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新スター・トレック DVD
コンプリート・シーズン 3
スタートレック 第61話
Deja Q
Deja Q Y

あらすじ ブレエル4星の月が軌道から外れ、惑星への衝突の危機に瀕していたが、解決策を見出せずにいた。そこへQ連続体から追放されたと言いQが現れる。
クイズ 「それを使わない手はないだろ?」ってどう言う?  答えはリスト内にあるよ。

Picard : Captain's log, stardate four three five three nine point one. We have moved into orbit around Bre'el Four. With the assistance of the planet's emergency control center we're investigating a catastrophic threat to the population from a descending asteroidal moon.
Data : The satellite's trajectory is continuing to deteriorate, Captain. This orbit will put it within five hundred kilometers of the planet's surface.
Bre'el Four Man: We are predicting the atmospheric drag will bring it down on the next orbit.

Picard : Won't the moon disintegrate prior to impact?
Bre'el Four Woman: No, it has a ferrous crystalline structure. And it will be able to withstand tidal forces, Captain.
Riker : Could we blow it into pieces?
Data : The total mass of the moon would remain the same, Commander. And the impact of thousands of fragments would spread destruction over an even wider area.
Picard : How long before impact?
Data : Twenty-nine hours, sir. Projecting it somewhere on the Western Continent. That would destroy an area eight hundred kilometers in radius.
Bre'el Four Woman: That damage would be insignificant, Captain. Compared to the seismic repercussions, massive land quakes. And tsunami.

Picard : Mister La Forge, is there any way that the Enterprise could coax that satellite back where it belongs?
La Forge : We'd need to apply a delta v of about four kilometers per second. Even with warp power to the tractor beam, it would mean exceeding the recommended impulse engine output by at least forty-seven percent. It would be like an ant pushing a tricycle. A slim chance at best..
Riker : Given the choice between slim and none, I'll take slim any day.
Picard : Make it so.

Riker : Can you give us any more, Geordi?
La Forge : Not without burning out the tractor beam emitter. The circuits are already beyond the thermal limit.
Data : Delta v is ninety-two meters per second. The mass is too great. We are having an effect, but it is negligible .

Riker : Lieutenant Worf, what the hell do the sensors say?
Worf: The sound is not registering , Commander!

Riker : We know you're behind this, Q.
Q : These aren't my colors ! And what are you blathering about, Riker?

Q : It's the truth! I stand before you, defrocked . Condemned to be a member of this lowest of species. A normal, imperfect, lumpen human being.

Data : Sir, he is reading as fully human.
Q : What, is there an echo in here ?

Picard : What is it you want, Q?
Q : Your compassion. All right... Sanctuary on this ship. Dreary as it may sound to the both of us.
Picard : Return that moon to its orbit.
Q : I have no powers! Q the ordinary!
Picard : Q the liar. Q the misanthrope.
Q : Q the miserable. Q the desperate.

Picard : Fine. You want to be treated as human.
Q : Absolutely.
Picard : All right. Mister Worf, throw him in the brig .
Worf : Delighted, Captain.

Worf : You will walk, or I will carry you.
Q : Given the option, I'll...I'll walk.You've disappointed me, Jean Luc. I'm very disappointed. Hey, I'm claustrophobic . I don't like it in here. It was a mistake. I never should have picked human. I knew it the moment I said it. To think of a future in this shell. Forced to cover myself with a fabric because of some outdated human morality. To say nothing of being too hot or too cold. Growing feeble with age. Losing my hair. Catching a disease. Being ticklish. Sneezing. Having an itch, a pimple. Bad breath. Having to bathe.
Worf : Too bad.

Q : In my heart of hearts , I am a Klingon, Worf. Sorry. So you understand, I could never survive in confinement. I mean, this is cruel and unusual punishment. The universe has been my backyard. As a fellow Klingon... If you would speak to the Captain on my behalf, I would be eternally grateful, which doesn't mean as much as it used to, I admit.
Worf : Be quiet! Or disappear back where you came from.
Q : I can't disappear any more than you could win a beauty contest. If I were to ask you a very simple question, do you think you might be able to answer it without it troubling your intellect too much? Ready? Here it goes... Would I permit you to lock me away if I still had all my powers?
Worf : You have fooled us too often, Q.
Q : Oh, perspicacity incarnate.

Worf : Computer, activate force field.
Q : I demand to be let out of here, do you hear me? You will deactivate this cell immediately! Romulan! I should have said Romulan, that Klingon goat !

Picard : The question is, what sort of jaded game is he up to this time?
Riker : Maybe he just wants a big laugh. He'll take Bre'el Four to the edge of disaster, and then pull the moon back.

Data : Sensors are showing broadband emissions including Berthold rays.

Picard : We have a moon inexplicably falling out of orbit. And just now this ship was probed with Berthold radiation.
Q : I wasn't aware of this. Truthfully, Jean Luc. I have been entirely preoccupied by a most frightening experience of my own.

Picard : Q, there are millions of lives at risk. If you have the power…
Q : I don't have any powers! But I have the knowledge locked up in this puny brain. You cannot afford to not take that advantage, can you?

Picard : Mister Data, you are hereby assigned to Q for the remainder of his stay.

Q : What are you looking at?
Data : I was considering the possibility that you are telling the truth that you really are human.
Q : It's the ghastly truth, Mister Data. I can now stub my toe with the best of them.
Data : An irony. It means that you have achieved in disgrace what I have always aspired to be.
Q : Humans are such commonplace little creatures. They roam the galaxy searching for something they know not what.
Data : The human race has an enduring desire for knowledge and for new opportunities to improve itself.
Q : Well, there's certainly room for improvement, but the truth is, Data, they're a minor species in the grand scheme. Not worth your envy.

