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The Simpsons Forever!:
A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family Continued
シンプソンズ 第200話(10-3)
Bart the Mother
バートの子育て日記 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 鳥を誤って殺してしまい、代わりにその卵の面倒を見ることにしたバート。だがかえったヒナはトカゲだった。
クイズ 「そんな目でみるなよ」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Marge : (reading a letter) Please submit their names, along with ninety-five dollars, for each handsome volume you wish to order! Oh, I've never been so proud! (kisses both of them) You both deserve a big, big reward!
Lisa : Mom, they put every kid in America in that book, just so gullible parents will buy it. It's all a big scam.
Bart : Shut up …
Marge : Are you sure? I can usually smell a scam from two towns over.
Bart : Yeah, Lis', she is a smart, sophisticated woman. Now, let's hear more about that big, big reward.
Homer : Yeah, quit stalling, Marge, we want our reward.

Lisa : (trying to get around Marge) Move it, pokey.
Marge : Slow and steady wins the race!
Slow and steady wins the raceと同じ意味でSlow but sure wins the race.ということわざがあるようです。

Skee Ball

(Skee Ballでゲットしたチケットを商品と交換)
Nelson : What can I get for eight thousand tickets?
Pimple-Faced Teen : A BB Gun or an Easy Bake Oven.
Nelson : Hmm ... hot food is tempting. But I just can't say no to a weapon.

Bart : Oh, this sucks. Time to punch out of this yawn factory. I'm going to Nelson's. (jumps out the window to his tree)
Lisa : But Mom said not to!
Bart : She doesn't scare me. I do what I want, when I want. (brushes himself off frantically) Oh God, inchworms!
fawn factoryという言い方ですが、web上で他でも使われていたので一応決まった表現のようです。

Nelson : Come on, let's lock and load. You're not going out without a scarf, are you?
Bart : Nah, I don't need one.
Nelson : Hmm. It's your health.
lock and loadは辞書にはみあたらなかったのですが「インデペンデンス・デイ」でも使われていました。

Nelson : Bet you can't hit that bird from here.
Bart : Are you crazy? I don't want to shoot a stupid bird.
Nelson : That's 'cause you know you can't. You're not a super-stud like me!
Bart : Am too!
Nelson : Are not! You're an octo-wussy.

Bart : Oh my God.
Nelson : Whoa, major shot! You even compensated for the crooked sight!
Bart : Crooked sight?!
Nelson : You are one cold blooded killer, dude!
Bart : But, but, I wasn't ... I didn't …
Nelson : Right through the neck! Doesn't get any sweeter than that, Simpson. Savor the moment.

Eagle : Bart Simpson, do you know why you've been summoned before this tribunal?
Bart : Yes, sir. Because I killed an innocent bird.
Vulture : Dear Lord! We just wanted you to put fresh newspaper on the tribunal floor!
Eagle : We're knee-deep in our own droppings. It's disgusting.
Toucan : But since you've confessed to birdslaughter, we have no choice but to peck your face off.
Bart : No, not the face!

Troy : Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such nature films as "Earwigs, Ew!", and "Man Versus Nature: The Road to Victory". In all the animal kingdom, no mother is more devoted than the blue jay. Valuing her eggs above even her own life, the mother bird bravely fights off such fearsome predators as the badger and the mongoose. Of course, one thing Mother blue jay can't defend against is a set of steel tongs. Eggs. Precious eggs. If they're to survive, they require the gentle warmth and tender love that only a mother can provide. Or better yet, a seventy-five watt bulb. Oh, hello! In a few days, our eggs will hatch into nestlings, like these over here.
Billy : They look awfully hungry, Mr. McClure.
Troy : They sure are, Billy. In nature, their mother would regurgitate food for them to eat.
Billy : That's gross!
Troy : It sure is, Billy. It sure is.

Marge : What do you think he's doing up there?
Homer : I don't know. Drug lab?
Marge : Drug lab?!
Homer : Or reading comic books, what am I, Kreskin? You tell me what he's doing.
Marge : I don't know, and I don't want to know. And I'm going to find out.

Homer : Aw, you look like a little tiny dinosaur. (gets bitten and screams) This is one vicious baby bird.
Lisa : Dad, they aren't birds.
Bart : Sure they are. They came from eggs in a bird's nest. Therefore, they're birds. Ikso fatso.
Lisa : One, they don't have beaks. Two, they don't have feathers, and three, they're lizards!
Bart : You're a lizard!
ikso fatsoが分かりませんでした。ネイティブもiksoを知らない、とのことでした。ご存知の方はこちらまで→
ipso facto(まさにそのことによって;結果的に,therefore,obviously)fatso(でぶ)を入れてもじったジョークみたいなのですがipsoiksoに変えて言った意味って何かあるのでしょうか?単なる空耳でipso fatsoって言っているのだったら簡単でいいんだけど。。。

Lisa : (reading) Bolivian Tree Lizard?
Skinner : Mmm-hmm. It's a vicious ovoraptor. It feasts on bird eggs and lays its own in the nest. The unsuspecting mother bird cares for them until the babies hatch and ... devour her too.
Moe : (laughing) What a chump!
Skinner : It's already wiped out the Dodo, the Cuckoo, and the Ne-Ne, and it has nasty plans for the Booby, the Titmouse, the Woodcock, and the Titpecker.
dodo, cuckoo, boobyには「ばか、まぬけ」の意味があるのですが、他の鳥にもあるのでしょうか?

Skinner : Good riddance to bad lizards. (suddenly, the lizards spread their flaps and drift gently to the ground)
Bart : Hey! Whoa, look at them! Go Chirpy Boy! Go Bart Junior!
Skinner : Oh, nuts!
Lisa : Wow, did you know they had those webbed flaps for gliding?
Skinner : Yes, but I was hoping they didn't know that.

TV : Our top story, the population of parasitic tree lizards has exploded, and local citizens couldn't be happier! It seems the rapacious reptiles have developed a taste for the common pigeon, also known as the feathered rat, or the gutterbird. For the first time, citizens need not fear harassment by flocks of chattering disease-bags.

Mayor : For decimating our pigeon population, and making Springfield a less oppressive place to while away our worthless lives, I present you with this scented candle.

Skinner : Well, I was wrong. The lizards are a godsend.
Lisa : But isn't that a bit short-sighted? What happens when we're overrun by lizards?
Skinner : No problem. We simply release wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They'll wipe out the lizards.
Lisa : But aren't the snakes even worse?
Skinner : Yes, but we're prepared for that. We've lined up a fabulous type of gorilla that thrives on snake meat.
Lisa : But then we're stuck with gorillas!
Skinner : No, that's the beautiful part. When wintertime rolls around, the gorillas simply freeze to death.

Homer : I'm proud of you boy. (sniffs scented candle) Mmm ... loganberry.

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