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DVD Complete First Season
ザ・ホワイトハウス 第26話(204)
The One With The Evil Orthodontist
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Full Transcript

あらすじ 討論番組でサムをやりこめた共和党員を大統領は雇おうと言い出す。エイズ危機にあるアフリカ諸国と製薬会社との間にたち、打開策に苦悩する。
クイズ 「やっぱり言うと思ったわ」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

MARK : Okay. Well, can I give you a little friendly advice?
AINSLEY : Yes, I would appreciate it.
MARK : Don't overreach.
AINSLEY : Don't overreach?
MARK : Don't try to do too much. Don't try to know more than you do. My show is not the place for you to become a star.
MARK : You'll be opposite Sam Seaborn. He's done the show a couple dozen times. The White House wouldn't keep sending him if he didn't keep wiping the floor with whoever's in your chair.
AINSLEY : I've seen him.
MARK : Don't be scared.

SAM : George! You owe me twenty bucks on the Skins.
GEORGE : In the Green Room, man.

MARK : You bet with George on the Skins?
SAM : Over under.

MARK : Sam, why did the President veto the bill?
SAM : There are…
AINSLEY : Because it guaranteed by law that ninety-five percent of the money go directly into the classroom and bypassed the pork-barrel buffet, which is troubling to this President because he doesn't work for the students and he doesn't work for the parents of the students. He works for the teacher's union.

C.J. : There'll be a photo op in the Mural Room in a half hour with President Bartlet and President Nimbala of the Republic of Equatorial Kuhndu who's representing the African nations.

REPORTER : Is the White House prepared to declare war on the drug companies?
C.J. : Well, it sounds like you already have, so if we need a button man, we'll call you. Thank you, everybody, half hour in the Mural Room.

C.J. : There is nothing keeping these people here but good will, Toby! They can charge what they want for their products.
TOBY : It sounded to me like we're intended to be soft on the drug companies.
C.J. : Toby, I don't think anybody expects this White House to be anything but tough on American companies showing a profit.
TOBY : Damn right.

C.J. : Sam! I've really gotta admire the way you came into work this morning, head held high.
SAM : And I appreciate your being the one person who's managed to abstain from heckling me.
C.J. : No problem. There's a whole bunch of women over there. Why don't you ask them whether Geneva's in Switzerland or Oregon?
SAM : Okay!
TOBY : Go to my office.
SAM : Me and you, twenty questions, short answer, general knowledge test, right now!
TOBY : Go to my office.
SAM : I'll spot you two questions.
C.J. : How much money?

TOBY : That drug they've gotta buy from us for four dollars a unit, they can get generic from Pakistan for forty cents.
C.J. : That's not the only bargain in Pakistan, Toby. My girlfriends and I go for the spring fashions.
TOBY : It shows.
BILL : C.J..
C.J. : He just made a dig about my clothes, and that's what's gonna be with me the rest of the day.

BARTLET : Hey, did you see Sam get pureed last night on Capital Beat?
LEO : I didn't see it, but I have heard tell.
BARTLET : He got diced and sliced by a woman named Ainsley Hayes.
slice and diceの語順でしか聞いたことがなかったのですが、両方言うのですね。
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BARTLET : No, not as a joke, I mean we should hire her as a reality. We should hire her.
LEO : She's a Republican.
BARTLET : So are half the people in this country.
LEO : Well, that half lost, so…
BARTLET : She's smart, she's not just carping. She feels a sense of something.
LEO : Of what?
BARTLET : Of duty. Of civic duty.

KATIE : This is a summit among leaders of American pharmaceutical companies and the AIDS-ravaged African nations that President Nimbala is representing here. Is there a political upside to only having President Nimbala at this photo op and not the pharmaceutical companies?
BARTLET : Yes, Katie, I'm trying to shore up the sub-Saharan vote.

LEO : What if she doesn't want to work here?
BARTLET : Appeal to her sense of duty. And smooth it over with the staff. Really, I don't want to hear from them.
LEO : She can always have my job, you know.

BARTLET : When they close the book on me and you, it will say that at this moment you were not there for me, and for that, obviously, there'll be some kind of punishment.
CHARLIE : Well, you could sing Puccini for me again, Mr. President. We'll call it even.

AINSLEY : Does anybody know how to work caller ID?
HARRIET : Oh, how can you not know how to use a telephone?
AINSLEY : I've been paying attention to other things.

DONNA : I don't feel that I've homed in on this.
JOSH : There are a lot of people in Africa with HIV.
DONNA : Right.
JOSH : American companies hold the patents on the medicines they need.
DONNA : Yes.
JOSH : Most people in most African countries can't afford to buy the drugs at these prices, so they buy them on the black market.
DONNA : In violation of the U.S. patents and international treaties.
JOSH : Yes.
DONNA : How prohibitively priced are the drugs?
JOSH : They cost about a hundred and fifty bucks a week.
DONNA : Well, that's not totally off the charts.
JOSH : A police officer in Kenya makes forty-three dollars a month.
DONNA : Do good in there.

