話(316)
Before I Sleep
眠りにつく前に Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ テロリストグループを壊滅させるため運び屋に接触して協力を強要するが抵抗して自殺してしまう。その替え玉にと用意した人物は重病で余命わずか。ニキータはセクションがわざと病気にしたのではと疑う。
クイズ 「彼女はALLだと診断された。」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Operations : Jan Baylin was a courier who ran material between a transient tactical group called The Alliance and this man here, Marco Ashe. At regular intervals, Ashe connected with Baylin, gave her a package and a location to the Alliance. Unfortunately, she died three weeks ago in transit to the meeting. The offset team was apparently unable to protect her. Birkoff?
Birkoff : So far, no one outside Section knows Baylin's dead. We'll exploit that by using a wet duplicate.
Operations : We got lucky. This is Sarah Gerard. Twenty-five, no immediate family and on medical disability from her administrative job at a community college.
Nikita : What's wrong with her?
Birkoff : She has what's known as ALL. Acute lymphocytic leukemia. Her case is terminal.
Nikita : How long has she got to live?
Birkoff : No more than a few months.
Operations : We have to run this on an accelerated clock. Bring her in, train her, and send her to Ashe.
wet duplicateこちらのサイトを参照しました。
on an accelerated clockは辞書にはなかったのですが、webでいくつか使われていました。

Corey : Want to get high?
Sarah : I'm in a hurry. You got the papers?
Corey : Yeah. Take your pick.
Sarah : This one.
Corey : Just like that? You're not going to bust my chops today?
Sarah : Like I said, I'm in a hurry.
bust one's chopsダークエンジェル第4話参照。

Madeline : Where's Sarah?
Nikita : She's resting...You saw the playback. It was a total failure. She can't do it.
Madeline : Just the opposite. She took it much better than we expected. Right now she's post-processing it internally.
Nikita : Really. What's she thinking?
Madeline : She's horrified by how much she enjoyed it.
Nikita : That's absurd.
Madeline : When Sarah wakes up, take her to Voice, she needs more modulation in her tone. Then have Michael work with her. She needs to get more comfortable with men.
Nikita : Fine.

Ashe : Jan, good to see you. Come in. Your timing's impeccable. I was just finishing up.
Sarah : What a wonderful place.
Nikita : (intercom) Sarah, no. You've been here before.
Ashe : That's odd. I always thought you didn't like it.
Sarah : Guess I never took it all in.
Ashe : Well, in that case, I'm glad you approve.
Nikita : (intercom) Give him the money.
Ashe : You've changed somehow.
Sarah : Yeah?
Ashe : Yeah. You're softer. I always thought you had an inner grace beneath that tough veneer of yours.
Sarah : Inner grace?
Ashe : Yeah. I'm glad to see you're letting some of it shine through.
Sarah : Thanks, Marco.
Ashe : You're quite welcome.

Nikita : I was right, you know. The Section did infect Sarah. They made her think she was dying, she had nothing left to lose.
Walter : What are you going to do about it?
Nikita : I'm going to tell her.
Walter : No. Not before the mission, you can't.
Nikita : She's despondent. I have to give her a reason to get through this.
Walter : No, no, no. Just think about it. You tell her now, she'll freak. She won't trust anyone, not even you.

Nikita : Sarah? It's time to go. Are you going to be able to do this?
Sarah : Yeah.
Nikita : This isn't a difficult profile. But you have to pick yourself up and do it right. The timing's critical. You have to stay on top of things. If you don't, you're going to end up hurt.
Sarah : It doesn't matter.
Nikita : Yes, it does matter.
Sarah : Why?
Nikita : Because, there's hope.

Darius : What's your goal, what do you want out of life?
Sarah : I'll be happy if I can finish my drink.
Birkoff : (intercom) What is she doing?
Nikita : (intercom) She's committing suicide.
Birkoff : (intercom)Fifty seconds.
Darius : No, really. What do you want to do, besides schlep detonators all around the country?
Sarah : That's a good question.

Operations : Looks like we're going to have point eight surplus in personnel this month.
Madeline : Yes.
Operations : Where would you like to allocate?
Madeline : Housekeeping. The attrition has been high there.
Operations : Done.

Madeline : I had to lie to Nikita before the Alliance mission.
Operations : What's the problem?
Madeline : She accused us of creating Sarah's medical condition.
Operations : We didn't do that, did we?
Madeline : No. But I didn't think Nikita would believe me, and there wasn't time, so I created an incentive scenario.
Operations : So she thinks there's an antidote. I see your problem. Did she share any of this with Sarah?
Madeline : I don't think so.
Operations : Let Sarah convalesce here. Give Nikita some down time, let her play nurse for a while.
Madeline : I'll pull her off Lebanon.

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