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ロズウェル 第8話(107)
Blood Brothers
疑惑 Y
Full Transcript

あらすじ リズとドライブ中に事故にあい、マックスは病院に運ばれ、血液検査を受けることに。正体がばれることを恐れ、アレックスの血とすりかえたのだが、アレックスの疑惑は深まるばかり。
ファンサイト For Roswellians in Japan
クイズ 「これで俺達の友情も終わりだ」ってどう言う? 答えはこちら。

LIZ : Oh, my God. I love this song.
MAX : Me, too.
LIZ : (thinking) Have you ever had a moment when you're with the one person in the world you want to be with and the wind is blowing through your hair and the song that just describes your entire soul happens to come on, and then the person that you want to be with happens to love the same song and suddenly you realize you're listening to it together? And that no matter how crazy your life has gotten there's this one moment...this perfect moment...where you could just say that no matter what happens, nothing can take this moment away from me...

DOCTOR : What do we have?
PARAMEDIC : 16 year old male. Victim of an MVA with a blunt head trauma and a loss of consciousness. GCS 2-3-4. BP 124 over 84, pulse 90, respiratory rate 16.

MOSS : There was a blood test. It came back normal. I think something might've happened.
TOPOLSKY : What do you mean?
MOSS : Well, there were 5 of them. And they kept coming in and out of his room a lot.
TOPOLSKY : Doing what?
MOSS : I'm not sure. But they brought another one in. Tall kid, kind of wiry.
MOSS : I think they switched blood samples.

KYLE : You know what hurts the most? It's that she sent the B-team. I mean, you. Not even Maria. Tell you what, Alex. I'm gonna send you back to headquarters with a little message. You can tell Liz that i'm tired of being lied to. She's not the girl I thought she was, and she's turned into some kind of...
ALEX : Stranger?
KYLE : Oh, you're good. That whole simpatico tactic. Sorry, but this fish won't swallow that bait. You really think I'm gonna believe that Liz didn't let you in on her little secret? I'm not that stupid.

LIZ : So I guess I'll just see you after school at the Crashdown. Hey. Um, maybe you could stay for dinner. You know, Blue Moon Burger, Saturn Rings, and a Mercury Milkshake for $3.99.
MAX : Sounds tempting. But I should probably get home. Mom thinks I'm still recuperating.

MARIA : What exactly are you looking for?
MICHAEL : ID maybe? Something to tell us about this guy?
MARIA : Luggage tags.
MICHAEL : No tags.
MARIA : You know, um, toiletries say a lot about a man, which, by the way, you should take note of, but I'm guessing you will have more luck by the phone. You know, notepads, messages, that sort of thing.
MICHAEL : Just keep looking out the window, would you?
MARIA : Listen. Any baby-sitter worth her salt knows that the best place to look is in the garbage can. It's always revealing.

LIZ : I am sorry, Alex, for everything.
ALEX : Got that off your chest now?
LIZ : Now look, Alex, I just...I need to make sure that you haven't told anybody anything about the hospital. You know, about that... about that drug thing.
ALEX : Look, are we all covering for Max now? Is that it? I mean, me and Kyle…
LIZ : Kyle? No. Alex...Kyle??
ALEX : Well, he knows, too, doesn't he? Look, how long do you think you can keep something like this a secret before it all blows up in your face and...

MARIA : He's not a snitch. Besides, he doesn't know anything to tell. Does he?
MAX : Liz told him we were into drugs. Just to get him to stop asking questions.
ISABEL : Great. That'll be a lot easier to explain to mom and dad.
MAX : He's not gonna say anything.
LIZ : He's not gonna say anything.
MARIA : Right.
MICHAEL : Stick a fork in us, Maxwell. We're done.

ALEX : Hey, you wanted to see me?
TOPOLSKY : Close the door, Alex. Sit down.
ALEX : I've got chorale in a few minutes, so, uh..
TOPOLSKY : I know, Alex. I know everything.
ALEX : Wh...what's everything?
TOPOLSKY : The hospital. The blood test. What you did for Max and why. I don't have to tell you how serious this is. I can help you. I have friends, Alex. They can be your friends, too.

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