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アリーmyラブ 第3話(103)
The Kiss
恋愛方程式 Y

あらすじ 顔が老けたという理由で解雇されたアンカーの裁判を担当。彼女と自分の将来の姿を重ね、悩むアリー。ロナルドとデートしてもほっぺにチュだけ。これって。。。
クイズ 「私達、顔で得しているじゃない?」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

Elaine : This is the pair.
Ally : You think?
Elaine : Absolutely. Look, they're tight enough to give you form...but they don't flatten. You see how it both lifts and rounds? Plus, you got some room in the thighs so it doesn't look sprayed on. Oh, yes! This is the pair.
sprayed onは辞書に載っていなく確認がとれていないのですが、webで同じ意味でいくつか使われていました。水などをスプレーでかけられて体にぴったりはりついているイメージなのでしょうか。

Georgia : Anyway, I want you as my co-counsel.
Ally : Me?
Elaine : Her?
Ally : What?
Elaine : Nothing.
Ally : Why me?
Georgia : Because the lawyer defending the station is Jack Billings.
Ally : The Jack Billings?
Georgia : Yeah. I think your being at my table might distract him a little. Plus, you know his rhythms.

Richard : You two, co-counsel?
Ally : Jackie boy loses focus when it turns into sport. And my being at the table, I, I, I think it could work.
when it turns into sportがよく分かりませんでした。訳は「最大の弱みは女だから」になっていました。ご意見お願いします。こちらまで→
Renee : So, you're not going to call this guy to blow him off, because it's going to make you look too interested?
Elaine : That book really works, Renee.
Renee : I bet you use it.
Elaine : And men drip off of me.
drip off ofが辞書等で確認できませんでした。訳は「男が寄ってきちゃって大変」になっています。「こぼれおちるほどいっぱいいる」ということかなぁと思いました。ご存知の方、情報をお願いします。こちらまで→
Ally : Whoof, you're right. He's probably going to consider it a kiss, which means he's probably figuring on kissing me again tonight, and technically, this is our first date and you shouldn't kiss a guy on the first date. You, you just shouldn't.
Renee : You really like this guy.
Ally : I don't know.
Renee : All right. Just go out for drinks. Go to the bar. You'll probably run into some friends that help dilute the pressure. I could, you know, be there, perhaps...
Ally : Would you?
Renee : If you want, Ally.

Jack : How are you doing, Ally? It's good to see you again.
Ally : Thank you.
Jack : Yeah. I'll probably have a little dream about you tonight. You might want to sue me in advance.
Ally : You know, that, that's very funny, Jack, 'cause, um, I had a feeling the other day that you and I might get together and that's exactly where it took place...in your dreams.
Ms. Cooker : Is this normal negotiating?
Georgia : Ally's job is to keep him on tilt.
on tiltは辞書になかったのですが、こちらのサイト
Let's stir him up some and see if we can get him on tilt!
という記述があったので、stir upと同じように受け取りました。(心が)傾いている状態というイメージなのだと思います。

Ally : (thinking)First, there's the smile. Then the laugh. The right kind of laugh can make a man feel interesting and funny. And, and that's what guys love most in women. Somebody who makes them feel engaging. I'm not listening to a word he says, and, and he's not hearing anything I say. He, he's got tow questions: "Does she like me? And will my mother like her?" Mothers love me. He is cute. Okay, this is the part where you just hold his eyes, look right at him, give him a sense of progress. I think I'll nestle in now. Let him smell me. Little smile, little sniff. It's so easy.

Renee : Now, how does jello help?
Ally : I don't know. It just does. When I eat jello I feel better. Don't ask me to reduce it to a science.

Ally : He kissed me before. We, we were dancing close. I mean, most men would have asked to sleep with me. But no, what he did was rude!
Renee : Sleep with you?
Ally : Well, I wouldn't have said yes. But still. What? He can't be a man and just paw me a little? I am a sexual object, for God's sake. He couldn't give me a little grope?

Georgia : And would you please read for the court the highlighted section?
Ms. Cooker : "Crunching the demos, only six percent of the eighteen to thirty-year-old men would care to sleep with her. The number is only slightly higher for the eighteen to forty-five group. Basically, the only men who get a rise out of her are no longer capable of rising."

Ms. Cooker : Obviously, news programming has been perverted by the need to get ratings. I won't deny it.
Jack : If it bleeds, it leads. We've all heard that one. And sex. The news loves to sell sex these day, too, isn't that true, Ms. Cooker?
Ally : Maybe we should object.
Georgia : She can handle herself.
Ms. Cooker : I realize that news shows need to be arresting, exotic, and even sexy. And it always helps to have a pretty face up there. But that still doesn't make it right to fire a person whose job performance is beyond reproach simply because her face begins to show a wrinkle or two.

Jack : In fact, the woman you replaced, she was older, wasn't she?
Ms. Cooker : Yes.
Jack : Good looks and youth cut in your favor 15 years ago, didn't they, Ms. Cooker?
Ms. Cooker : That doesn't make it right.
Jack : But you didn't object then. In fact, you participated in the ageism then by taking the job. And here you sit today. Isn't that wretched hypocrisy, Ms. Cooker?

Georgia : I still can't believe it!
Ally : I should have seen it coming. It was vintage Billings.
Georgia : He argued age discrimination.

Ronald : Ally, I came here to get the truth.
Renee : Just kiss her.
Ally : Renee.
Renee : I've got to go.
Ally : She's a jokester.

Ms. Cooker : Paying me off to walk away isn't honoring the terms. It's not honor at all. I turned away previous offers from competitors who sought to steal me away because I felt I had a fiduciary relationship with this station and with these people. I had a duty of good faith and I honored it.

