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*英単語の上にマウスの載せると日本語の意味が出るよ。 |
あらすじ | 銃弾に倒れたジョシュの身を固唾を呑んで見守ったり、指揮権委任の署名問題で揺れる中、3年前ジョシュ・サム・CJ達がスタッフに加わった経緯と選挙活動時の様子が語られる。 |
クイズ | 「給料はいくら出るの?」ってどう言う? 答えはこちら。 |
REPORTER : ..Joshua Lyman is currently undergoing extensive surgery to repair a collapsed lung, and remove a bullet that remains lodged in his thoracic region. |
【管理人からの一言】 lodgeはダークエンジェル第4話参照。 thoracicはダークエンジェル第10話参照。 |
C.J. : I am releasing the name of Stephanie Abbott, A-B-B-O-T-T, of Silver Spring, Maryland, who was in the crowd, and sustained an injury to the left femur, which is the thighbone. |
DONNA : You know, I should ask. Is there anything I'm supposed to be doing right now?
ABBEY : No. DONNA : I mean, anything that Josh's office is supposed to be doing? Should I be making sure it's farmed out? ABBEY : No, I'm sure it's being covered. |
MAN : Can the ships pass inspection?
WOMAN : The ships will be registered in Libya and Panama, so they won't be subject to the OPA, which wouldn't allow an American company to keep a tanker like this in service very long. MAN : I think 2017. WOMAN : I think 2015, and we'll check that, but you get the idea. MAN : I think all that's left, then is to dot the t's. |
【管理人からの一言】 cf) We're really crossing the T's and dotting the I's here. (Meet Joe Blackから) |
SAM : And the good news is we have a no penalty clause we can exercise if we pull out before the First December.
MAN : But Sam, we want these ships. This is as little as we've ever paid for a fleet. SAM : Well, there's a reason why they don't cost a lot of money. They're 20-year old single hulled VLCCs that nobody wants. When they hit things, they will break. And they will hit things, because they don't have state of the art navigation systems. They don't have G3 tank gauging, or EM-5000 engine monitoring, the recommended staletronic, or electropneumatic ballast. MAN : And yesterday, he didn't know the difference between a ship and a boat! MAN : Sam, I thought you told us that you covered our liability. SAM : I did. Strictly speaking, I did. But there's a broader liability to think about. People drove past Exxon Stations after the Valdez. MAN : We've got PR firms for PR problems. SAM : There's a Suez tanker ready to launch in the Koje Island shipyard in Korea. Chevron just dropped the option, and it's sitting in the cradle. Let's go get it. |
MAN : That's amortized over--?
WOMAN : 15 years. MAN : Pre-tax? WOMAN : Sam? |
SAM : Spend it on a better boat.
MAN : Damn it! SAM : The Amoco Cadiz, 68 million gallons of crude oil off of Brittany, France. The Braer, a Liberian Tanker 26 million gallons off the Shetland Islands. I just pulled these off the internet last night! The Exxon Valdez. The Aegaen Sea. The Argo Merchant. Look it up! |
C.J. : The movies were bad, Roger, all of them. Even the little kid was bad, but he was a little kid, he had a couple of scenes, big eyeglasses, little lisp, he's going to the Golden Globes. You know why the new Coke marketing campaign failed? Because nobody liked New Coke. The movies were bad. If the movies were unknown, I could help you, but they weren't. They were just bad! |
TOBY : C.J., you fell into the pool, there.
C.J. : I can't see! TOBY : Yeah, well, maybe, kind of, uh, try to feel your way to dry land? You want a hand? C.J. : Shut up! Avert your eyes! TOBY : What? C.J. : I'm climbing out of the pool, my clothes will be clingy, avert your eyes! |
TOBY : C.J., Jed Bartlet is very impressed with you. He likes the work that you did with that girl's group with the stupid name.
C.J. : Emily's List? TOBY : Yes. C.J. : That girl's group with the stupid name? TOBY : Yes. C.J. : Emily's List, Early money is like yeast. TOBY : Yeah. C.J. : It helps raise the dough. TOBY : I get it. |
C.J. : He's never heard of me, has he?
