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ロズウェル 第6話(105)
285 South
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Full Transcript

あらすじ 鍵から得たドームのイメージが本の裏表紙の写真と同じことを知ったマイケルは、一刻も早くその場所に行って手がかりを得たいと躍起になり、反対をふりきりマリアを巻き添えにしてドームに向かうのだった。
ファンサイト For Roswellians in Japan
クイズ 「地球で女がおまえだけになってもごめんだね。」ってどう言う? 答えはこちら。

Milton : Evans! Oh, thank God you're here.
MAX : You ok? I mean, you look...
Milton : Shaken. Yes...shaken by the entire incident. I feel so violated.
OWEN : Max Evans? The suspect claims that he invaded the premises at your behest.
Milton : Please! He's a hoodlum. Max doesn't know people like that.
MAX : Well, actually...
Milton : Evans. Say it isn't so.
MAX : Well, I lent him my keys so he could pick up some research we needed for class.
MICHAEL : I lost them. The keys. So, I snuck in.
Milton : I'm shocked.

MARIA : Oh, so what? What's in marathon? Contraband? Some woman? What?
MICHAEL : You wouldn't understand. You don't understand anything about us.
MARIA : Listen, I already know more than I want to, ok?

MARIA : It's like the porno version of Aladdin.
MICHAEL : At least it's warm.
MARIA : I don't even want to think about what I could catch in here.
MICHAEL : You know, if you stop being such a princess about things.
MARIA : Princess? No, no. I think I've been a pretty good sport up until now, but I'm cold, and I'm hungry, and I'm in some nookie motel with a guy I, I barely even know, and I...and I just...I really want to go home right now.
MICHAEL : Why don't you stay here? I saw some vending machines outside. I'll go see what they have. Lock the door.

RADIO : This is Donnie Jenkins at KZTX 97 with a special report. Anyone planning on heading past Pecos on 285 South, your plans have just changed. We got an 18-wheeler jackknifed just past Crown Gulch. All traffic is stopped. Highway patrol estimates the road will be blocked off for at least 2 hours, but stay tuned to KZTX 97 for updates throughout the evening. Now back to your hit radio KZTX.
ISABEL : Great. They probably already made it through. Now what are we supposed to do?

MARIA : Ditto. And so you'll know, I am not gonna be getting an "F" on this assignment, so...you better start answering some questions. Right now, pal-ly, and I mean for real. So, favorite ice cream flavor?
MICHAEL : Pistachio.
MARIA : Pistachio...favorite TV show?
MICHAEL : Win Ben Stein's Money.
MARIA : Ok, favorite book?
MICHAEL : James Joyce...Ulysses.
MARIA : You have not read Ulysses.
MICHAEL : "What incensed him the most was the blatant jokes of the ones who pass it all off as a jest, pretending to understand everything and in reality not knowing their own minds." Page 655...told you you wouldn't understand. Next question.

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