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*英単語の上にマウスの載せると日本語の意味が出るよ。 |
あらすじ | リズが「ブラインドデート」のクイーンに選ばれ、番組が選んだ理想の彼とデートをすることに。マックスはそんな彼女をせつなく見つめていたのだが。。。 |
クイズ | 「金髪の方が似合うと思うよ」ってどう言う? 答えはこちら。 |
(アレックスのバンドの話で) LIZ : You know, you need a better name. ALEX : Oh, come on. What's wrong with "the Whits"? MARIA : Just an "s" away from what you really are. ALEX : That's funny. |
ALEX : We...we...we have to find somebody before these auditions tomorrow, otherwise we're screwed.
MARIA : Alex, Alex, begging is so unbecoming. ALEX : What? MARIA : I'll do it, I'll do it. Anyway, I'm so much better than that prima donna. So, when should we rehearse? |
ALEX : All right. Just stop by the garage this afternoon, ok?
MARIA : Great. I'll see you at 4:00 and I'll bring my charts. ALEX : Yeah, your charts. |
(ブラインドデートに選ばれたリズを遠くから見つめるマックスに話しかけて) KYLE : Evans. I know your pain, man. MAX : I'm just fine, Kyle. KYLE : I was in denial in the beginning, too. I mean...one minute she's telling me I'm the only one. Next, she's making goo-goo eyes at you. I can't deny it hurt. All break-ups do, huh? |
(バンドのリハーサルで) MARIA : Wow. That wasn't bad! Wow. The tempo kinda lagged there in the end. And I would definitely turn the reverb down on the bass, but...not bad! CHRIS : Who the hell is she? |
(ブラインドデートのためのインタビュー中) DJ : You mean to tell me you don't already have a boyfriend? LIZ : Um...no, not right now. DJ : Well, whoever let you get away is gonna be kickin' himself when you're out with your dream date on Friday night. Now answer some questions for me now, Liz. Do you like blondes or brunettes? LIZ : Uh, brunettes. DJ : Ok. Home town boys or out-of-towners? LIZ : Well, um...home town boys are ok, but... DJ : I hear the sound of broken hearts all over Roswell. Brainiac or class clown? LIZ : Yeah, I'm not into clowns. |
MARIA : So...let's talk about clothes. I just spent 2 hours and $50 at the thrift shop. What do you think?
LIZ : No, I thought you already had an outfit. MARIA : No, this is for the guys. LIZ : I think they like to dress themselves, Maria. MARIA : I know, that's the whole problem. They have like no style. |
(マリアとアレックスの言い合いを止めて) LIZ : Ok, you guys, just...time out, all right? I mean, this is like your big break, you know? Opening for Smash Mouth... ALEX : Wait, the mystery band is Smash Mouth? Did the radio station tell you that? LIZ : No, no. I am so...I'm sorry, I was just guessing. ALEX : Cuz I thought it was gonna be Oasis. MARIA : Mmm, Barenaked Ladies. $5.00. |
RADIO : That was Blink 182 on KROZ. And now, here's a little something to get you thinking those romantic thoughts. Let's dedicate it to Liz Parker, tonight's dream girl. |
★日英クイズ★空所を埋めてみよう!回答例はこちら♪ 【意味:考古学者】 Doug's a freshman at the University of New Mexico who studies ancient languages and hopes one day to be an ( ). |
DJ : And just look at that thick, luxurious head of brown hair. Go ahead, Liz. Come on, Liz, I know you want to! Just run your fingers through it, just once! Come on, he won't bite ya. (Liz runs her hand through Doug's hair) Oh, yeah, that's the stuff. And now it's off for a romantic dinner for 2 at Chez Pierre where we leave off and l'amour does the rest. |
MAX : You shouldn't be driving.
