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ウィル&グレイス 第20話(120)
Saving Grace
成功の報酬 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ グレイスがどうしても手に入れたい仕事の雇い主がウィルを気に入り、交換条件にウィルとのデートを申し入れてきた。グレイス、どうする?!
クイズ 「なにぐずぐずしているの?」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

JACK : Headline! I'm in love.
WILL: I must've missed that headline. Then again, I don't read the farm report.
JACK: His name is Ramon. Thank you for asking. He's from the Dominican Republic. That's on the island of Hispanola. I'm loving and learning at the same time.
WILL: I'm listening and not caring at the same time.
JACK: Poor, poor jealous you, stuck inside the nunnery while all the other girls run around in their miniskirts and take the Pill. How do you solve a problem like Will Truman? (グレイスが入ってきて)Oh, look, it's Mother Inferior.
Mother Inferiorがはっきり分かりませんでした。
Mother Superiorで修道院長なので、「修道女の役職・地位の名前」かも。
GRACE : Ok, I'm not auditioning for the road company of Babes in Boyland. This is my chance to design Nathan Berry's house.
JACK: The publicist? That man ruined my career!
WILL: Wait, wait, wait. You had a career, and you didn't tell me?
JACK: I sent him a flyer to Just Jack. But did he come to Just Jack, where he would have been comped and given a drink coupon? No.
GRACE: Three people saw Just Jack. Two of them were "just us."
WILL:Sweetie, come on. Calm down. You look great. You are great. You can get this. All you have to do is figure out the one thing that you can bring to the table that nobody else can. And then you just do whatever you have to do to close the deal. Ok? You go out there, and you knock 'em dead.

GRACE : I want this job. I can get it. I can get it.
KAREN: Oh, look. Donna Karan's got a new fragrance. Oops. Missed again, Donna. D-K- P-U .
GRACE: Wow. She must have opened with "What about wicker?" She wasn't even in there long enough to show her book.
KAREN: Come on, she didn't have to show him her book. She was wearing a Joan Rivers bee pin. Grace, stop fidgeting. Everything's gonna be fine. Just remember to let me do the talking.
Joan Rivers さんの公式ページご参照まで。
Joan Riversさんのブランド。商品の画像はこちら。こちらのページのsearchbee pinで検索すると彼女の他のbee pin商品もたくさん紹介されています。まあ、ご興味のある方はどうぞ。

NATHAN : Do I know you? Did we meet at Sharon and Todd's for Michael's party?
KAREN: No, I couldn't make it to Sharon and Todd's. But I was at Kate and Adam's for Robert's opening.
NATHAN: I just saw Robert last week at Barbara and Fred's.
KAREN: Oh, I don't even talk to Barbara and Fred anymore. Not since the Eve and Dennis debacle .

KAREN : All right, listen, honey. We can't stand around and chit-chat all day long. Does she have the job or not?
NATHAN: I like you. If you ever find yourself not working for her.
KAREN: Oh, Nate... I find myself not working for her all the time. So, come on, Nate, what's the skinny ?

GRACE : Damn it. Stand! Oh, my God. I can't get the lily to stand up straight.
WILL: Really? Even after you yelled at it? What a disobedient lily. Maybe you should spank it.
GRACE: Maybe you should spank it.
WILL: Hey, Nervous, no one is gonna notice one wayward lily. Relax. He's gonna love the place.

JACK : Aw, somebody's not happy because somebody has to date a pig .
WILL: That's not funny.
JACK: It's not? Wait, let me think about it just for a minute. Yeah, it's pretty funny.
WILL: Yes, I'm having one date with Nathan Berry. But must you find humor in my pain?
find humor in one's pain はnet上でW&Gを除いて6件使われていました。一応、決まった形の表現みたいです。

JACK : Ok, focus. All right? The key to dating the undesirable is visual-eye-zation, all right? Now, it's the end of the evening, and Karen, who is totally smitten with me at this point-- thank you very much-- awaits a good-night smooch.
KAREN: Oh, Lord, Jack, I just reapplied.
JACK: And as she leans in....(動作をしてくれないのでもう一度言って)leaning. Thank you. I don't see Karen. I see "Dawson's Creek" heartthrob James Van Der Beek. This is an image that works for me, ok? Utilizing my powers of concentration I am now able to kiss James.

