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ダークエンジェル 第11話(119)
Hit A Sista Back
Jr. Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 身を隠したティンガの安否を心配し何も知らない夫は行方不明の広告を出す。それに気づいたマックスは危険が迫っていると警告するが彼はとりあおうともしない。ふたりの身を案じマックスは救出に向かう。
クイズ 「そんなことをしたら奴の思うつぼだ」ってどう言う?  答えはこちら。

MAX : What the hell are you doing?
CINDY : Exfoliating--deep-cleaning pores, sloughing off dead skin cells and clarifying areas of hyperpigmentation.
MAX : All before 9:00 A.M.?
CINDY : You should give it a try, girl. Your face could use a little freshening.
MAX : What's wrong with my face?
CINDY : Nothing except it's all clogged up and tired and dull.
MAX : It is?
CINDY : We live in a dirty world, boo. It can play havoc with a girl's complexion.
MAX : Well, what's in that stuff?
CINDY : Milk, oatmeal, rosemary, hibiscus, a half an egg, some vitamin A that I caged from Normal's private stash when he wasn't looking and some horsetail, for microcirculation. I'm going to whip you up a batch so you can start the new day with your skin all hydrated and glistening.
"dead skin cells"って言えるんですね。

TINGA : Did you get any recon?
MAX : Lydecker's set up on the apartment. Got people on the outside of the building. Probably on the inside, too.
TINGA : Are you strapped?
MAX : I don't do guns.

MADAME X : Fill me in now.
LYDECKER : We're keeping our man covered 24-7. I'm personally taking point on the boy.
MADAME X : Is the child of any interest to us?
LYDECKER : He's showing signs of accelerated motor control as well as heightened spatial recognition and advanced logical thinking.
MADAME X : Really?
take pointダークエンジェル第3話参照。

LYDECKER : In a few hours, the convulsions will start. They'll call back.
MADAME X : You're not really going to give up the boy?
LYDECKER : You try something with these kids you'll end up with nothing. Besides, it's the mother we're interested in. From what we can tell from the child's DNA there's something about her genetic makeup that allows her to pass along traits to her offspring.
MADAME X : The goose that laid the golden egg.
LYDECKER : Once she's back...we can make a hundred more like him.

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