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ニキータ 第57話(313)
Beyond the Pale
切ない逃避行 Y

Full Transcript

あらすじ 戦略指揮官への昇進を逃したマイケルはニキータと共に逃亡を図るが。。。
クイズ 「それがどうしたって言うんだ?」ってどう言う?  答えはリスト内にあるよ。

今回のタイトル beyond the pale

Operations : Thank you for your input .

Operations : I hear you made some progress on the Vincent Tomas situation.
Michael: Yes. I believe we’ve located the nucleus of his operation. I’ve gone over the layout with Birkoff.

Operations : For the past six months, there’s been a sharp increase in Red Cell activities. We believe that Vincent Tomas has taken the helm in Europe and is responsible for the escalation. He’s operating as he did in Asia, using a well concealed mobile cell to communicate with a number of satellite substations. Tactically, we have to strike all locations simultaneously to keep one from informing the other. Zalman, our new Head Strategist will coordinate the strike from inside Section. Michael will lead the cell team in the field. Any further questions will be directed to Zalman.
Zalman: Michael! I just wanted you to know that I studied all your files, and I have nothing but respect for the work that you’ve done here. I’m really looking forward to having you as my point man.

Zalman : Status report. Do you have Tomas?
Michael: Condition blue. The location is clear.
Zalman: You didn’t find anything?
Michael voice: Looks like they pulled out within the last twenty-four hours.

Zalman : Walter!
Walter: Yeah.
Zalman: Get out here! A field router…
Walter: What about it?
Zalman: Check your inventory.
Walter: You’re right. One is missing. Someone must have taken it.
Zalman: Just so that you fully understand how I work here. I don’t tolerate mistakes.
Walter: Then, don’t make one bigger than you already have!

Zalman : I will find out what happened.
Operations: Oh, I’ll tell you what happened. Michael left because I passed him over for you, and he took Nikita with him. You should have anticipated that variable.
Zalman: We’ll find them.

Zalman : You will answer me, Walter, or we can start this whole procedure right from the top.
Walter: I did answer you.
Madeline: How far are you going to let Zalman take this?

Nikita : How’d you find this place?
Michael: I saw it when we were doing aerial reconnaissance . I noticed it because it was over 50 kilometers from a population zone.

Nikita : I didn’t realize you had such talent in the kitchen , Michael.
Michael: There’s still a lot of things you don’t know about me. Maybe it’s time you learned.

Nikita : You know, I couldn’t get that window closed today.
Michael: I’ve got to go into town tomorrow and get some things. I’ll pick up a new latch .
Nikita: So we’ll be cold tonight then.

Operations : What’s so important?
Madeline: I reviewed the psyche file on both Michael and Nikita. I’m not convinced they’re renegade .
Operations: They took the router. That’s how they escaped.
Madeline: Maybe this was motivated externally.
Operations: Extortion?
Madeline: Perhaps. In any case, my instincts tell me that this wasn’t a collaboration. Michael’s up to something.
Operations: What are your suggestions?
Madeline: If their actions are being controlled, let’s find out who it is, before we walk into a trap.
Operations: Interesting. Thank you.
What are your suggestions?って複数形で言っていますね。

Birkoff : Closest I can place them is they’re still in Belgium. Yeah, southeast of Brussels.
Zalman: This is reliable?
Birkoff: Factoring in the distortion, there’s an error radius of 16 kilometers. It’s the best we’re going to get.

Zalman : I know you hate me, Michael. I mean, when you’re someone like me, you try not to be too concerned what other people think. So hate me. Until your dying breath if you must. But, you may not want to take that dying breath until you’re absolutely sure that your son is safe from the likes of me.

Nikita : You killed your own team!
Zalman: Not my team. Now where is the field router?
Nikita: You’re Red Cell.
Zalman: You know what they say… Don’t give up your day job .

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