TOBY : No. C.J. : Toby... TOBY : I'm here on instructions from Leo McGarry. C.J. : McGarry wants me. TOBY : Yes. Come join the campaign. |
REPORTER : ...won the non-binding straw poll, pulling in 48% of the vote, Senator William Willey of Washington State drew poorer than expected 22% of the vote, but the story this morning is the 19% of the vote picked up by former New Hampshire Governor Jed Bartlet, who leapfrogged several democratic candidates to finish a surprising third. And we're going to go now to Governor Bartlet, who's standing by live... okay, I'm told we don't have the Governor at this moment, so we while we try... |
TOBY : So, we finish second in South Carolina, we pick up some steam, some endorsements, mostly some money, going into South Dakota, Vermont, Maine…
SAM : Where we come away with a split, maybe better, and now the prohibitive nominee for the democratic nomination has lost 3 in the first seven... C.J. : And half the actual primaries. SAM : Leading into Super Tuesday. JOSH : Hoynes will win the South. We'll take the North and the Pacific Northwest. TOBY : This race will be decided a week later in Illinois. C.J. : Illinois’s gonna be High Noon. LEO : Sam, if we win in Illinois, will we have a shot at California and New York? SAM : If we win in Illinois, we're going to run the table. BARTLET : Well, that's it, then. And we saved people the trouble of voting. What's next? |
JOSH : Donna, we're picking up today and going to South Carolina. If you want to stay in the Manchester office...
DONNA : I want to come to Charleston. JOSH : I can't carry you, Donna! I got a lot of guys out there not making the trip. DONNA : I'll pay my own way. |
【管理人からの一言】 I want to come to Charleston. のところ、goになっていないですね。なんでだろ?ちなみに、同じエピソードの後のシーンで大統領のせりふに「You want me to go with you?」とあります。話し手と聞き手と話題になっている場所の3つが2つのシーンで同じ位置関係になっているのにcomeとgoで言い方が分かれてますね。なんでだろ?私の文法の理解では両方ともgoなんだけどなぁ。。 |
SAM : I didn't want you to feel beholden to me. I didn't want it to be like an episode of "I Dream of Jeannie" where now you have to save my life...
C.J. : Sam. SAM : ...the time-space continuum, where you have to follow me around with coconut oil and hot towels… C.J. : Coconut oil? SAM : I'm just saying. C.J. : Sam, I don't feel beholden to you. SAM : Why not? I saved your life. |
TOBY : Yeah. Ron, a few weeks after the President was sworn in, you got a memo about his protection.
RON : Yeah. TOBY : It said he wanted to enter and exit in the open air, and he didn't like the feeling of traveling around in an armored tank. RON : Yeah. TOBY : Specifically, it said he wouldn't use the tent or the canopy anymore. RON : Yeah. TOBY : I wrote that memo, and the President signed it at my urging. RON : I know. TOBY : Ron, I don't think it's right that the Secret Service get blamed for what happened last night. I want the Treasury Department to hand over my memo to the press. RON : No, we can't do that. |
SAM : We're starting to get some good exit polling at Stark County and Rock Island.
LEO : How good? SAM : We're running at 53 to 58 with the undecideds from 72 hours ago at the 12th, 14th and 15th. LEO : That's the money! LEO : Who are you talking to? JOSH : I'm talking to nobody. There's no one at my house. LEO : What's going on? JOSH : Nothing. My dad had his chemo today. These exit polls are going to cheer him up. |
★質問★ 訳で「そりゃ結構だ!」となっているThat's the money!が分かりませんでした。ご存知の方はこちらまで→ |
BARTLET : Tonight, what began on the commons in Concord, Massachusetts, as an alliance of farmers and workers, of cobbles man and tinsmiths, of statesmen and students, of mothers and wives, of men and boys, lives two centuries later as America! My name is Josiah Bartlet, and I accept your nomination for the Presidency of the United States! |
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