Data : I feel nothing at all. That is part of my dilemma. I have the curiosity of humans. But there are questions that I will never have the answers to. What it is like to laugh, or, or cry. Or to experience any human emotions.
Q : Hm. Well, if you ask me, these human emotions are not what they're cracked up to be .

La Forge : The moon will hit its perigee in ten hours. Now, we match its trajectory... Increase emitter coolant rate, so that we can apply continuous warp equivalent power nine to the tractor beam. We can push it for nearly seven hours, and I think... That just might do it. But, there's a problem. The Enterprise will be dangerously close to the atmosphere. That's the problem.

Q : This is obviously the result of a large celestial object passing through at near right angles to the plane of the star system. Probably a black hole.
La Forge : Can you recommend a way to counter the effect?
Q : Simple. Change the gravitational constant of the universe.
La Forge : What?
Q : Change the gravitational constant of the universe, thereby altering the mass of the asteroid.

Q : Ah! Oh! Your bedside manner s admirable, Doctor. I'm sure your patients recover quickly, just to get away from you. Oh!

Q : I've never eaten before. What do I ask for?
Data : The choice of meal is determined by individual taste.
Q : What do you like?
Data : Although I do not require sustenance . I occasionally ingest semi-organic nutrient suspension in a silicon based liquid medium.
Q : Is it good?
Data : It would be more appropriate to say it is good for me as it lubricates my bio functions.

Q : How do I know what I desire?
Data : I have observed that the selection of food is often influenced by the mood of the person ordering.
Q : I'm in a dreadful mood. Get me something appropriate.

Guinan : I hear they drummed you out of the Continuum.
Q : I like to think of it as a significant career change.

Guinan : It must be terribly frightening for you to be totally defenseless after all of those centuries of being omnipotent .
Q : I'm warning you, I still have friends in high places.

Guinan : I'd enjoy that, and you better get used to it.
Q : What?
Guinan : Begging. You're a pitiful excuse for a human. The only way you're going to survive is on the charity of others.

Worf : Captain. Sensors are picking up a cloud of energetic plasma. Bearing , three four one. Mark, two zero. Range, twelve kilometers and closing.

Picard : Captain's log, supplemental. We have sustained light damage from an attack by an alien species known as the Calamarain. They apparently have a grievance with Q. No doubt one of many lifeforms that do.
Q : The, uh, Calamarain are not very hospitable creatures. They exist as swirls of ionized gas.

Riker : I say we turn him over to them.
Q : Oh, well, I take it back. You do have a sense of humor, a dreadful one at that .
Riker : I'm serious.
Picard : Of course, you knew this would happen, didn't you?
Q : One can never anticipate the Calamarain. They're very intelligent, but very flighty.
Picard : Yes, but you must have so many enemies. Certainly, you knew that if once you became mortal... Some of them might look you up.
Q : It had occurred to me.
Picard : Mm hmm, and for all your protestations of friendship... Your real reason for being here is protection.
Q : You're very smart, Jean Luc. But I know human beings. They're all sopping over with compassion and forgiveness. They can't wait to absolve almost any offense. It's an inherent weakness of the breed.

Picard : Mister La Forge, your status?
La Forge : I've been putting together a program to extend the forward lobe of the warp field. The field coils aren't designed to envelope such a large volume, but I'm attempting to modify their alignment parameters.

Picard : Your moon has begun moving towards its perigee. We're preparing to make our attempt.
Bre'el Four Woman: Our population has already taken shelter . But I'm afraid no shelter will be adequate if you fail. Especially for the people on the Western Continent.

Worf : La Forge, hull temperature falling. We're in the clear.
La Forge : Diverting power to forward sections, now. That charge nearly knocked out his(=Data) positronic net.
Riker : What can you do for him?
La Forge : I think I'd try and discharge and reset the motor pathways, recouple the autonomic nodes.
Crusher : There's overpressure in his fluidic systems. Thermal shock. If he was mortal, he'd be dead.
Q : Well, let's not overstate the matter here, Doctor. I'm mortal and I survived. The cheers are overwhelming.
Picard : Q, you exceed your own standards of self-preoccupation. You have no concern for an officer who may have saved your life.
Q : He's strong. He'll survive.
La Forge : Osmotic pressure still rising.

Picard : Q, I'm not your father confessor. You will receive no absolution from me. You have brought nothing but pain and suffering to this crew. And I'm still not entirely convinced that all this isn't your latest attempt at a puerile joke.

Crusher : He's going to be all right.
La Forge : We're recalibrating his language circuits, so he can't talk yet.

Q : Where's the main shuttle bay ?
Computer : Main shuttle bay is located on Deck Four.

Picard : On main viewer. Hailing frequency.
Worf : Frequencies open.
Picard : Shuttle occupant , identify yourself.

Q : Please, don't fall back on your tired cliche of charging to the rescue just in the nick of time. I don't want to be rescued! My life as a human being has been a dismal failure. Perhaps my death will have a little dignity.
Picard : Q, there is no dignity in this suicide.
Q : Yes, I suppose you're right. Death of a coward then, so be it. But as a human... I would have died of boredom.
Picard : This goes against my better judgment. Transporter Room Three, lock on to Shuttle One. Beam it back into its bay.

Q : I always thought you were in my corner.
Q 2: Uh, you see, actually, I was the one that got you kicked out. You know, you're incorrigible , Q. You're a lost cause. I can't go to a single solar system without having to apologize for you. And I'm tired of it.

Riker : I don't need your fantasy women.
Q : Oh, you're so stolid . You weren't like that before the beard. Very well.

Picard : Now, at the risk of being rude,
Q : Yes, once again I've overstayed my welcome. As a human I was ill-equipped to thank you. But as myself, you have my everlasting gratitude. Until next time.

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