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DVD Complete First Season
ザ・ホワイトハウス 第28話(206)
The Lame Duck Congress
核実験禁止条例 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 核実験禁止条約の議会承認を手に入れたいバートレット陣営。次の議会では可能性薄と判断し、変わる前の休会中の議会を召集して投票に持ち込む線をさぐるが。。。
クイズ 「Postは少し遅れをとってきている。」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

REPORTER 1 : C.J., Senator elect Morgan Mitchell's going to announce on Hardball later today that he'll seek a seat on the Foreign Relations Committee. Then he'll block a vote on the Test Ban Treaty to prevent it coming to the floor. C.J. : Yeah.
REPORTER 1 : Any thoughts?

DONNA : Do you know how many people acquire carpal tunnel syndrome?
JOSH : It shouldn't surprise you to learn that I do not.
DONNA : 600,000 Americans a year. Do you have any idea how painful it is?
JOSH : Donna, in the scheme of things, who really cares?
DONNA : Do you have any idea how painful it is?
JOSH : Yes, yes, yes, yes.
DONNA : Pain in the forearm, no grip, you lose the ability to pinch.
JOSH : People who lose the ability to pinch, I got to tell you, I don't know from where they summon the will to go on.
in the scheme of thingsですがPEAK EnglishのForum(時間が経つとリンク切れになります)で説明が載ってましたので、ご紹介させていただきます。以下、転載。

in the scheme of things means in the "big picture" or in the "over all design of things". It is a reminder that a serious incident may have occured, but it might not be such a big deal in the overall plan. For example, you might have failed a test today and feel bad, but in the "scheme of things," the test is only a small part of your entire educational experience.

SAM : He should consider it. He should consider it right now.
C.J. : Mitchell isn't going to get a seat on Foreign Relations. There's no seat open on Foreign Relations.
SAM : There's a seat open on Appropriations.

JOSH : Casey wants Appropriations. And he has the seniority.
SAM : So he'll have to give up Budget.
JOSH : Which Taglio will jump at in a second. Which clears the way for Newberry in Senate Armed Services.
C.J. : Newberry leaving opens up Judiciary.

C.J. : These people are gone. The 106th Congress is adjourned. Twelve of them were voted out of office. This is bad pool. You go in there now and tell the President to call a lame duck session and he does, it's going to look like politics.
TOBY : It is politics.
JOSH : Casey's gonna want Appropriations.
SAM : And he has the seniority.

C.J. : Which means Weston leaves Foreign Relations.
SAM : Which is where Mitchell comes in.
LEO : Guys!
BARTLET : It's like running the country with Barnum, Bailey and his sister Sue.


LEO : Arguments against?
SAM : We might lose the vote. That'll hang around our necks for two years.
JOSH : The Senate'll be pissed off, they might stall confirmations.

LEO : Look, even when they're here in session, trying to get a hundred Senators in line is still like getting cats to walk in a parade.
BARTLET : What do you want to do?
LEO : Let's get the leaderships’ temperature on a lame duck session. And let's also get some kind of nose count and see where we are.

LEO : On the lame duck session.
LEO : You don't want to call this vote, then lose.
BARTLET : Yeah, but this could be a window.
LEO : Yeah.
BARTLET : We've gotta see if it's doable.

LEO : The West Wing resembles a high school year-book office.' And I believe I am compared to a substitute teacher.
SAM : That's ridiculous.
LEO : No, it's not.
C.J. : Leo…
LEO : Certainly not based on the display I just saw in there. So, new rules. You need an answer from the President, you want to brief him, you want him the way in, I want to see a summary on my desk. Absolutely no longer than two pages. And I want my initials on it before you go into the Oval Office.
SAM : Leo.
JOSH : A two page summary's gonna kind of cramp our style.
LEO : Your style could use a little cramping. Are we understood?
ALL : Just fine.
LEO : Toby, Sam, take some meetings on the Hill tonight. Toby, concentrate on votes that can be loosened with Stensen gone. Sam, dangle reservations in front of them. C.J. start the leak.

TOBY : Sam, you're up on the Hill dropping we'll consider reservations. It is not out of the realm of possibility that that meeting gets us eight votes.

TOBY : Reservations. That's the word you're dropping when you're on the Hill. You're not to leave the meeting in the wind. Just say the word….Oh, let's be able to end this day by telling the President that he's in striking distance and he should seriously consider the session. Let's be able to do that.

DONNA : What I think you don't understand is that Carpal Tunnel is only one of many afflictions that fall into the category of repetitive stress injuries or RSI and which are covered by the science of ergonomics.
JOSH : I'm not in charge of the science of ergonomics. You're going to have to ask somebody else who, you know, cares.
DONNA : You don't have to be in charge of it. OSHA is, they’ve come up with a new series of industry standards. And I want to know why the White House isn't implementing them.
JOSH : Because the SBA says the cost to small businesses could exceed 18 billion dollars in the first year. They'll be a huge increase in workmen's compensation premiums. And republicans find the word ergonomics to be silly.

