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フレンズ 第18話(116)
Yours, Mine or Ours ?
恋のライバル Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ ウィルとグレイス、二人ともデートの約束に大はしゃぎ。でもそのお相手は同じ人だったから大変!
クイズ 「あの頃は良かったわねぇ。」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

GRACE : Fire him.
KAREN : Grace, he is old and sweet and helpless. I can't just fire him because he's a raging incompetent. I mean, maybe you could, but not me.
GRACE : Karen, if that were true, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

KAREN : So, what's up? What's going on? Who's getting some slap and tickle?
GRACE : I am.
KAREN : Are not.
GRACE : Am, too.
KAREN : With who?
GRACE : A guy.
KAREN : (SERIOUSLY) Hey, hey. Game's over.

JACK : So what's going on with you?
WILL : What?
JACK : We haven't sung a show tune since Jimmy Swaggart got caught with a hooker.

GRACE : 2 buttons or 3?
WILL : Well, it's the difference between I'll call you and I'll wake you. What about me? 2 buttons or 3?
GRACE : Oh, definitely 2. It's the difference between I'll call you and I'll sell you an area rug. Ok. I'm taking the Merlot Jack stole from the restaurant after they fired him for stealing the Cabernet.
WILL : Grab me one!

WILL : Look, look. If we're going to do this, let's agree on one thing. If either of us gets the feeling...that I like you more than a friend vibe, the other will bow out gracefully.
GRACE : Like a gentleman.
WILL : Or a lady.
GRACE : Or a gentleman.
WILL : Did you eat salami today?
GRACE : No. Did you wash your face with ugly soap?
ugly soapですがこのエピでは「安い石鹸で顔洗った?(訳)」→「ブスになってるよぉ」的な使われ方をしていますが、ugly soapと呼ばれるのは形などが整っていないものもあるからで、研磨剤等を使用しない分、敏感肌やトラブル肌の人にも好まれる品物に出来上がっているものもあるようです。中には売りに出している方もいらっしゃいます。

PETER : (TO GRACE) You know, you have the most beautiful smile.
GRACE : Oh, it's--it's a little crooked. (SMILES BIG)
PETER : Now, so was Audrey Hepburn's.
GRACE : Oh, come on now. I hate my smile. (SMILES BIGGER)
WILL : Well, then, stop smiling.
PETER : You know, I thought we'd start off with some veggies, or at 4.99 a pound, crudites.
GRACE : Great. Well, you know the old saying, cru-today's gone tomorrow. (LAUGHS, THEN SNORTS)
WILL : Yeah, that's hot.
Here today, gone tomorrow.はweb上で最初のHereの部分を他の単語にいろいろと入れ替えて使われていました。(もちろんHereのままでも)(例:Hair today, gone tomorrow. Hare today, gone tomorrow. Heir today, gone tomorrow. Best today, gone tomorrow.)今回のはcruditesをうけてcru-today'sともじったんですね。

WILL : Oh, look! Golf clubs!
PETER : Yeah, yeah. You play?
WILL : Well. A little. I got to work on my swing. I have such a hard time getting the ball in the clown's mouth. Ha ha ha! (WILL PICKS UP A CLUB)
PETER : Oh, look. Your address is all wrong. Here. Let me show you.

PETER : Oh! I got to check on dinner. I hope you like veal Marsala. I slaved for hours over the takeout menu.

GRACE : Peter is not gay.
WILL : Oh, please. You think everybody is straight. He's gay, so you can just stop flirting.
GRACE : Oh, wrong-o, Mary Lou. He's straight.
wrong-o, Mary Louというのは一応決まったフレーズのようです。(2003/3/4現在Webヒット数16件)おそらく誰かの有名なせりふからきているのでしょう。でも出典がよく分かりませんでした。一応米映画で"Mary Lou"というのもあるのですが、他にも数本Mary Louという名に関係する映画もあるようで、もしかすると全然別のドラマか有名人のせりふの可能性もあるし。なので不明です。

DRIVER : Mrs. Walker, am I fired because I'm a bad driver?
KAREN : No, no! You're very good at what you do. I just think it's time for a change. I mean, I know that you...honey, I'm over here now. (CLAPS) I remember that you always wanted to do other things in your life. Why, I recall you having an interest in woodworking.
DRIVER : That was cook.

KAREN : Well, I'm going to miss you, Driver, but I'm sure you'll land on your feet, unlike those people you hit.

GRACE : Will, come on. He's perfect for me.
WILL : Except for one little problem. He's perfect for me.
GRACE : I need this more than you.
WILL : Oh, please! You've had plenty of dips in the love pool. I'm still in the cabana trying out floaties.
love poolは一般的な言い方のようです。恋愛orセックスほどの意味だと思います。

GRACE : He is not gay.
JACK: What's this? A question of sexual (日英クイズ【意味:性的志向(同性愛者か異性愛者かということ)】回答例はこちら )? The doctor is in.
GRACE : Oh, Jack.
WILL : No. No, Jack has the most finely tuned gaydar in the tri-state area.
JACK : Do do do--do do do ding! (POINTS AT WILL)
WILL : He can name a gay guy in one note.
JACK : Ah, yes. Many have sought my counsel on this subject. They say, "Jack is a wise man. Jack is a dangerous man. Jack is a great man." No. Jack is just a man. A man who knows men who like men. Bring to me the facts.
WILL : Ok. In his bathroom, he had 3 magazines, and one of them was Martha Stewart's Living.
GRACE : He also had Basketball Digest.
JACK : Ahh! You both make compelling points, but I believe the truth is to be found in the third magazine.
WILL and GRACE : Vanity Fair.
JACK : Unless it's Vanity Fair.
name〜in one noteこちらのサイトを参考にしました。
Bring to me the facts.ですがこういう言い方もするんですね。ちなみに。。。
bring to me the facts (webヒット数W&Gのみ)
bring me the facts (webヒット数11件)
bring to me the〜 (webヒット数1,200件)
bring me the〜(webヒット数43,400件)

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