Ms. Cooker : "Good Faith" is a component of every contract, Mr. Billings.
Jack : So, we say, but let's take the contract to its most organic, to marriage. The court won't go near enforcing fidelity or "Good Faith"in marriage contracts.
Georgia : Objection! This is not a domestic case.
Jack : No, but come on. This plaintiff is asking the court to jump in and enforce fidelity? In TV news?
Judge : You seem to have gotten off the beaten path, Mr. Billings.
Jack : I'm not so sure, Your Honor. Are you married, Ms. Cooker?
Georgia : Objection!
Judge : Short leash, Counsel.

Ally : Where is Barbara?
Elaine : She is in the unisex bathroom. I think she's a little upset with how things are going.
Ally : Oh, well, that will change. They're going to have to put their people up, and I'm going to have to get them. Now it's our turn.

Station : We're a stupid country.
Jack : America?
Station : Land of idiots. The average viewer's attention span is that of a gnat. Hong Kong becomes a free nation. If we give it more than a minute coverage, women flip over to Channel Two to see whether Madonna has bleached her roots. And men, sports, homicides, sex crimes...Anybody follow O.J.?
Jack : Yeah, that sounds pretty cynical, sir.
Station : It doesn't make me feel happy. That woman right there? The finest TV journalist I've ever worked with. Ever! Unfortunately, there wasn't enough buzz on the Internet about wanting to see her naked. It's putrid. I got so frustrated I sent a proposal down to our board of directors, suggesting that we lose anchors altogether and replace them with talking breasts. The proposal was voted down 11 to 9. Land of idiots!
Ally : But you're not like that?
Station : No, I'm not.
Ally : You know better than the rest of the village.
Station : Well, I know for a fix of profundity not to tune into Jerry Springer.
Ally : But you're the one who fired Barbara Cooker.

Ally : You mentioned Jerry Springer. People watch him. Why not use him as your anchorman?
Station : Because I have disc problems in my lower back. I can only stoop to a certain level.
Ally : Jerry Springer would be a stoop?
Station : No, not if we wanted to cover amputee transvestites kissing midgets in order to make their mothers jealous. But If you want a modicum of integrity in your broadcasts...
Ally : And, and if the people wanted to see the kind of person that you just described, you do draw lines?
Station : Yes.
Ally : But you chose not to draw the line when it came to ageism? And if the public let you know that they didn't want a black anchor, the customer would win?
Station : No I'm not a bigot.
Ally : Ageism is a bigotry.
Station : Well, maybe it is. But it's unconscionable to prefer a race or skin color. It isn't to want a prettier or younger face.
Ally : So, now you're defending the public.
Station : No, no.
Ally : Oh, no, no, no, wait. No. The idiots.

Jack : Girls..still looking well.
Georgia : Don't be smug, Jackie. She just scored in there and you know it. The jury likes her. You, they'd like to come at with a meat hook. I'd put up some serious money…fast. The tables are turning...

put upの意味の取り方が分かりませんでした。お金を「払う」かとも思ったのですが、この場面でそれでいいのかどうか。。。訳は「お金用意したほうがいいんじゃない?急いで」です。ご意見お願いします。こちらまで→
Ally : So, what are you saying? That I'm, I'm the kind of person that can never be happy?
Ronald : I think you'll know more happiness than most. You just won't be content.
Ally : (thinking) He's doing this on purpose. Renee's right. There's probably a book of rules for men and he's read it! (out loud) So, um, are you saying this, because you want me to deny it? To make me want you more? (thinking) 'Cause it's working.
Ronald : I'm saying this because you are a great lady. And I don't want to spend my life feeling overmatched.
Ally : (thinking) That's the most flattering thing anybody's ever said to me.

Georgia : Hey, honey!
Billy : Gonna be late?
Georgia : Not too. We're just going over the summation.

Elaine : I, I think for both of you, this trial could be unsettling. You both fall into the "pretty" category, just like Barbara Cooker. And it could be disconcerting to realize that suddenly everything you think you are can just disapear with a wrinkle.
Ally : Thank you for clearing that up, Elaine.
Elaine : Personally, from my standpoint, I think you both have a lot more going for you than looks.
Ally : This is the assistant they give me to ease my day.
Georgia : Yeah. It would be a lot easier to laugh her off if she wasn't a little on the mark. We both get mileage out of our looks.
Ally : And?
Georgia : It's temporary.
Ally : Are you afraid of getting older?
Georgia : I, I'm afraid of growing out of what my husband fell in love with. At least, partly. Afraid of not measuring up to whatever my senior partners saw in me.
Ally : You, you don't really believe that.
Georgia : No. No, I don't. But I don't think Barbara Cooker ever did either.

Jack : Do I like it? Am I happy to be living in a world that prioritizes beauty over content? Look at me. I was the fat boy who had to take his own sister to the prom.
Ally : (thinking) And I bet he tried to cop a feel.
Jack : I'm the guy with a mustache, because my fiends told me the more face I could cover, the better. But that's the real world. In every walk of life, lawyers, journalists, secretaries, pudgy teenagers looking to get one lousy date, looks matter.

Billy : If you want this guy to stick around for a while, if he goes to kiss you, kiss him back.
Ally : That's terrible advice. What? Put out or lose out?
Billy : That's not what I mean.
Ally : What do you mean?
Billy : I mean, if memory serves me, if you kiss him, he may not stay forever, but he won't be running off quick.
Ally : A person isn't a good kisser, Billy. It takes two to…

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