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DVD Complete First Season
ザ・ホワイトハウス 第27話(205)
And It's Surely To Their Credit
女たちの闘い Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ ジョシュの治療費の支払いをめぐるトラブルから差別団体への民事訴訟の可能性を探り出すサム達。一方、エインズリーも仕事を開始。周りの彼女に対する反応は。。。
クイズ 「いいたいことは山ほどある」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

DONNA : I m saying it’s the end of the week. He gets a little punchy.
SAM : It’s not live. He can do another take.

DONNA : I had to give those people key chains.
SAM : What people?
DONNA : The guests at the radio address with the eleven takes. They were standing in the Oval Office for an hour and a half. I sent them home with White House key chains.
SAM : Knock 'em dead.

BARTLET : Let’s do this in one, shall we?
DONNA : Yes sir.
BARTLET : One-take Bartlet. That’s what old Jack Warner used to call me.
TECHNICIAN : Here we go. In three, two…
BARTLET : Good morning. This month, as autumn is in full bloom in much of the nation, the weekends will be devoted by many of you to leaf-peeping and football... watch... ing...
TECHNICIAN : Cut tape.
BARTLET : I’m sorry. Leaf-peeping? Is that something we do now?

TOBY : The DOD press office isn't confirming anything.
C.J. : They won't confirm whether a three-star general is going on television to beat up the President?
5つ星-元帥, 4つ星-大将, 3つ星-中将, 2つ星-少将, 1つ星-准将

C.J. : I need to see General Barrie. I want you to go to the Pentagon and get him and I don't want him anywhere near a press line when he comes into the West Wing.
CAROL : Earliest possible convenience?
C.J. : I could give a damn if it's convenient or not.
なんでcouldn'tではなくcouldになっているのだろうと思ったら、こちらのサイトによるとcould give a damn=couldn't give a damnなんだそうです。

C.J. : Hey, has Leo told Tribbey about his new Associate Counsel yet?
TOBY : I'll check the wire to see if any maimings have been reported, but I don't think he's told him yet.
C.J. : Should be some decent dinner theater.
TOBY : Let me know if you need me on Captain Queeg.

LEO : You're going to meet him right now. It's going to be fine…
AINSLEY : It's not going to be fine. He's gonna yell, and scream, I've seen him on TV…
LEO : Well, that's TV. He's making a full-throated defense of the President! That's what we do. Believe me, in real life, when the cameras are off...

LIONEL : When your guys go to the Hill, they can't drop their testimony on my desk at 9:15 and testify at 9:30! I was ready to take a vacation, Leo! I was going to go someplace warm, with a beach, somebody bringing me drinks with little umbrellas in them! I had this thing closed. Now I've got to go back up there, hat in hand because the circus is in town!

LEO : Dreifort's a Supreme Court Justice, Lionel, so let's speak of him with respect and practice some tolerance for those who disagree with us.
LIONEL : I believe, as long as Justice Dreifort is intolerant toward gays, lesbians, blacks, unions, women, poor people, and first, fourth, fifth, and ninth amendments, I will remain intolerant toward him.

TOBY : You've got two paragraphs on H-404 for the AFL-CIO. I want you to rethink them.
SAM : Rethink them how?
TOBY : Cut them.
SAM : Why can't he talk about Superfund?
TOBY : Cause it's the AFL-CIO and they want to hear about how we're going to protect their jobs.
SAM : How about we start by protecting the planet they live on?
TOBY : How about you start by cutting the paragraphs?

DONNA : Take 17 looked like it was gonna be a keeper till he went on elocution safari during the word ‘protuberance’.
JOSH : When did he finally nail it?
DONNA : Oh, he hasn’t yet.
JOSH : He hasn’t done it yet?
DONNA : There are matters of state to attend to, Josh. He can’t spend the day, you know, indefinitely in this room--
JOSH : What about the audience?
DONNA : I sent them home. I'm going to bring in a new audience. You know, like the old Carson Show.
JOSH : What the hell are we talking about?
indefinitelyダークエンジェル 第9話参照。

ABBEY : Yeah. Your EKG shows a good sinus rhythm.
ABBEY : No evidence of ischemic changes.
CHARLIE : How are we spelling...?
ABBEY : It doesn’t matter. Your electrolytes and metabolic panels are within normal limits, chest x-rays are clear, and prostate screens are fine.
ABBEY : So, we can have sex now.
CHARLIE : Okay, that’s not me and you now, right?
sinus rhythmER IV 第1話参照。