AINSLEY : I think that it is wrong for a man in your position to summon someone to the White House to reprimand them for voicing opposition. I think that that is wrong, and it is inappropriate. It's inappropriate, and I'll tell you what else.
LEO : It's wrong?
LEO : That's fine, except you weren't summoned here to be reprimanded.
AINSLEY : Well, then, if you'll permit me, why was I summoned?
LEO : You have an interesting conversational style, do you know that?
AINSLEY : It's a nervous condition.
LEO : I used to have a nervous condition.
AINSLEY : How did yours manifest itself?
LEO : I drank a lot of scotch.
AINSLEY : I get sick when I drink too much.
LEO : I get drunk when I drink too much.

TOBY : The pills cost 'em four cents a unit to make.
JOSH : You know that's not true. The second pill cost 'em four cents; the first pill cost 'em four hundred million dollars.
TOBY : They also enjoy unprecedented tax breaks, foreign tax credits, research and experimentation exemptions, and expensing of research expenditures. To say nothing of the fact that business is pretty good, so they're gonna cover their butt.

TOBY : He's a good President, Josh. He was a great soldier, a brilliant commander, he led his people for 28 years, he can't get ahead of the curve. He's cursed by geography. You know what, if the ground won't grow anything, you don't have an economy. Still, he stands in a room and he talks about Norman Borlaug. He came here himself, Josh, he didn't send delegates. I think it's 'cause he doesn't have any. I think he's holding his country together with both hands.
JOSH : Then let's make sure we send him back with something, is my point.

SPOKESMAN 2 : Anti-HIV drugs are a triple cocktail. It's a complicated regimen that requires ten pills to be taken every day at precise times. Two protease inhibitors every eight hours, two combination RTI pills every twelve hours.
JOSH : What's the problem?
TOBY : They don't own wristwatches. They can't tell time.

AINSLEY : C.J., rule 6E of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure says you can be prosecuted for even confirming that a grand jury's been impaneled.
C.J. : How'd you know?
AINSLEY : A reporter in your press room, who hasn't read the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
C.J. : Well, someone's gonna tell him eventually.
AINSLEY : Who told you?
C.J. : One of the witnesses who was called. What could happen?
AINSLEY : Eighteen months, medium security. C.J., I'm kidding. You didn't break the law. Attorneys and jurors are under a gag order. Witnesses are free to say whatever they want, and anyone is free to repeat what they've said. You know, I'm not sure that laying low and hoping nobody noticed was the best strategy here. Next time, you should really run it by someone in the Counsel's Office. Anyway, I should go see Leo.

SAM : No, man, why participate in the process when you can get a job commenting on it?
AINSLEY : You think because I don't want to work here it's because I can get a better gig on Geraldo? Gosh, let's see if there could possibly be any other reason why I wouldn't want to work in this White House? This White House that feels that government is better for children than parents are, that looks at forty years of degrading and humiliating free lunches handed out in a spectacularly failed effort to level the playing field and says, 'Let's try forty more.' This White House that says of anyone that points that out to them that they are cold and mean and racist, and then accuses Republicans of using the politics of fear. This White House that loves the Bill of Rights, all of them, except the second one.
SAM : This is the wrong place to talk about guns right now. I thought your column was idiotic.
AINSLEY : Imagine my surprise.
SAM : But for a brilliant surgical team and two centimeters of a miracle, this guy's dead right now. From bullets fired from a gun bought legally. They bought guns, they loaded them, they drove from Wheeling to Rosslyn, and until they pulled the trigger they had yet to commit a crime. I am so off-the-charts tired of the gun lobby tossing around words like 'personal freedom' and nobody calling 'em on it. It's not about personal freedom, and it certainly has nothing to do with public safety. It's just that some people like guns.
AINSLEY : Yes, they do. But you know what's more insidious than that? Your gun control position doesn't have anything to do with public safety, and it's certainly not about personal freedom. It's about you don't like people who do like guns. You don't like the people. Think about that, the next time you make a joke about the South.

BARTLET : When do I see pictures, and who's gonna tell me what I'm looking for?
AIDE : Ten minutes in the Situation Room.
BARTLET : I want Fitzwallace and Nancy.
MILITARY GUY 1 : We're getting in the early CIC reports.
TOBY : Donna, tell C.J. it's an open lid?
DONNA : She knows. They're coming back.

BRUCE : Did you meet anyone there who isn't worthless?
AINSLEY : Don't say that.
BRUCE : Did you meet anyone there who has any..
AINSLEY : I said don't say that. Say they're smug and superior, say their approach to public policy makes you want to tear your hair out. Say they like high taxes and spending your money. Say they want to take your guns and open your borders, but don't call them worthless. At least don't do it in front of me. The people that I have met have been extraordinarily qualified, their intent is good. Their commitment is true, they are righteous, and they are patriots. And I'm their lawyer.

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