JOSH : What?
CHARLIE : Vasily Konanov is here.
JOSH : I can't see him. Charlie, make sure he's not in the bull pen.

SAM : I don't need your help. I'm asking for your help so let's not make a federal…
AINSLEY : [into her phone] Dad, it's me. Sam's asking for my help.
SAM : Put the phone down.
AINSLEY : [into her phone] Gotta go, dad, I need to help Sam.
SAM : That must have rolled them in the aisles back in Georgia.

SAM : I have a position recommendation for the President regarding an amendment to a Congress bill. This memo's 22 pages long and Leo's on a streamlining kick.
AINSLEY : You want me to summarize your recommendation and give it to the President.
SAM : Yeah, then I want you to skip to Tijuana in a dirndl skirt.
SAM : Summarize it and you give it to me.


AINSLEY : I'm not going to say anything. I'm not going to spill anything. I'm not going to get Republican juice on you. I'm just going to sit there and learn.
SAM : Look…
AINSLEY : From the master, Sam, I want to learn from the master.
SAM : See, women think that kind of thing works, but it doesn't.
AINSLEY : It really does, Sam.
SAM : I let you come to the Hill, you'll summarize my memo?
AINSLEY : I'll use punctuation and everything. You might even get extra credit.
JOSH : I'm not allowed to speak to him. I've walked by the car a couple of times, to see what was what. Leo, we've got to move him. Tourists are going to start to ask questions and Boris and Natasha are going to answer them.
LEO : You now have permission to talk to him. Put him in an office, dry him out, and explain why he can't see the President.

Boris and Natasha

FOWLER : And I'll like to substitute snow peas for the asparagus.
FOX : I'll have the same, but I don't want the squash pureed with cream or butter. In fact it doesn't even have to be pureed.
TOBY : Fellas!

FOX : Toby, our boss is fishing off the Key West.
FOWLER : Yeah, everybody's boss is fishing off the Key West.
FOX : Now they're skiing in Jackson Hole or watching football on TV.
TOBY : And it would really tear the President up inside to bring them back. But I want to talk about it if he should.

TOBY : 82% of voters want the Test Ban Treaty!
FOX : Not in our state.
TOBY : You're ??? by the 18%?
FOX : Not in our state, Toby!
TOBY : 82% of voters, Joe. 82% of voters, to say nothing of 150 nations including Russia, China, Great Britain, France. Four countries you don't often see on the same side of the ball.
FOWLER : Fine, now get North Korea, India and Pakistan on board and we'll have a ball game.
「18%にまどわされている」という訳になっている所、何と言っているか分かりませんでした。音的には私にはcut itと聞こえるのですがそれだと文として変だし。。ヘッドフォンマークをクリックすると音声が聞けます。ご意見をお願いします。→
DONNA : The Occupational Safety and Health Administration would like to do something about repetitive stress injuries and or muscular skeletal disorder like tendonitis...
LEO : Or carpal tunnel syndrome.

LEO : Is this the ten minute pitch or the two minute pitch?
C.J. : The two minute pitch!
LEO : Go.
C.J. : Okay, now you threw me off my game.
LEO : C.J.!
C.J. : No, I'm nervous now.
LEO : Come on.
C.J. : I feel like if I run over, you're going to have the orchestra play me off.
LEO : I'm getting older over here, C.J.

LEO : Danny Concannon wants access for a three-part feature.
C.J. : No!
LEO : No what?
C.J. : No he can't have access.
LEO : C.J.!
C.J. : He can't have access. Leo, his editorial staff just jumped up and down on your head yesterday, and last Thursday and the President twice before that. Four times in two weeks! That's why everybody's walking around with a stopwatch. He gets no milk and cookies.

KEENE : Ainsley, I'm surprised to see you here.
KEENE : Before you were on Bartlet's payroll you were a pretty vocal opponent of the treaty.
AINSLEY : Well, it’s President Bartlet. I'm on the government payroll. And I believe that politics should stop at the water's edge.
KEENE : Okay.
AINSLEY : To be honest with you, I think it should stop well before that but it turns out there's no Santa Claus and Elvis isn't cutting records anymore.
KEENE : What is she saying?

JOSH : This is how the world is run?
LEO : Yeah.
JOSH : I'm sticking to domestic policy.
LEO : Yeah, 'cause that has the ring of sanity to it.
JOSH : Is Toby meeting with Merino?
LEO : Toby's on a mission.
JOSH : It's the right mission. I know you're not comfortable…
LEO : Continuing to exert influence after the people have voted you out is an ethically gray area for me.