LEO : Kid, the others are gonna come around.
AINSLEY : No, they won’t.
LEO : See, you got to remember that the people you’re talking about live their lives under siege 24 hours every day at a time in their lives where they’re trying with all their might to do good. You’re in their foxhole.
AINSLEY : Sam Seaborn had this innocent relationship with a girl -- bam! Here comes the enemy. I’m a recovering alcoholic. Bam! Radio, TV, magazines, cameras in front of my house, people shouting at my daughter at the ballgame, editorials, op-eds, ‘He’s a drunk. He’s dangerous. He should resign.’
LEO : I wrote one of those op-ed pieces.
AINSLEY : I know.

LIONEL : I see they've found you an office.
AINSLEY : Such as it is.
LIONEL : Good men and women have worked in whatever room was available in this building, and have done so without complaint.
AINSLEY : I don't believe you heard me complain, Mr. Tribbey.
LIONEL : I believe I did, Miss Hayes. Now, why don't you tell me what this is all about?
cf) such as they were (チャームド第52話)

AINSLEY : I said I feel a sense of duty.
LIONEL : What, did you just walk out of The Pirates of Penzance?
LIONEL : "Why, he's an Englishman."
AINSLEY : "He is an Englishman" is from H.M.S. Pinafore.
LIONEL : It's from Penzance. Don't tell me about Gilbert and Sullivan. It's from Penzance or Iolanthe... one of the ones about duty.
AINSLEY : They're all about duty. And it's from Pinafore.
cf) Everybody here looks like they just stepped out of a music video. (ビバヒルから)

DVD:HMS Pinafore

AINSLEY : I'd like to do well on this, my first assignment. Any advice you could give me that might point me the way of success would be by me appreciated.
TRIBBEY : Well, not speaking in iambic pentameter might be a step in the right direction.

JOSH : And how are they tying the two shooters and the signal guy to the Klan?
SAM : They're tying them to the Klan, West Virginia White Pride, the Brotherhood of Aryan Nations.
JOSH : How does that...?
SAM : The following is in the possession of the F.B.I. A map and the President's itinerary, given to the shooters by the chapter head of White Pride. A videotape of a meeting the shooters attended with the leader railing against interracial couples, specifically citing Charlie and Zoey, using the term "lone wolf" over and over, which is the phrase they use when they want their younger members to take matters into their own hands. A copy of Hunter, by William Pierce, bought at a Klan rally in Blacksburg. In the book, Pierce encourages fellow supremacists to rid the earth of interracial couples by shooting them. This is enough, more than enough, to begin deposing

TOBY : Our people can be deposed too, which leaves them vulnerable to embarrassing questions like, "Have you ever tried cocaine?" They can ask Sam has he ever slept with a prostitute?
JOSH : Those questions are irrelevant.
LEO : That's why they'll ask them. If one of our people refuses to answer, it's a story.
TOBY : So we're not wild about it.
LEO : That said, say the word, and we'll take a leave of absence and join your legal team.

BARTLET : I'm going to a special meeting.
CHARLIE : of the government. Yes, sir. She had to go to Pennsylvania early.
BARTLET : Would you like to come back inside and take another swing at the radio address?
CHARLIE : Sure. Would you like to get that smile off your face before I send you on special assignment to the Yukon?

GENERAL ED BARRIE : You think sending my aide here was an act of cowardice? You think I have the time and inclination…
C.J. : Sir, due respect, that wasn't what I was referring to. I think jumping up and down on the Commander in Chief and then beating a path out of town is an act of cowardice.
GENERAL ED BARRIE : I think alerting the public to staggeringly dangerous vulnerabilities of the current state of the military is an act of conscience.

BARRIE : Sure! How about we discuss new defense spending being down to three hundred billion from four hundred billion ten years ago. Is that personal? C.J. : No, sir, I think that's about the cold war ending ten years ago and America not needing to spend quite so much money defending itself against a country that can't bake bread.
GENERAL ED BARRIE : Kitten... Op-Tempo is up, which is fine, but the problem is Pers-Tempo is up too. Do you know what that is? It's the rate of turnover in individual jobs.
C.J. : Yes, sir. Pers-Tempo is up because higher paying civilian jobs are luring men and women trained in high tech. We're more than happy to take the rap for booming an economy, sir.