KYLE : You're right. We're all intoxicated. That's against the law. Guess you're gonna have to do the honors, or we'll have to spend the night right here on your lawn. |
【管理人からの一言】 do the honorsですが辞書には「(食卓などで肉を切り分けたり, 乾杯の音頭をとったりする)主人役を務める」とあるのですが、今回のようにどうやら食卓の主人役だけではなく、「何かhonor(名誉)になるようなことをする」で今回の内容ではそれが「運転する」ということなのかなぁと思いました。でもあんまり自信ないです。 cf) You'll want to do the honors for me. (インデペンデンス・デイから) (NASAに応募し、その返事が来て、友人に代わりに読むように依頼するせりふ) |
★日英クイズ★空所を埋めてみよう!回答例はこちら♪ 【意味:〈肉などが〉柔らかい、楽にかめる】 DOUG: My salmon's delicious. How's your filet? LIZ: Oh, it's um...really ( ). |
MAX : I said I don't drink.
KYLE : Just one sip. One sip. What's it gonna do? Kill you? No. No, it's gonna calm you down, man. It's gonna, just, you know...take the sting away. Just...try it. Just trust me, nothin' bad's gonna happen. |
MAX : Yeah. All the stuff you said...about me, about Liz. I've been keeping all this stuff inside...not confronting the horrible, ugly truth of it all. I've been hiding for years, Kyle. Years. But it's time the real Max comes out.
KYLE : He wouldn't be gay, by any chance, would he? MAX : You're funny, Kyle. You're really funny. No matter how much of a jackass you're being...you always know how to turn a phrase. KYLE : You think I'm a jackass? MAX : Yeah, see? See? Secret-keeper Max would never say that to your face. But the real Max...he'll tell you everything he thinks. No inhibitions. You should try it. KYLE : Ok, so let's be brutally honest with each other here, shall we? You and Liz are in love. MAX : No flies on you, Kyle. KYLE : Ok, so then why aren't you together? MAX : The problem is that I'm a serious, dark-haired mystery man from an exotic place. KYLE : But that's exactly what she wants. MAX : Women. KYLE : Yeah. Go figure. We're a couple of big, fat losers, Evans. MAX : Well, that's a little harsh, don't you think? KYLE : Not harsh, but true. I mean, the point is we've let ourselves sink. I mean, look at us. We're beaten. MAX : Not unless we give up. KYLE : Well, in case you haven't noticed, we're here in the gutter while she's off smooching with dogboy. |
【管理人からの一言】 dogboyは辞書には載っていなかったのですが、webではたくさん使われていました。dog(卑劣な[見下げ果てた]男[若者],くだらない[だめな]人)と同じと思っていいかと思うのですが、確認できませんでした。ちなみに訳は「すかした野郎」となっていました。 |
★日英クイズ★空所を埋めてみよう!回答例はこちら♪ 【意味:隔週、一週間おき】 KYLE : Well, how do we split her up, exactly? ( )( )( )? Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, alternate Saturdays? |
(放送を抜け出して) DOUG : It's perfect. This is just what I wanted to do tonight. Get to know the real you. I mean, how much more normal can you get? LIZ : I, um, I guess that's sort of a contradiction in terms. You know. Being normal in Roswell. DOUG : No wonder you entered the contest. I mean, who are you gonna find in a town like this, anyway? An alien? |
(バンドの楽屋) NICKY : The Foo Fighters. That would be awesome. MARKOS : No, not a chance, man. They're too big for Roswell. PROMOTER 2 : There she is, our future Celine Dion. MARIA : I like to think of myself as more of an Alanis, but... |
(マリアが深呼吸を続けてて) ALEX : What...what's your problem, Maria? MARIA : I'm just...I'm just a little nervous. (Nicky is taking deep breaths as well) ALEX : Are you nervous, too? NICKY : No. If you do this long enough, it kind of gives you a buzz. |
(ステージ上で) LIZ : Um...you know I think I just better get him home. DJ : Well, hey, hold on there, dream girl. You're not gonna get off so easy. I mean, look at these guys. You got 'em hanging on by a string, and I think you owe it to them, and the KROZ listeners, to make a choice here and now. Will it be Doug, the dream man we chose for you...the ex-boyfriend, Lyle... Kyle : Kyle. DJ : Or Max, who kidnapped you, and vandalized your home? |
【管理人からの一言】 hang on by a stringは辞書になかったのですがhang by a threadを参考にしました。 |
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