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The Outsider
(Roswell High, NO.1)
ロズウェル 第2話(101)
The Morning After
秘 密 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 新たに赴任してきた女教師を不審に思うリズ。マイケルは情報を求めて保安官室に忍び込み、ある鍵を発見する。
ファンサイト For Roswellians in Japan
クイズ 「もう、息がつまりそうになる」ってどう言う?  答えはリスト内にあるよ。

VOICEOVER(Liz) : What did Max Evans mean when he said, "I'll see you in school?" Was it "I won't be able to breathe until we meet again" or was it just something someone says to, like, fill space ?

MARIA : OK, you’re being like so casual about this, I want to choke you! Liz, we’re dealing with alien
【管理人からの一言】cf) How can you be so casual about this? (→よくそんなあっさり言えるもんだね)(ダーマ&グレッグから)

VOICEOVER(Liz) : The thing about Czechoslovakians that you sorta have to factor in , is they have these incredibly soulful eyes.

TOPOLSKY : Hi. I’m Kathleen Topolsky. I’ll be substituting for Mr. Singer who’s out sick for a couple of days.

TOPOLSKY : OK, let’s take roll . Uh... Bartley.
TOPOLSKY: Collins.

MAX : Uh, Michael’s not really into Geometry.
TOPOLSKY: He's not into it. I guess I can understand that. Pretty uninspiring stuff. Let’s open our books to page 228.

LIZ : That substitute just asked all of those questions about Michael. What was that about?
MAX: I’m sure she was just taking attendance .
LIZ: Right.

AGENTHART : Sorry about the intrusion. I’m here on assignment, Sheriff. You should just go about business...
VALENTI: As usual. Yeah, I heard. See, my problem with that is having a federal agent sitting smack-dab in the middle of my station house isn't exactly business as usual.

MARIA : Admittedly , he’s not James Bond, but he’s all we’ve got right now.

KYLE : Hey. How’s it going?
LIZ: Good. You know, I’m just pretty loaded down with all this school stuff.
KYLE: Yeah I know. You take all that stuff pretty seriously.

KYLE : Listen Liz, I think it’s important that we are honest with each other. I was talking with Tommy Hilligan, and he agrees with me. A person should be on time, Liz. I know we left things casual, and I understand that, but you did say that you would meet me at the Crash Festival. I just feel that if you care about a person, which I do, then you should be on time. The truth is if you were just some girl and you stiffed me like you did, I would walk in a second, but you’re not--

MICHAEL: Yeah, I’m on the committee to re-open Westlake Orphanage, Deputy...Hansen. You can be a part of helping to find homes for dozens of children in need. Single boxes are six dollars a piece, and I feel obliged to strongly recommend the peanut clusters. They are good.
DEPUTY HANSEN: Well, I’m kind of trying to lay off the sweets right now.

MAX : So how do we break in? Hypothetically.
MICHAEL: The window. It’s got a lock on it. Nothing you can’t handle.
MAX: Alarm system? Hypothetically.
MICHAEL: Piece of cake. Even I could deactivate it.
ISABEL: Max, don’t humor him. I can’t believe you’re even considering this.

MICHAEL : And with government agents after us, we had better get our asses in gear , don’t you think?

MAX : You can’t just show up at Michael’s and get him riled up like that. You don’t know him. He’s not big into "let’s go over our options." He acts on things.
LIZ: Look, I’m sorry, I just thought that Michael was in danger and that I’d better tell him.
MAX: In danger of what?
LIZ: I don’t know. I have no idea. Look, I am just saying that if there is a spy among us, don’t you think it behooves us to do something about it?

LIZ : So uh, you really have no idea where you’re from, like what planet, or who your people are besides Michael and Isabel?
MAX: No idea.
LIZ: Well, that must be kind of freeing in a way.
MAX: Freeing?
LIZ: Um, well just with me, you know, my parents own the Crashdown, so everyone in town knows who I am. Like, if I so much as get a haircut, everyone seems to notice, and they have to give me their opinion on it. It kind of makes life claustrophobic . It’s like, you know, how am I ever supposed to become whoever it is that I’m gonna become while everyone is looking? You know? Sometimes I wish I could just be invisible.

MARIA : (お客に)You know, I’d steer you to this side of the menu. Oh excuse me. (Lizに) Where have you been?
LIZ: I need you to cover for me.
MARIA: When?
LIZ: Tonight.
MARIA: Oh, no. It's a zoo.
CUSTOMER: Excuse me, I’ve been waiting for my hot fudge blast off for like 20 minutes.
MARIA: Yeah, like you need 80 grams of fat. (Lizに) OK, so one trip to the eraser room and you’re like above working?

MAX : Maybe when this all blows over , you and I could get lunch or something?
LIZ: Lunch?
MAX: Yeah, if you want.

ISABEL : Michael’s AWOL . You know the guy doesn’t know how to control his powers.
MAX: I know.

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