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ロズウェル 第4話(103)
Leaving Normal
心の声 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ これ以上怪しまれないようリズと距離を置こうとするマックス。そこにリズの最愛の祖母がやってくるが、脳卒中で倒れてしまう。
ファンサイト For Roswellians in Japan
クイズ 「いいものは古くなっても良い」ってどう言う?  答えはリスト内にあるよ。。

LIZ : It's an orthodontist convention.
MARIA: Why would orthodontists want to convene in Roswell?
LIZ: That's a good question.

LIZ : Oh, my God. I forgot to tell you. Grandma Claudia is coming on Friday.
MARIA: I have been going through Grandma withdrawal . I just love Grandma Claudia.
禁断症状cf. :
symptom of withdrawal (She's All Thatから)。withdrawal symptom (誤診から)

ORTHODONTIST : Uh, miss...my colleagues and I were just appreciating your wonderful overbite .
LIZ: Oh...well, thank you....that's a first actually.

MICHAEL : What do you mean we're going to do nothing?
MAX: Michael, listen to me. This is bad. Kyle does something to us. We do something back to him. This kind of thing gets all over school, all over town. Rumors start flying. The whole thing about what I did to Liz starts coming up again. We get exposed.

MARIA : So, catching up on upcoming athletic events?
LIZ: Uh-huh.
MARIA: Uh-huh. It couldn't be that Max has PE 4th period and you're conveniently positioning yourself to just happen to run into him?
LIZ: Good bye.

LIZ : Grandma!
GRANDMA: Honeybear! Oh, hello Jeffrey....oh, you're still listening to them. You're dating yourself .
MR. PARKER: Well, you know, some things defy time.

LIZ : I thought you weren't supposed to be here until Friday. Ok, so tell me what's going on. Did you finish that book you were working on last time?
GRANDMA: Oh, book, schnook . Let's dish.

LIZ : So, in any case, Kyle's not somebody that I'm going to marry or anything. But it's...you know. We have a good time together. It's good.
LIZ: What?
GRANDMA: Well, not every relationship has to be the be-all and end-all .
LIZ: Right....it doesn't?
GRANDMA: No...everybody wants to find her soul mate, but there's so much time for that. I think it's nice that you have somebody you can have fun with.

(At UFO center(=マックスのバイト先), where Max is stuffing tubes into an alien's stomach)
ISABEL : Whatcha doing?
MAX: Some kid pulled these out.
ISABEL: Great job you've found, Max. Real dignified.
MAX: Gotta feed the monkey.
monkeyの意味が辞書で「(サーカスの露店などで)カモ、だましの相手」というのが載っていました。なのでfeed the monkeyでだます相手にえさをやる、つまり「UFO Centerでの雰囲気作りのためにエイリアンの人形が必要なんだ」ってことを言っているのかなぁと想像したのですが、すみません、全く自信ないです。ご意見をお聞かせください。こちらまで→
For Roswellians in Japan
UFOセンターでバイトを始めたマックスですが、イザベルに「こんなところで何してるの?」とバカにした感じで訊かれ、自嘲的に"feed the monkey"といっているのではないかなぁ。念のため、同僚のイギリス人にスクリプトを見せて訊いてみたのですが、特にこういった慣用語句はないそうです。「monkey というのはalien(人形)じゃない?」と言っていました。」
monkeyはエイリアン人形のことだったんですねぇ。素直に考えればそうかも、って今はそう思います。私、ひねくれてるかも(笑)。ありがとうございます!! m( _ _ )m ('02/08/21)

ISABEL : He already told me the story of you falling on the basketball court....what really happened, Max?
MAX: Some guys roughed me up last night.
MAX:They're friends of Kyle's. They think Kyle must be upset about me and Liz.

LIZ : I can't believe you actually rented this. This looks like the worst movie in history.
KYLE: Well, ok, for your information, "Massacre at Sunset Village" is a modern day classic. And the serial killer homes in on this retirement community so it's got something for your grandmother.LIZ: I am not showing this to my grandmother.

DOCTOR : What have we got?
NURSE: Patient complained of weakness in her left side and her family members noticed slurred speech before she lost consciousness. BP 160, pulse 100, respiration 20.
DOCTOR: Gimme an EKG....keep them out of here, please.

LIZ : Maria, I'm getting this really weird feeling from Max.
MARIA: What kind of feeling?
LIZ: It's like he's pulling away or something...he can't even be pulling away because we're not together to begin with, but I feel him like avoiding me.
MARIA: Well, wasn't that the whole agreement, that you guys wouldn't be seen together for awhile.
LIZ: Yeah, but it's different. I saw Max before and he had this...like this tone like I was his enemy or something.
MARIA: Maybe you're just reading into this too much. I mean, with everything that's going on.
LIZ: Maybe.
pull awayで言ってましたね。It's just the more I tried to get close to you the more you pulled away. (ダークエンジェルから)
read intoをこれとは違った状況で使っていたものをご紹介。
He(=Dylan) wouldn't let me read into him.(私に心を覗かせてくれない→考えていることが分からない)(ビバヒルから)

ISABEL : I thought we agreed that you would never address me until we'd established complete privacy.
MARIA: Ok, I am going to hate myself for this but I need to ask you for a favor that will leave me forever indebted to you. I am so dead here. Will you help me wait tables?
ISABEL: You're kidding, right?
MARIA: Please.

MR. PARKER : Well, your grandmother was hiking in Yosemite. And she came across this guy who was deer hunting.
MRS. PARKER: And it wasn't even deer season.
MR. PARKER: Well, I think it was. But anyway, he's hunting inside the national park.
MRS. PARKER: And it was off season, too.
MR. PARKER: Anyway, she arrested him.
LIZ: Who, the hunter?MR. PARKER: Yeah, it was him and his brother and their buddy, too, right?
MRS. PARKER: Right.MR. PARKER: Made a citizen's arrest .
MRS. PARKER: And you should have seen your grandma. She's dragging these 3 gun-wielding, beer-guzzling hunters into the sherriff's office. It made national news, right?

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