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ダークエンジェル 第9話(113)
The Kidz Are Aiight
ティンガ Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ マンティコアからかろうじて脱出してきたザックはマックスに助けを求めるが、X5の仲間の話をしているのが盗聴器でライデッカーにつつぬけに。危険を皆に知らせなくては。
クイズ 「ザックが寝返ってたらどうする?」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

LYDECKER : Whenever you're ready.
DOCTOR : I don't recommend it. It's too soon to use psychoactives on him again. His system hasn't had time to recover.
LYDECKER : Your concerns are noted. Now let's proceed.

MAX : I'm really sorry, girl. I can't help feeling responsible.
CINDY : Not your fault. You got some hopped-up killing machines gunning for you.
MAX : I can't believe they killed your super.
CINDY : Me, neither. Not that he didn't deserve it. I mean, he was a slumlord and a weasel. Guess I can't blame the folks for wanting me out of the building for bringing in a "bad element."
MAX : First, you lose your job because of me and then your crib...
CINDY : Gig was a bust; crib was a dump. Original Cindy just got to stay strong with the struggle.
MAX : Why don't you crash at my place?
CINDY : Thanks, but I don't want to impose.
MAX : You're not. Kendra moved into her cop boyfriend's love nest so there's plenty of room.
CINDY : You sure?
MAX : We'll move you in at lunch.

(at Max's)
MAX : I'm telling you we're just a couple of friends getting together for dinner.
(at Logan's)
LOGAN : Anything more than that is a surefire way too ruin a nice friendship.
BLING : Whatever you say but I'm clearing out of here just the same.
(at Max's)
CINDY : If you're not coming home, could you just call so I don't worry?

MAX : He's hiding in the woods near Manticore. I have to get to him before they find him.
LOGAN : No, those woods are going to be crawling with Lydecker's men.
MAX : I'm going, Logan. I owe it to him.
LOGAN : Okay. Say you make it past the sector checkpoint. Say you even manage to get to him. What makes you think you can slip through a Manticore dragnet and get back out?
MAX : We did it once and we were just kids then.

SECTOR POLICE : Contraband check. Shut her down. We got to search the whole rig.

Lydecker : No one can resist torture indefinitely. Not even you. The mind is infinitely pliable. You will reveal what you know.
Young Max : 4-5-9-7-4-2-3-5-6-9-4...
Lydecker : Memories can be buried... Obfuscated.
Young Max : 7-3-7-1-1-9...
Lydecker : You can learn to forget what you know, your own name, your own barcode...
Young Max : 5-4-9-7-4-2-3-5-6-9-4...
Lydecker : ..by deliberately flooding your mind with disinformation. You can so confuse your memory that you can't reveal the truth. Is this your barcode? Answer me.

MAX : It's okay. Sleep. I'm going to head up the road. There's a gas station nearby. I'll get us some food. If I don't come back by sundown, keep going. Find the others.

MAN : This "eyes only" is a pain-in-the-ass do-gooder, but smart.
LYDECKER : But the question is, why is he trying to help... my kids?
MAN : I don't know. It's not the sort of thing he usually gets into.
LYDECKER : When all of this is over... I want you to find out who this clown is.

MAX : Guess I won't be invited to the next x5 reunion.
ZACK : You're too reckless, Max. I couldn't risk giving it to you. What if you got caught and Lydecker got it out of you?
MAX : I'm too much of a liability to be trusted, is that it?
ZACK : If you want to get on board with the way I do things it's not too late. First step though is leaving Seattle. I didn't think so. Especially not now.
MAX : What are you talking about?
ZACK : I'm talking about miracle boy over there.

LYDECKER : What's the sitrep?
SOLDIER : She was last seen headed this way. We've secured the area. I've got men posted all along the perimeter. She's in here somewhere.
LYDECKER : Do you know what she looks like?
SOLDIER : From when she applied for work at the bakery.
LYDECKER : All right, I want a point-to-point search with tasers only. I want her alive.

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