NATHAN : (ウェイターに)Excuse me, this chicken is in strips. I asked that you cube it. You think you could get it right? I'm here enough. (ウィルに)How tough is it to cube a chicken?
WILL:Well, let's see. Chicken times chicken times chicken...
NATHAN: No, no, no, no, no. Silly doesn't really work for me.
WILL: Good thing I left my whoopee cushion in my other pants.

WILL : So, uh, what are you working on now?
NATHAN: You know what I'm working on. Don't do that. I'm not doing that with you.
WILL: Ok, let's try potent potables for 200. You seen the photography exhibit at Moma?
NATHAN: Oh, come on. Let's not go there. Stay in the moment. You can still win me over. (ウェイターに) Smaller cubes. (ウィルに) So, you're, uh, some kind of a lawyer?
WILL: Oh, come on. Don't do that. Don't go there. I'm not doing that with you.
Let's try potent potables for 200. の訳は「じゃあ、アートクイズやりましょうか」になっていました。おそらく、クイズ番組みたく、potent potablesが選んだパネルでそれが200ポイントのもので、100ポイント的な質問が終わったのでもう少し難しい問題(刺激の強いもの→強いお酒)を試してみる、という表現になったのだと思います。他のご意見のある方はこちらまで→
WILL : Wow, you are arrogant!
NATHAN: Be careful, Will Truman. You wouldn't want to offend me and force me to rethink Grace Adler.
WILL: Are you kidding me with this stuff?! Nobody actually says something like that unless they're twirling a mustache and tying Lillian Gish to the train tracks.
Lillian Gishさんの映画でそうゆうシーンがあったのでしょうが、どの映画のことだか、探せませんでした。Lillian Gishさんの公式ページはこちら。

WILL : Did he fire you?
GRACE: Actually, he doubled my budget.
WILL: He doub-- That's fantastic. That's-- Why are you eating a Ding Dong ?
GRACE: I did something bad.
WILL: Tell me.
GRACE: You don't want to know.
Ding Dongは場所によってKing Dongという名で売られているらしく、ERでも「シカゴではDing Dongって言うけど、バージニアではKing Dongって言ってた」という会話がありました。

GRACE : He said it turned him on the way you were totally direct with him and put him in his place .
WILL: Yeah, well, let me be totally direct with you. I would rather go out with an Ebola-riddled gibbon monkey than this guy. Hell, I'd rather go out with Pat Buchanan than this guy.
GRACE: Will, please, please. Remember how you told me to do whatever it takes to get this job? I'm still doing that.
WILL: I can't believe you're using me like this.
GRACE: Just one more date. By then the only thing he'll want to fluff is the curtains. Oh, come on, Will. I've done things for you that is just as bad as this without even batting an eye.
WILL: Name one.
GRACE: I won't belittle this with examples. Will, Will. Will, please, please. I'm begging. One more date. Please. Unless he wants a third.
WILL: No. Oh, for god's sake, Grace, why don't you just dress me up in fishnet stockings and thigh-high boots?
GRACE: You'd do that?

KAREN : Hey, fellas. Either sweat less or crack a window , huh?
GRACE: I can't believe Will blew this for me. It's so ridiculous. I wasn't prostituting him. All I asked was that he make himself romantically available to somebody he doesn't particularly like so I could make a little money. He wouldn't even do that.
KAREN: Honey, what's going on? Did we get fired?
GRACE: Where have you been? I've been talking about this all day.
KAREN: Oh. Spring Edition. 600 pages. You've been nothing but a series of hoots and clicks to me since breakfast.
GRACE: Well, we haven't officially been fired yet. But Will refuses to go out with Nathan again, so--
KAREN: So he fired you?
GRACE: Well, not yet. But it's--
KAREN: Wait, wait, wait, honey, wait a minute here. Listen, you know how you get a year's supply of Omaha steaks every time you buy a Bentley?
GRACE: Um, no. But I'm very interested in where this synaptic misfire's gonna land.
a series of hoots and clicksで使っているのがありました。おそらく「(キーキーとした)意味が分からない・意味をなさない音」かまたは単に「キーキーといった擬音語」というのをhoots and clicksのフレーズでセットで言うのかなぁと思いました。

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