JOSH : Hey, Norma Rae! Get in here. The man's trying to run a country.
DONNA : This is a law that would prevent 32 to 95 thousand injuries a year.
LEO : Not here it wouldn't.
DONNA : Why not?
JOSH : The White House and Congress are exempt from the work place related laws they pass.

JOSH : I need Vasily Konanov to meet with someone of absolutely no consequence. You're my girl.
DONNA : What the hell are you...?
JOSH : I need you to meet with Vasily Konanov.
DONNA : Why?
JOSH : So the President can drop in and interrupt you.
DONNA : Are you kidding me?
JOSH : No.
DONNA : So I'm a beard.
JOSH : Yes.
DONNA : I'm being used?
JOSH : Yes.
DONNA : As a dupe?
JOSH : Yes.

DONNA : This is an opportunity.
JOSH : That's right.
DONNA : This is an audience with a man who understands the plight of the worker.
JOSH : Yes.

SAM : I think Ramsey, Roanoke maybe even Greys. I think they're going to vote for it anyway.
C.J. : Why?
SAM : Cause Tony Marino's going to tell them to. I just named three Senators that can't get re-elected without labor and Marino may be out of the job but he's still going to swing a big bat with the unions.

AINSLEY : Sam, half of America's workforce is employed by small business. That's companies that employ fewer than 100 workers.
SAM : I know what a small business is.
AINSLEY : Then you know that a third of them fail. One third of all small businesses lose money and fail. Not because of rent hikes, or big chains squeezing them out, but because of why?
SAM : Employee fraud.
AINSLEY : That's right.

SAM : Could it possibly be that most of the people you want to fingerprint have darker skin than you do?
AINSLEY : Well, not to let the facts interfere with a good story, but 80% of violators are white. Fraudulent employees are three times more likely to be married. They're four times more likely to be men, 16 times more likely to be managers and executives. And guess what, professor? They're five times more likely to have post graduate degrees.

C.J. : Charlie, Danny's paper, after savaging us four times in two weeks would like access for Danny to write a three part feature.
CHARLIE : About what?
C.J. : About winning a Pulitzer Prize for writing a three part feature.
DANNY : Look!
C.J. : See, reporters seldom win a Pulitzer, feature writers do. And the Post has been getting a little out paced in the hardware department lately.

C.J. : Sir, after the Editorials they've run...
BARTLET : Yeah, they've been way off base. Not so much the second one. But the first, third and fourth were silly. And the fourth was mean spirited.
C.J. : Exactly, so let's send them a message.
C.J : Sir.
BARTLET : First of all, it wasn't Danny.
C.J. : Danny is their representative. We have to stop being a punching bag and they need a wake up call.
BARTLET : Nah. It's going to look petty and petulant. You know why?
C.J. : Sir?
BARTLET : Because it's petty and petulant.

BARTLET : Danny, I think you guys have had your heads up your asses for the last few weeks, I hope you don't mind me saying so.
DANNY : Of course not, Mr. President.
BARTLET : Not only that, but I think you've been trying to bait me. Which is a waste of time, paper and ink. I'm like 50 times smarter than any of you will ever hope to be. I have an election to win in two years, and I'm not about to alienate the Washington Post.
DANNY : Yes, sir.

DONNA : See, the keyboard forces users to put their wrists into a palms down position and encourages a sideways wrist twist to reach the enter key. That sideways twist is called an ulnar deviation and it's very bad. It has a right hand bias towards the important letter and number keys and frequently used keys like Enter, Shift, Backspace and Control are placed near the weakest finger, forcing the wrist to absorb the added pressure...
KONANOV : What in hell is the woman talking about?

LEO : [to the phone] Yeah... yeah...Thank you. [to Sam] Doctor Zhivago is out of here.
SAM : Good.

LEO : You weren't going to go the other way on this?
SAM : Yeah, I was.
LEO : You got turned around?
SAM : Yeah.

BARTLET : Tony Marino's going to abstain, huh?
TOBY : Yeah.
BARTLET : He was a great public servant, Toby, a great Senator.
TOBY : Didn't Edmund Burke say that out representative owes not just his industry but his judgement and betrays you if he sacrifices his judgement to yours?
BARTLET : Yeah. and then he was voted out of office five years later by the people of Bristol.
TOBY : That's not the point, sir.
BARTLET : I know. The fact is the opponents of the treaty are on both sides of the isle. You've got to respect them, Toby. They're politicians and they're flying in the face of overwhelming public opinion.
TOBY : Do I have to respect senators for defying 82% of American people?

BARTLET : If anyone's out there, I'm signing off. Have a good night.

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