[ Roswell Index ]

The Wild One
(Roswell High, NO.2)
ロズウェル 第5話(104)
真犯人 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ マックスのこと等何もかもを書いたリズの日記がなくなり慌てて探し回るリズ。一方マイケルは鍵を手にしたときに見たフラッシュが頭から離れない。
クイズ 「お互い様だろ?」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

MICHAEL : I dreamt it, Max. I've seen it more clearly that I ever have.
MAX: What?
MICHAEL: This. It's what I saw that night at Valenti's office. When I touched the key, that's what I saw.
MAX: You saw a semicircle ?
MICHAEL: No no no. I saw this, Max. This.

MARIA : What we need to do is reconstruct the crime.
LIZ: Reconstruct the crime?
MARIA: Motive and opportunity, Liz. That's the key. I mean, this is Roswell. You can't just ignore things like this.
LIZ: Look, I told you there was nothing unusual. I was studying with Alex yesterday and...
MARIA: Alex? Ok, ok, we have opportunity.
LIZ: Yeah, well, we were in my room and then he left and went home and...and...wait a second.
MARIA: Hmmm?
LIZ: Why am I reconstructing a crime when there is absolutely no crime to reconstruct? It's misplaced, Maria. It's not stolen.
MARIA: Yeah, until we ask ourselves, "Why would Alex want the diary?" Has he been feeling ignored, curious, asking questions we don't answer, seeking explanations we don't give? Come on. And what better way to find those answers than in your journal? Now that's a motive. Was he alone in your room?
LIZ: This is ridiculous.

ALEX : Wait...wait a second. Are you accusing me of taking Liz's diary?
MARIA: No no no. I'm not saying that at all. No. It's just that Liz and I were running through the facts of the case...you know, motive and opportunity...
ALEX: So Liz is accusing me?
MARIA: No no. That's not what I'm saying either. It's just that, based on certain factors, you emerge as a credible suspect...but I know that that couldn't be true, right? I mean, it couldn't, could it?
ALEX: Ok, you know what? The next time you and Liz feel the urge to share with me, you know...feel the impulse to really open up...do me a favor, ok? Let it pass.

TEACHER : That's good, Kelly. Remember to maintain your perspective .
TEACHER: Mr. Guerin. To what do we owe this pleasure?
MICHAEL: What pleasure?
TEACHER: You, of course. I mean, it's Thursday, and I don't think I recall seeing you since Monday...of last week.
MICHAEL: Yeah, I'm sorry about that...but I kinda just really want to draw.

MAX'S BOSS : That's a good read.
MAX: Yeah, you know...I was, I was just looking...
MAX'S BOSS: Of course, Szcerbiak's theory that the military cover-up of the 1947 landing was financed by an international consortium lacks credible evidence to support it. Still, it debunks several fallacies that have long troubled me. But, if you're going to be working here, for my money, these are the books to read.
MAX'S BOSS: Walton...garbage. Ah yes, Atherton.
MAX: "Among Us"
MAX'S BOSS: A bit on the alternative side. Atherton had an underground following...never truly embraced by the mainstream, such that it is. But it may be of some interest to a true believer like yourself. Take a look. Let me know what you think. I know you want answers, Max.
MAX: Yes, I do.

LIZ : Kyle, I know when two people break up, it's...it's not easy. It's not as easy as they thought it might be, you know?
KYLE: Yeah.
LIZ: You know, these people...they might say or do things that they don't mean, you know? Uncharacteristic things. Maybe they're just confused, you know? Looking for answers and reasons. Do you know what I mean?

MAX : But Michael, that's not really the point. The point is, we shouldn't be taking chances like this.
MICHAEL: You did.
MAX: Yes, I did. That's right.
MICHAEL: But, what? You can take chances and I can't? You can roll the dice with our lives, but if anyone else does, I mean...God forbid, you know...
MAX: I saved someone's life, Michael. I wasn't dabbling in the arts.

LIZ : Kyle? Sheriff Valenti?
MAX: Someone should tell the sheriff that deadbolts don't work as well when you leave your door open.
LIZ: Max, we shouldn't be in here.
MAX: You're right, so let's make this quick. Which way is Kyle's room?

TEACHER : Well, when the class drew fruit, you drew this. When the class sketched the human form, you drew this again. You're a talented artist, Mr. Guerin. But you can't go through the semester drawing only a geodesic dome .
MICHAEL: A what?
TEACHER: A geodesic dome. Perhaps before your time. It's a type of house, architecturally postmodern.
MICHAEL: A house…

ISABEL : I can't believe you're still reading that(=アサートンの「Among Us」).
MAX: Guilty pleasure.
guilty pleasureが分かりませんでした。訳は「面白いよ」になっていました。私の想像では「悪いことをすることによってえる楽しみ」かまたは「思っていたよりも面白かったもの」。ご存知の人がいたら教えてください。頂いたご意見はこのページに追加してご紹介します。お名前を伏せたい場合は、その旨、ご記入ください。こうゆうことだと思うけど、というのでokです。よろしくお願いします。こちらまで→

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