BARRIE : Well, I'll be telling my story to Tim Russert.
C.J. : No, I don't think you will, General.
BARRIE : I'm sorry?
C.J. : I said, "I don't think you will." I notice among your many decorations is the Distinguished Combat Service Medal. You're wearing it now, as well as in numerous photographs, including some taken with enlisted men in the field. You won it while on temporary duty with the Navy's U.S.S. Brooke. The thing is, the Brooke was never fired on, and it never shot its guns. Right now, and in photographs, you're wearing a medal you never won. How does that usually go over with the boys?
BARRIE : He never served in uniform, not once... and he presumes…
C.J. : Is there anything else, sir?
go overファイナルファンタジー参照。
presumesダークエンジェル 第12-2話参照。

AINSLEY : No, this'll just take a second. First of all, forgive me if I'm repeating somebody else, but I'd be remiss if I didn't make sure you understood that section 194 of the federal code says Congress can turn your testimony over to a US attorney and he'd most likely empanel a grand jury. You don't want any part of that.
BROOKLINE : Thanks. You know, we both went to high school.
AINSLEY : Yeah, um, the second thing is this: your attitude during your testimony is being taken by some of the Republican committee members as a sign of disrespect.
JOYCE : Oh, please.
AINSLEY : No, hang on a second. This is so easy to fix. We are gonna pick up yardage. Write a short note, have it delivered by messenger to the majority counsel, and copy the chairman and the Speaker.
pick up yardageがよく分かりませんでした。フットボールで「距離をかせぐ、前進する」というような意味に使われているようなので「自分達の得になることなんだ」ということかなぁと想像したのですが、自信ないです。ご意見をお願いします。→
BARTLET : I was on a conference call with Cardinal Law and the Archbishop of Chicago.
ABBEY : You couldn't get off the phone?
BARTLET : Yeah. "Excuse me, Your Eminence, but the First Lady is a little randy, and she says I'm good to go".
ABBEY : I am a little randy, Jed.
BARTLET : Good, take your clothes off.
ABBEY : Whatever happened to romance? A couple of cocktails, Mel Torme BARTLET : Get 'em off.

BARTLET : You went all the way to Cochran's... whatever to dedicate a monument to Nellie Bly? Abbey, you can really pass that kind of thing along. You don't have to accept every invitation from every yahoo historical society that knows someone in the Social Office. If you want, I can have Charlie...You haven't changed into the "special garment".
ABBEY : Cochran's Mills is where I went.
BARTLET : Yeah. You know what I did, just then, that was stupid? I minimized the importance of the statue that was dedicated to Nellie Bly, an extraordinary woman to whom we all owe a great deal.

ABBEY : In 1890, she traveled around the world in 72 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and 14 seconds, besting by more than one week, Jules Verne's 80 days.
BARTLET : She sounds like an incredible woman, Abbey. I'm particularly impressed that she beat a fictional record. If she goes twenty-one thousand leagues under the sea I'll name a damn school after her. Let's have sex.

SAM : Vietnamese Fisherman's Association v. the Knights of the KKK. A civil action enjoining the Klan from operating the Texas Paramilitary Army, they shut 'em down.
JOSH : Yeah.
SAM : Donald v. United Klans of America. They sued on behalf of a black youth who was lynched. The jury returned a seven million dollar verdict and deeded the headquarters to the mother. The court took the bat cave, Josh.

SAM : I'm..nothing. I'm not..Nothing! Except it's from Pinafore.
LIONEL : It's from Penzance.
SAM : I hate to stick my head in the lion's mouth, but I got to ask you: were you the recording secretary of the Princeton Gilbert and Sullivan Society for two years?
LIONEL : No, but then again I'm not a woman, so?
SAM : I'm just saying…
LIONEL : Little drinks, I'm supposed to be having right now! Umbrellas, sticking out of them! Shish kabob!

BARTLET : By the way, sweet knees, the Statue of Liberty.
ABBEY : Get upstairs.
BARTLET : Right there at the front door to the country!
ABBEY : Get upstairs.
BARTLET : Like a lawn jockey.

lawn jockey

BARTLET : Is this about Ed Barrie?
C.J. : Yes, it is. I wanted to ask if…
BARTLET : Go ahead and let him out of the box. Say what you want about Barrie, and I could say plenty, but the man was the first one in and the last one out of a war that I didn't want anything to do with. Man's earned the right to say whatever he wants. Let him out of the box, would you?
C.J. : Yes, sir.
out of the boxがよく分かりませんでした。辞書になかったのですが、「箱から出す→自由にする」ということかなと想像してみました。ご意見を。→

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